Act 300 of 1949
Document Type Description
Section 257.667 Section Stopping at railroad grade crossing; driving through, around, or under crossing gate or barrier; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.667a Section Installation and use of unmanned traffic monitoring devices at railroad grade crossing; civil infraction; evidence; diagnostic study team review required where fatality at public railroad grade crossing; exception.
Section 257.668 Section Designating certain grade crossings as "stop" crossings or "yield" crossings; signs; duties of driver; cost of yield sign installations; action for negligence; exception for on-track equipment; failure to stop or yield as civil infraction.
Section 257.669 Section Vehicles required to activate hazard warning lights and stop at railroad track grade crossing; driver to listen and look in both directions; shifting gears prohibited; exceptions; "inactive railroad track" defined; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.669a Section Federal motor carrier safety regulations; adoption; transportation of persons and property over railroad-highway grade crossings.
Section 257.670 Section Operating or moving certain vehicles or equipment upon or across steam railroad tracks at grade level; notice of intended crossing; stopping, listening, and looking; warning; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.671 Section Designation of through highways; designation of stop, yield, or merge intersections; stop, yield, or merge signs; violation as civil infraction.