Act 300 of 1949
Document Type Description
Section 257.811 Section Fees for operator's license, chauffeur's license, or minor's restricted license; renewal; refund to county or municipality; traffic law enforcement and safety fund; operator's license issued to persons under 18 years of age or licensed in another state; person on active military service at time of expiration; renewal rate; exception for late fees during 2021.
Section 257.811a Section Motorcycle safety course; conducting; amount and use of fees; duties of secretary of state; rules; designation, qualifications, and funding of state coordinator of motorcycle safety education program; annual inspections; fulfillment of waiver requirement; audit.
Section 257.811b Section Motorcycle safety course conducted by private business enterprise; rules; fulfillment of waiver requirement.
Section 257.811c Section Repealed. 2006, Act 562, Eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
Section 257.811d Section Definitions; fund-raising registration plate; requirements; design or logo by university or other person; written agreement.
Section 257.811e Section Fund-raising plate.
Section 257.811f Section Fund-raising plate; issuance; application; donation, tax, and fee; renewal; personalized fund-raising plate; disabled person's plate; expiration; temporary registration permit.
Section 257.811g Section Collector plate; display; purchase; ceasing sale.
Section 257.811h Section Disposition of service fee collections; separate accounts; disbursement; ceasing issuance of fund-raising plate; ownership of right, title, and interest; royalty fee; report
Section 257.811i Section Plates recognizing water quality; collection of donations; creation of water quality protection fund; definitions.
Section 257.811j Section Children's trust fund-raising plate or collector plate; collection of donations.
Section 257.811k Section Michigan lighthouse preservation grant fund; creation and expenditure of fund; annual accounting; grant awards; transfer and disposition of collected donations; "state historic preservation office" defined.
Section 257.811l Section Critical nongame wildlife habitat fund-raising plate and collector plate; collection of donations; transfer and disposition.
Section 257.811m Section Plates recognizing Michigan veterans memorial; donations.
Section 257.811n Section Agricultural heritage; fund-raising donations; collection; transfer and disbursement.
Section 257.811o Section American pride; design; transfer and disbursement; proud to be American fund; report.
Section 257.811p Section Olympic education-training center; design; logo; transfer and disbursement.
Section 257.811q Section Support for our troops; design; transfer and disbursement; support our troops fund; report.
Section 257.811r Section Fund-raising plate; boy scouts of America; fund.
Section 257.811s Section Thomas Daley gift of life fund; creation; deposit of money or other assets; money remaining at close of fiscal year; transfer; administration for auditing purposes; expenditures; "fund" defined.
Section 257.811t Section Fund-raising plate recognizing anatomical gift donation.
Section 257.811v Section Fund-raising plate and matching collector plate; ducks unlimited.
Section 257.811w Section Ducks unlimited fund; creation; investment; disbursement.
Section 257.811x Section Fund-raising plate recognizing Michigan breast and cervical cancer control program.
Section 257.811y Section Amanda's fund for breast cancer prevention and treatment; transfer of donation money from sale of fund-raising plates; summary of expenditures; "Michigan breast and cervical cancer control program" defined.
Section 257.811z Section Fund-raising plate recognizing be the match; be the match fund; creation; transfer of donation money; disbursement; state treasurer as administrator; expenditure.
Section 257.811aa Section Sickle cell anemia awareness fund and fund-raising plate; collection of donations; transfer and disposition.
Section 257.811bb Section Plates recognizing Michigan veterans; donations; Michigan veterans engagement fund; creation; administrator; money remaining in fund at close of fiscal year; disbursement to Michigan veterans affairs agency; expenditures.
Section 257.811cc Section Fund-raising plate recognizing Detroit Red Wings.
Section 257.811dd Section Fund-raising plate recognizing Detroit Tigers.
Section 257.811ee Section Fund-raising plate recognizing Detroit Lions.
Section 257.811ff Section Fund-raising plate recognizing Detroit Pistons.
Section 257.811hh Section Fund-raising plate; recognizing sickle cell anemia education and treatment; sickle cell anemia awareness fund.
Section 257.811ii.added Section Michigan 4-H fund-raising plate.
Section 257.811jj.added Section Michigan 4-H Foundation fund.
Section 257.812 Section Fee for duplicate or corrected license; renewal.