MCL - 368-1978-5-52

Act 368 of 1978
Part 52
Document Type Description
Section 333.5201 Section Definitions and principles of construction.
Section 333.5203 Section Warning notice generally.
Section 333.5204 Section Request for testing made by officer, employee, or individual making lawful arrest; procedures; rules; definitions.
Section 333.5205 Section Failure or refusal to comply with warning notice; petition; hearing; notice; waiver; orders; recommendation and duties of commitment review panel and circuit court; appeal to circuit court; termination or continuation of commitment; cost of implementing order; right to counsel; appeal to court of appeals; leaving facility or refusal to undergo testing for certain infections as contempt.
Section 333.5207 Section Protection of public health in emergency; affidavit; court order; taking individual into custody; transporting individual to emergency care or treatment facility; temporary detention; notice of hearing; continued temporary detention; petition.
Section 333.5209 Section Power not limited.
Section 333.5210 Section Intercourse with specific intent or reckless disregard to infect with HIV; felony; violations as misdemeanor.
Section 333.5211-333.5269 Section Repealed. 1988, Act 491, Eff. Mar. 30, 1989.