MCL - 300-1949-VIA

Act 300 of 1949
Chapter VIA
Document Type Description
Section 257.790 Section Operation of bicycle or vehicle on streetcar track; removal, overtaking, and passing; requirements; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791 Section Use of street railway system or streetcar; prohibitions; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791a Section Occupancy and use of a street railway system station; violation as a civil infraction; "shared station" defined.
Section 257.791b Section Smoking prohibited within or on streetcar or station; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791c Section Animals, other than service or qualified animals prohibited on or in streetcar or station; violation as civil infraction; definitions.
Section 257.791d Section Food and beverages prohibited on or within a streetcar or station; exceptions; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791e Section Disposal of garbage prohibited on or in a streetcar or station; violation as a civil infraction.
Section 257.791f Section Oversized baggage or commercial shopping cart prohibited on or within a streetcar or station.
Section 257.791g Section Disruptive conduct prohibited; live music permit; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.792 Section Removal of bicycle, vehicle, cargo, or other personal property blocking, delaying, or interfering with movement of streetcar; liability; "gross negligence" defined; reimbursement by owner or carrier; definitions.
Section 257.793 Section Powers, immunities, and authority of law enforcement officers; sworn oath of office; monthly uniform crime reports.