MCL - 317-1969-1

Act 317 of 1969
Chapter 1
Document Type Description
Section 418.101 Section Short title.
Section 418.111 Section Persons subject to act.
Section 418.115 Section Employers covered; private employers; agricultural employers; medical and hospital coverage.
Section 418.118 Section Domestic servants.
Section 418.119 Section Licensed real estate salesperson or associate real estate broker as employee.
Section 418.120 Section Employee of franchisee as employee of franchisor.
Section 418.121 Section Private employers; voluntary assumption of coverage.
Section 418.125 Section Consistent discharges to evade act; presumption, penalty.
Section 418.131 Section Exclusive remedy; exception; “employee” and “employer” defined.
Section 418.141 Section Employee; action for personal injury or death, defenses abolished.
Section 418.151 Section Employers subject to act.
Section 418.155 Section Agricultural employer; definition.
Section 418.161 Section “Employee” defined; exclusion from coverage of partner or spouse, child, or parent in employer's family; election by employee to be excluded; notice of election; duration of elected exclusion.
Section 418.171 Section Employer contracting with person not subject to act; liability; applicability of section to principal and contractor; willful circumvention of provisions; employer as contractor; reimbursement agreement.