MCL - Section 46.51

Act 182 of 1943

46.51 Finance committee of board of supervisors in counties under 75,000; appointment, terms, vacancies.

Sec. 1.

     Boards of supervisors in counties, having a population of less than 75,000 and not having a board of county auditors, may provide by resolution for the appointment of a committee consisting of not less than 3 nor more than 5, who shall be members of said board of supervisors, to be known as the finance committee. Upon the adoption of such resolution by a board of supervisors, and at the first regular meeting in each year thereafter, a finance committee shall be appointed by the chairman of said board of supervisors as herein authorized, and when ratified by a majority vote of all members of said board, shall hold office for the term of 1 year. Should a vacancy in the committee occur from death, resignation or otherwise, of any member thereof, the chairman of the board of supervisors shall forthwith make an appointment to fill such vacancy and such appointment shall be confirmed at the next meeting of said board of supervisors.

History: 1943, Act 182, Eff. July 30, 1943 ;-- CL 1948, 46.51