MCL - 283-1909-XV

Act 283 of 1909
Chapter XV
Document Type Description
Section 235.1 Section Drain in public highway; release of right-of-way, damages.
Section 235.2 Section Drain in public highways; bridges and culverts; construction strength, apportionment and payment of cost, maintenance by property owner.
Section 235.3 Section Open drain in highways; consent of commissioner, location, disposition of earth.
Section 235.4 Section Open drain in highway; drain commissioner to apportion costs.
Section 235.5 Section Drain across adjacent land; acquisition of right-of-way, approval of board, deed.
Section 235.6 Section Report to township electors; contents; highway drain fund, use of surplus.
Section 235.7 Section Report on construction; contents, filing; powers limited to highway drainage.
Section 235.8 Section Failure to secure right-of-way; application to drain commissioner, procedure; jurisdiction.
Section 235.8a Section Detour roads; expense.