MCL - 451-1994-III-3-4-637

Act 451 of 1994
Part 637
Document Type Description
Section 324.63701 Section Definitions.
Section 324.63702 Section Sand dune mining permit within critical dune area; “adjacent” defined.
Section 324.63703 Section Great Lakes sand dune areas; comprehensive study and inventory.
Section 324.63704 Section Sand dune mining; permit; requirements.
Section 324.63705 Section Environmental impact statement.
Section 324.63706 Section Progressive cell-unit mining and reclamation plan; sand dune mining permit; requirements.
Section 324.63707 Section Fifteen-year mining plan; submission of duplicate copy of cell-unit mining and reclamation plan.
Section 324.63708 Section Sand dune mining permit; duration; renewal; contents; reasons for permitting removal of barrier dune; list of pending applications.
Section 324.63709 Section Denial of sand dune mining permit.
Section 324.63710 Section Extraction of sand or other minerals by state.
Section 324.63711 Section Assessment of fee for surveillance, monitoring, administration, and enforcement of part; disposition of unexpended fees; annual report of operator; confidentiality; failure to submit annual report; penalty for unpaid fee; records; annual report of department.
Section 324.63712 Section Conformance bond; reclassification of active cell-unit to interim cell-unit; notice of completion or acceptance of reclamation activity; compliance or approval required for mining or extraction; violation as grounds for revocation of permit.
Section 324.63713 Section Rules.
Section 324.63714 Section Suspension or revocation of permit; restraining order, injunction, or other appropriate remedy; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.