MCL - 332-1965-3

Act 332 of 1965
Part 3

Document Type Description
Section 445.1301 Section Finance charges.
Section 445.1302 Section Division of transaction prohibited.
Section 445.1303 Section Payment of contract in full before maturity; refund credit.
Section 445.1304 Section Scheduled payments; extension of due date; deferral charge.
Section 445.1305 Section Refinancing payment of unpaid balance; refinance charge, computation; refinancing agreement, consolidation of contracts.
Section 445.1306 Section Add-on sales; optional contract provisions; finance charges, insurance.
Section 445.1307 Section Finance charge; computation, maximum sale.
Section 445.1308 Section Subsequent sale; memorandum, contents.
Section 445.1309 Section Optional method of computing finance charge.