Act 206 of 1893
Document Type Description
Section 211.34 Section Determination of county equalized value; conducting business at public meeting; notice of meeting; advising local taxing units of increased equalized value; reduction of maximum authorized millage rate; examination of assessment rolls to ascertain equal and uniform assessment of real and personal property; equalization procedure; establishment of department to survey assessments and assist board of commissioners; appeal to state tax tribunal; authority of agent to file and sign petition for appeal.
Section 211.34a Section Tabular statement of tentative equalization ratios and estimated multipliers; preparation; publication; copies, notices; effect on equalization procedures; appeal.
Section 211.34b Section Joint equalization department; establishment; duties.
Section 211.34c Section Classification of assessable property; tabulation of assessed valuations; transmittal of tabulation and other statistical information; description; buildings on leased land as improvements; total usage of parcel which includes more than 1 classification; notice to assessor and protest of assigned classification; decision; petition; arbitration; determination final and binding; appeal by department; construction of section; separate assessment roll for certain property.
Section 211.34d Section Definitions; tabulation of tentative taxable value; computation of amounts; calculation of millage reduction fraction; transmittal of computations; delivery of signed statement; certification; tax levy; limitation on number of mills; application of millage reduction fraction or limitation; voter approval of tax levy; incorrect millage reduction fraction; recalculation and rounding of fractions; publication of inflation rate; permanent reduction in maximum rates.
Section 211.34e Section Millage reduction fraction; calculation; application to local school district millage.