Act 206 of 1893
Document Type Description
Section 211.24 Section Property tax assessment roll; time; use of computerized database system.
Section 211.24a Section Tax rolls; preparation by county; expense.
Section 211.24b Section Assessment based on taxable value; application.
Section 211.24c Section Notice of increase in tentative state equalized valuation or tentative taxable value; contents; required information and forms; addressing and mailing assessment notice; effect of failure to send or receive assessment notice; calculation of tentative equalized valuation; model assessment notice form; statement; separate statement.
Section 211.24d Section Structures or improvements approved for acquisition by governmental units; exemption; affidavit; false statement; notice of reoccupancy; noncompliance; condition for exemption.
Section 211.24e Section Definitions; levying ad valorem property taxes for operating purposes; limitation; reduction; approving levy of additional millage rate; change in state equalized valuation of local governmental unit resulting from appeal; insufficiency of additional millage rate; public hearing; notice; establishing proposed additional millage rate before public hearing; calculating reductions in millage rates; amount used for substance abuse treatment programs; distribution to coordinating agency; applicability of section; effect of MCL 380.1211.
Section 211.24f Section Proposal authorizing bond issuance or millage rate; ballot; maximum number of elections; submitting single question on renewal and additional millage.
Section 211.25 Section Description of real property.
Section 211.25a Section Real estate index number system.
Section 211.26 Section Tax roll; description of personal property.
Section 211.27 Section "True cash value" defined; considerations in determining value; indicating exclusions from true cash value on assessment roll; subsection (2) applicable only to residential property; repairs considered normal repairs, replacement, and maintenance; exclusions from real estate sales data; classification as agricultural real property; "present economic income" defined; applicability of subsection (5); "nonprofit cooperative housing corporation" defined; value of transferred property; "purchase price" defined; additional definitions; "standard tool" defined.
Section 211.27a Section Property tax assessment; determining taxable value; adjustment; exception; "transfer of ownership" defined; qualified agricultural property; notice of transfer of property; notification of recorded transaction; definitions.
Section 211.27b Section Failure to notify assessing office; adjustment.
Section 211.27b.amended Section Failure to notify assessing office; adjustment; taxes, interest, and penalties; personal liability.
Section 211.27c Section Failure to notify assessing office; action to be taken by taxing unit.
Section 211.27d Section Report by county equalization director.
Section 211.27e Section Reports; transmission of information from affidavits; definitions.