MCL - Index of Chapter 247

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Chapter 247 HIGHWAYS
Act 130 of 1931 Repealed-CONSOLIDATION OF TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY ROAD SYSTEMS (247.1 - 247.13)
Act 1 of 1937 (Ex. Sess.) Repealed-SNOW REMOVAL ON COUNTY ROADS (247.21 - 247.25)
Act 174 of 1921 Repealed-WATERWAYS ON OVERFLOWED LANDS (247.31 - 247.33)
Section 247.41 Highway bordering on lake or stream; abandonment, discontinuation, alteration, or vacation.
Section 247.42 Highway bordering on lake or stream; application signed by landowners.
Section 247.43 Highway bordering on lake or stream; hearing; notice; publication; posting; service.
Section 247.44 Highway bordering on lake or stream; court order; operation and maintenance of property; effect of noncompliance with subsection (3); reopening road ending; closure; initiation of proceedings.
Section 247.45 Highway bordering on lake or stream; appeal.
Section 247.46 “Adjacent” and “highway” defined.
Act 184 of 1917 Repealed-NOXIOUS WEEDS, WILD GRASS, OR FOUL SEEDS (247.51 - 247.52)
Act 359 of 1941 NOXIOUS WEEDS (247.61 - 247.72)
Section 247.61 Commissioner of noxious weeds; appointment, term, removal, report.
Section 247.62 Noxious weeds; definition.
Section 247.62.amended Noxious weeds; definition; exclusion of milkweed.
Section 247.63 Noxious weeds; eradication; duty of commissioner.
Section 247.64 Destruction of noxious weeds; duty of owner, commissioner, agent, and department of natural resources and environment; notice; ordinance; resolution; expenses; lien; penalty; exceptions; action in court of claims.
Section 247.64a Cutting of weeds by township, city, or village; publication of notice; charging cost to owner; provisions inapplicable to railroads.
Section 247.65 Noxious weeds; means of eradication; limitation of expense.
Section 247.66 Noxious weeds; prosecution of violators of act.
Section 247.67 Commissioner; annual report, contents.
Section 247.68 Department of agriculture; duty to enforce law; cooperation with commissioners.
Section 247.69 Board of supervisors; auditing accounts of commissioner; payment.
Section 247.70 County board of commissioners; appropriation; powers; penalties; jurisdiction.
Section 247.71 Railroads; failure to comply, penalty.
Section 247.72 Highways; noxious weeds; duty of officials to prevent growth.
Act 227 of 1933 Repealed-ABOLITION OF BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS (247.101 - 247.103)
Act 253 of 1917 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL FUND TO COUNTY ROAD FUND (247.121 - 247.121)
Section 247.121 Transfer of surplus funds.
Act 202 of 1925 Repealed-TOWNSHIP ROADS (247.131 - 247.142)
Act 220 of 1925 Repealed-STATE REWARD ROADS; BONDS (247.151 - 247.151)
Act 195 of 1929 Repealed-STATE REWARD ROADS; LIMITATION (247.161 - 247.161)
Section 247.171 Encroachments; removal order, service; temporary permit.
Section 247.171a Rights-of-way, bridges, towers, and welcome centers; use to provide travel-related information through electronic technologies.
Section 247.172 Encroachments; removal by commissioner, penalty, expense charged to occupant, collection by tax; limitation.
Section 247.173 Encroachments; denied, notice to commissioner; trespass action.
Section 247.174 Trespass action; brought by commissioner.
Section 247.175 Trespass action; pleadings and trial.
Section 247.176 Trespass action; trial and verdict.
Section 247.177 Trespass action; trial and appeal.
Section 247.178 Encroachment; removal by commissioner; penalty on owner or occupant for neglect.
Section 247.179 Encroachment; removal, interference, penalty.
Section 247.180 Loose obstructions, logs, or wood; notice to remove; removal; removal by commissioner, sale; proceeds, disposition.
Section 247.181 Loose obstructions, logs, or wood; no value, compensation for removing.
Section 247.182 Obstructions; road fence if dangerous, penalty.
Section 247.183 Public utilities, cable television companies, broadband companies, and municipalities; construction and maintenance of structures; consent of governing body; construction and maintenance of utility lines and structures longitudinally within limited access highway rights-of-way; standards; charges; use of revenue; relocation permit; use of electronic devices within limited access and rights-of-way to provide travel-related information.
Section 247.184 Consent of county or state to construction.
Section 247.184a Surveillance of occupied manhole; exceptions; training and duties of second employee.
Section 247.185 Paramount rights of public; injury to trees and shrubs; regulation of rights.
Section 247.186 Public utility; placing poles, fixtures, wires, or cables.
Section 247.187 Encroachments; removal, expense of removal by commissioner.
Section 247.188 Obstructions to traffic; moving; permit, bond; penalty.
Section 247.189 Repealed. 2020, Act 264, Eff. Mar. 29, 2021.
Section 247.190 Width of highway; encroachment does not give right to land.
Section 247.191 Act inapplicable to encroachments and obstructions erected under MCL 257.1701 et seq.
Act 393 of 1913 PRIVATE ROADS (247.201 - 247.201)
Section 247.201 Private roads; ingress and egress, application.
Act 172 of 1915 ROADS TO ISOLATED LANDS (247.211 - 247.211)
Section 247.211 Isolated lands; road established, width, record.
Act 283 of 1921 TEMPORARY HIGHWAYS (247.221 - 247.221)
Section 247.221 Temporary road for transportation of forest products.
Act 36 of 1919 Repealed-PLANTING OF TREES (247.231 - 247.235)
Act 2 of 1921 (1st Ex. Sess.) TREES AND SHRUBS (247.241 - 247.242)
Section 247.241 Trees or shrubs; unlawful cutting, destruction; penalty.
Section 247.242 Trees or shrubs; planting and protection.
Act 357 of 1913 Repealed-CLAIMS FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS (247.251 - 247.251)
Act 75 of 1929 Repealed-TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY AND BRIDGE FUNDS (247.261 - 247.264)
Act 108 of 1925 Repealed-MARKING HIGHWAYS; SIGNS (247.271 - 247.281)
Act 165 of 1917 CLOSING ROADS UNDER CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR (247.291 - 247.293)
Section 247.291 Closing highways or bridges for construction or repair; barriers.
Section 247.291a Barrier requirements; closure of freeways or bridges; exception.
Section 247.291b Definitions.
Section 247.292 Closing of highways or bridges for construction or repair; detours, notices, removal of barriers on completion of work.
Section 247.293 Refusal to provide barriers; penalty.
Act 186 of 1937 Repealed-TRAFFIC SIGNS, SIGNALS, AND GUIDE POSTS (247.301 - 247.306)
Section 247.311 Highways; definition.
Section 247.312 Automatic or mechanically operated barricading devices.
Section 247.313 Barricading devices on highway; automatic; warning signs, size, wording, distance.
Section 247.314 Barricading devices; expense.
Act 200 of 1969 DRIVEWAYS, BANNERS, AND PARADES (247.321 - 247.329)
Section 247.321 Driveways, banners and parades on highways; definitions.
Section 247.322 Permit; requirement, local ordinances.
Section 247.323 Permits to temporarily close highway and for banners, decorations, or similar objects; issuance; requests; arrangements for handling highway traffic; section inapplicable to racing event.
Section 247.324 Permit; driveways; rules.
Section 247.325 Rules; local adoption.
Section 247.326 Permit; issuance requirements; revocation.
Section 247.327 Correction of driveway in violation of rules; applicability; notice; failure to correct; reimbursement; "constructed or reconstructed" defined.
Section 247.328 Construction of act.
Section 247.329 Authorization of city or village to issue permits with respect to state trunk line highways; conditions; permit issued by city pursuant to MCL 257.1701 et seq.
Act 96 of 1959 BUS PASSENGER SHELTERS (247.331 - 247.336)
Section 247.331 Bus passenger shelters; definitions.
Section 247.332 Bus passenger shelters; construction on highways, municipal consent.
Section 247.333 Bus passenger shelters; county and state highways, consent.
Section 247.334 Bus passenger shelters; construction, municipal supervision.
Section 247.335 Bus passenger shelters; convenience of public.
Section 247.336 Bus passenger shelters; advertisements, approval.
Act 140 of 1972 SIGNS MARKING TOWNSHIP LIMITS (247.341 - 247.341)
Section 247.341 Signs marking township limits.
Act 111 of 1956 HIGHWAYS WITHIN TOWNSHIPS (247.351 - 247.356)
Section 247.351 Highways within townships; contracts, structures included.
Section 247.352 Highways within townships; contracts, contents; approval by electors, board of county road commissioners; execution.
Section 247.353 Highways within townships; funds.
Section 247.354 Bonds issued in anticipation of sales tax money; additional security; irrevocable pledge and appropriation; annual debt service requirements; limitation; successive borrowings; bonds and notes subject to revised municipal finance act.
Section 247.355 General obligation bonds.
Section 247.356 Townships and boards of county road commissioners; enlargement of powers.
Act 387 of 1965 SNOW REMOVAL FROM PRIVATE WAYS (247.361 - 247.363)
Section 247.361 Snow removal from private ways; request; contract; liability; validity of snow removal operations.
Section 247.362 Snow removal; service charges, determination; reimbursement of county.
Section 247.363 Snow removal; advance payment, disposition of funds.
Act 234 of 1968 Repealed-MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE ROADS (247.371 - 247.375)
Act 150 of 1970 Repealed-NATURAL BEAUTY ROADS (247.381 - 247.386)
Act 139 of 1972 MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE ROADS (247.391 - 247.398)
Section 247.391 Contract for maintenance of private roads; special assessment district; petition.
Section 247.392 Allocation of costs; notice of public hearings.
Section 247.393 Procedures and requirements.
Section 247.394 Annual program; duration of program; assessment period.
Section 247.395 “Maintenance” defined.
Section 247.396 Contract with board of county road commissioners.
Section 247.397 Repealed. 1978, Act 108, Imd. Eff. Apr. 13, 1978.
Section 247.398 Repeal of MCL 247.371 to 247.375.
Act 299 of 1996 TOURIST-ORIENTED DIRECTIONAL SIGNS (247.401 - 247.405)
Section 247.401 Definitions.
Section 247.402 Tourist-oriented directional signs and markers; placement program; contract with nongovernmental entity.
Section 247.403 Directional sign program; participation by operator of tourist-oriented activity; application; fee; determination; appeal; issuance of permit; order canceling permit; removal of signs; tourist-oriented directional signs.
Section 247.404 Sign specifications; symbols; multiple signs; location.
Section 247.405 Permit fee; calculation; public notice.
59-1915-ASSESSMENT. ASSESSMENT. (247.415...247.436)
Section 247.415-247.417 Repealed. 1958, Act 77, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958.
Section 247.418 Review of roll; notice, posting, publishing, service.
Section 247.419 Hearing of objections; adjournment; roll, approval, filing of copy.
Section 247.420 Yearly roll for divided improvement.
Section 247.421 Rolls; computation of cost, total.
Section 247.422 Rolls; tax assessment, certification, collection of tax; township exemption.
Section 247.422a Lands assessed for Covert road; purchase of part or interest; apportionment of assessment, procedure; expenses.
Section 247.423 Division of roll for total cost of improvement by number of years in which assessment paid; interest charge; payment of full tax; notice of taxes paid in full and of delinquent taxes; payment of tax spread against township at large; present payment of annual installments by county.
Section 247.424 Interest on annual installments; preparation of annual tax rolls or assessments; delivery and collection of rolls for successive installments; hearing of objections; installments, interest, and charges as lien on land.
Section 247.425 Money collected; disposition; disbursement; interest; secured deposits; limitation on acceptable assets; designation of financial institution; “financial institution” defined.
Section 247.426, 247.427 Repealed. 1958, Act 77, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958.
Section 247.428 Certification of sums to be paid.
Section 247.429 Deficiency assessments; surplus, crediting, transfer.
Section 247.431 Orders on improvement fund; payment, limitation.
Section 247.432 Donation of money; application, return.
Section 247.433 Taxes; interest charges, collection, powers of collecting officers, return as delinquent, lien.
Section 247.434 Taxes; rejection; reassessment.
Section 247.435 Taxes; apportionment on parcels; notice of hearing; correction of roll.
Section 247.436 Legality of proceedings, evidence; finality of determination.
Section 247.437 Petition for improvement; transmission to proper authorities.
Section 247.438 Deputy; acting for commissioner, legal effect.
Section 247.440 Jurisdiction over highways in more than one county.
Section 247.441 Appeal by municipality; application for board of review, limitations; authorized representative.
Section 247.442 Appeal by municipality; hearing, notice; board of review or joint board; appointment, meeting, notice, duties.
Section 247.443 Board of review; duty, limitation, oath.
Section 247.444 Board of review; hearing, view of lands, correction of errors, additions; hearing of objections on change; decision, preparation and finality.
Section 247.445 Costs of appeals.
Section 247.446 Appeal by land owner; application for board of review; bond, liability, costs.
Section 247.447 Appeal by land owner; board of review, appointment, eligibility, notice; hearing, notice; assessment district in more than one county.
Section 247.448 Apportionment final; hearing, duties of board; boundaries of districts.
Section 247.449 Hearing; adjournment.
Section 247.450 Determination; certification, finality.
Section 247.451 Vacancy on board; filling.
Section 247.452 Assessment rolls; spread and collection; delayed report of rolls, subsequent installments.
59-1915-MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. (247.453...247.465)
Section 247.453 Tax set aside; new proceedings.
Section 247.454 Apportionment based on benefits; description of lands.
Section 247.456 Drainage; petition of commissioner.
Section 247.457 Legal and clerical service, expenses.
Section 247.458 Record of proceedings; supplies.
Section 247.459 County road commissioners; annual report.
Section 247.460 County road commissioners; administrative board.
Section 247.461 County road commissioners; disqualification to act; procedure; special road commissioner.
Section 247.462 Repealed. 1958, Act 77, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958.
Section 247.463 Estimates and certificates of completed work; payments on contracts, prerequisites, portion withheld.
Section 247.464 Repealed. 1963, Act 213, Eff. Sept. 6, 1963.
Section 247.465 Contracts under $500; payments.
Section 247.466 Certiorari; notice, hearing, bond; proceedings, setting aside; costs; postponement in letting of contracts.
Section 247.467 Tax assessment; irregularities not prejudicial; presumptions; prima facie evidence; absent or omitted records; signing of papers; deeds.
Section 247.468 Limitation of actions; tax payment under protest; suit against county.
Section 247.469 Injunction restricted.
Section 247.470 Faulty proceedings; collection of tax; new proceedings.
Section 247.471 Delinquent tax; collection.
Section 247.472 Tax set aside; parties to action.
Section 247.473 Tax set aside; new proceedings.
Section 247.474 Proceedings; recommencement; notice of hearing; credit for tax paid.
Section 247.476 Saving clause.
Section 247.477 Clerical errors; correction.
Section 247.478 Clerical errors; notice of review and correction.
Section 247.479 Clerical errors; correction of omissions, descriptions, acreage, apportionment of benefits.
Section 247.480 Correction of tax in next assessment roll.
Section 247.481 Change in apportionment or tax; restriction.
Section 247.482-247.487 Repealed. 1958, Act 77, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958.
Act 237 of 1987 Repealed-LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AND OPERATIONS REVENUE ACT (247.521 - 247.525)
Act 59 of 1944 (1st Ex. Sess.) Repealed-REVOLVING FUND FOR HIGHWAY PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION (247.601 - 247.603)
Act 51 of 1951 STATE TRUNK LINE HIGHWAY SYSTEM (247.651 - 247.675)
Section 247.651 State trunk line highway system; additions and deletions; operating license agreement with regional transit authority to operate public transit system; lane designation for high-occupancy vehicles.
Section 247.651a State trunk line highway system; construction, maintenance, improvement; control of state highway commissioner; change in line of road.
Section 247.651b Cost of maintaining state trunk line highways; preservation of aesthetic and historic character of abutting national historic landmark; service plaza prohibited.
Section 247.651c Cost of opening, widening, and improving state trunk line highways.
Section 247.651d Contract for joint participation in cost; approval; renegotiation; local taxation; bonds; special assessment.
Section 247.651e Contract with city or village for joint participation in cost; assumption by board of county road commissioners, approval.
Section 247.651f State trunk lines; cancellation of municipal obligations; assumption by state.
Section 247.651g Pavement management system.
Section 247.651h Life-cycle cost analysis; "life-cycle cost" defined; substitutes for requirements listed in subsection (3).
Section 247.651i Demonstration projects.
Section 247.651j Road innovation task force; purpose; report; availability of report to public; update of finalized report; deposit of amount into state treasury; roads innovation fund; creation; investment; interest and earnings; money remaining in fund at close of fiscal year; expenditure; 1-time concurrent resolution.
Section 247.652 Tentative system of county primary roads; selection and certification; check and review; approval; county primary road system.
Section 247.653 Tentative system of county primary roads; roads included or deleted.
Section 247.654 Tentative system of county primary roads; roads under jurisdiction of county road commissioners; certification and review.
Section 247.655 Tentative system of county primary roads; official name; establishment, certification, and approval.
Section 247.655a Seasonal county road system.
Section 247.656 Tentative system of streets; selection and certification; approval.
Section 247.657 Tentative system of streets; included or deleted.
Section 247.658 Tentative system of streets; streets not included, certification and approval.
Section 247.659 Tentative system of streets; official name; establishment and certification.
Section 247.659a Definitions; transportation asset management council; creation; charge; membership; appointments; Michigan infrastructure council; staff and technical assistance; advisory committee; infrastructure asset management pilot program; template for asset management plan; report including multiyear program; submission and review asset management plan; compliance; notice of progress; annual report; funding; records on road and bridge work performed and funds expended; federal grants or loans.
Section 247.659b Contracts to construct or repair roads or bridges; assistance to minority business enterprises; notice to legislative committees; definitions; other duties of department.
Section 247.659c Review of adequacy of surface transportation and aeronautics service provision and finance; appointment of task force by governor; duties; membership; citizens advisory committee; creation; purpose; technical staff and administrative support; focus of task force; report and recommendations.
Section 247.659d "Port facility" definition.
Section 247.660 Michigan transportation fund; establishment; use of appropriated money; programs; allocation to transportation economic development fund; establishment of local bridge fund and regional bridge councils; distribution and allocation of money; report; rules; selection of bridge projects for funding; availability of list to interested parties; implementation of bridge project by county road commission, city, or village.
Section 247.660a Transferred mileage; worth per mile of county primary and local roads; determination of money to be transferred; jurisdictional transfers made after July 1, 1992; construction of subsections (4) and (5); transfer of funds included in appropriation.
Section 247.660b Comprehensive transportation fund.
Section 247.660c Definitions.
Section 247.660d Comprehensive transportation fund; distribution.
Section 247.660e Comprehensive transportation fund; appropriation and expenditure; order of priority; capital grants; instructions; submission of local transportation program to department; department transportation program; proposed state transportation program; action by commission; approval of projects; agreement; approval of multiyear public transportation program; grant-in-aid instrument; audits; source of funds for payment of eligible capital projects, local bus new services, and intercity passenger operating assistance projects; demand actuated service; plan; exceptions; annual report; appropriation; application, receipt, and disbursement of funds.
Section 247.660f Repealed. 1982, Act 438, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 247.660g Rules.
Section 247.660h Report by state transportation commission to legislature, governor, and auditor general; contents; audit; cost; submission of audit report and management letter to department; minimum audit standards and requirements; task force.
Section 247.660i Repealed. 1978, Act 444, Imd. Eff. Oct. 10, 1978.
Section 247.660j Ineligibility for grant or distribution; accrued pension or retirement liabilities.
Section 247.660k Nonmotorized transportation services and facilities; expenditures; improvements as qualified nonmotorized facility; meeting requirements of section; 5-year program; notice and consultation; establishment of facilities; information and assistance as to planning, design, and construction.
Section 247.660<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Return of audit as credit to cities, villages, and townships; expenditure of credit; use of unexpended credit; final decision; expenditure by county as condition prohibited; coordination of services; “operating deficit” defined.
Section 247.660m Schedule.
Section 247.660n Comprehensive transportation fund; distribution of funds; notes.
Section 247.660o Allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions; distributions; local federal aid exchange program.
Section 247.660p Definitions; complete streets policy; duties of state transportation commission; consultation by department or county road agency with municipality; agreements for maintenance of transportation facilities.
Section 247.660r Tolling highways; feasibility study and strategic implementation plan; written report.
Section 247.660s Maritime and port facility assistance office; responsibilities and duties.
Section 247.661 State trunk line fund; separate fund; appropriation; purposes; order of priority; expenditures; borrowing by local road agency; deductions; approval; notice; borrowing by state transportation commission; procedures for implementation and administration of loan program; expenditure for administrative expenses; conduct of performance audits; contracts not subject to revised municipal finance act; annual report listing warranties; definitions.
Section 247.661a Use of agricultural additives pilot program; report to legislature.
Section 247.661b Repealed. 2004, Act 384, Imd. Eff. Oct. 12, 2004.
Section 247.661c Construction or preservation projects to be performed by contract awarded by competitive bidding; other method; findings; report; "local road agency" defined.
Section 247.661d Report to legislature on changes in department's accounting system.
Section 247.661e Local program fund; creation; purpose; distribution of funds; local federal match program; use.
Section 247.661f Funds received under local federal match program; projects; submission; grant awards; criteria; unused bond proceeds; reports; distribution of remaining funds; additional criteria.
Section 247.661g Movable bridge fund; contract with person or agency having jurisdiction of publicly owned movable bridge; operational procedures and costs; "operational costs" defined.
Section 247.661h Local agency wetland mitigation board fund; advisory board; duties.
Section 247.661i Local grade separation grant program.
Section 247.661j Prioritization parameters of funding applications; railroad crossing projects; local grade separation grant program.
Section 247.662 Return to county treasurers of amount distributed to county road commissions; manner, purposes, terms, and conditions; statewide purchasing pools; expenditures; urban routes; certification concerning average annual debt service requirements for bonds or notes; representation of charter county in certain transactions; expenditure for administrative expenses; conduct of performance audits; pavement warranties; permissible county expenditures.
Section 247.662a Snow removal; distribution of amount returned to county road commission.
Section 247.662b County urban system; distribution of amounts returned; urban area boundaries.
Section 247.662c Placing county primary road under jurisdiction of city or village; request; response by county road commission; appeal; hearing; determination.
Section 247.663 Return of distribution to city and village treasurers; manner, purpose, and conditions; audits; pavement warranties; permissible city or village expenditures; definitions.
Section 247.663a Acquisition of private property within right of way of highway project; expenditure of revenue.
Section 247.663b Contracts between county road commissions for purchase or use of equipment or machinery.
Section 247.664 Biennial primary road and major street programs; separate accounts; records; annual report; expenditures for administration, engineering, and record keeping; noncompliance; responsibility of state for local county road support; additional funds.
Section 247.664a Expenditures to pay cost of drain assessments; rules.
Section 247.665 Reports showing disposition of funds appropriated, apportioned, or allocated; other information.
Section 247.665a Intergovernmental highway corridor planning preservation committees.
Section 247.665b Mowing right-of-way of public road.
Section 247.666 Forfeiture of funds.
Section 247.667 Certifications required; warrants; checks; mandamus; report.
Section 247.667a Office of audit; creation; head; duties, functions, and responsibilities.
Section 247.668 Repealed. 1957, Act 262, Eff. July 1, 1957.
Section 247.668a Michigan transportation fund; payment of notes, bonds, or other indebtedness; notes and bonds not general obligations of state.
Section 247.668b State transportation commission; bonds and notes.
Section 247.668c Counties; bonds.
Section 247.668d Contracts between governmental units for construction or reconstruction of highways; contributions; pledges; bonds; applicability of revised municipal finance act and agency financing reporting act.
Section 247.668e Bonds of governmental unit; maturities; interest; measuring maximum annual principal and interest requirements; certification of state transportation commission concerning average annual debt service requirements for certain obligations; “preservation” defined.
Section 247.668f Approval of construction; sale price of bonds.
Section 247.668g Bonds; protection of outstanding bonds.
Section 247.668h Bonds; negotiability; payment, exemption from taxation.
Section 247.668i Cumulative authority of act.
Section 247.668j Annual certification that certain employee-related conditions met; failure to make certification; withholding distributions to local road agency; website.
Section 247.668k List of projects for which notes or bonds to be issued.
Section 247.668<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Borrowing money and issuing notes or bonds in anticipation of federal funds.
Section 247.668m Borrowing from a state infrastructure bank program.
Section 247.669 Roads, streets, and alleys taken over as county roads.
Section 247.670 Unexpended balances of township funds; appropriation for local road maintenance or improvement; additional powers; snow removal in Marquette county townships.
Section 247.670a Contract for preservation of county local road system within township.
Section 247.671 Repeal.
Section 247.672 Effective date of act.
Section 247.673 Effective upon passage of certain act.
Section 247.674 Refunding bonds or advance refunding bonds.
Section 247.675 Truck safety fund and Michigan truck safety commission; establishment; administration of fund; duty of commission; appointment, qualifications, and terms of commission members; election of chairperson; vacancy; meetings; notice; quorum; expenditure of fund; annual report.
E.R.O. No. 1997-6 EXECUTIVE REORGANIZATION ORDER (247.691 - 247.691)
Section 247.691 Transfer of powers and duties of the transportation needs study committee to the state transportation commission by type III transfer; transfer of powers and duties of the citizens advisory committee to the director of the department of transportation by type III transfer.
E.R.O. No. 2009-34 EXECUTIVE REORGANIZATION ORDER (247.692 - 247.692)
Section 247.692 Transfer of public transit association task force to department of education by type III transfer; abolishment of public transit association task force.
Act 175 of 1952 BORROWING FROM MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY FUND (247.701 - 247.707)
Section 247.701 Borrowing money and issuing bonds; purposes; bonds subject to revised municipal finance act; refunding bonds; sale; refund prohibited under certain conditions.
Section 247.702 Authorization of bonds; cities and villages; resolution, approval, publication, contents.
Section 247.703 Bonds; principal and interest; payment; additional security; existing contract rights; priority.
Section 247.704 Issuance of bonds for highway purposes; cities and villages; successive borrowing.
Section 247.705 Revenues set aside; source.
Section 247.706 Repealed. 2002, Act 330, Imd. Eff. May 23, 2002.
Section 247.707 Prohibition of pledges.
Act 208 of 1959 SURVEYS ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY (247.751 - 247.751)
Section 247.751 Highway surveys on public and private property; liability.
Section 247.781 Definitions.
Section 247.783 State safety oversight entity; powers and duties.
Section 247.785 Office of rail; designation as state safety oversight entity; powers and duties; limitation.
Section 247.787 State safety oversight entity; legal and financial independence; funding; limitation; activities; conflict of interest policy.
Act 286 of 1964 STATE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (247.801 - 247.816)
Section 247.801 Definitions.
Section 247.802 Office of state highway commissioner abolished; transfer of power and duties; references.
Section 247.803 State transportation commission; appointment and terms of members; vacancies; bond.
Section 247.804 State transportation commission; officers; quorum; transaction of business.
Section 247.805 Director; appointment, qualifications, and term; deputy director.
Section 247.805a Bureau of urban and public transportation; chief administrative officer; deputy director of state transportation department.
Section 247.806 State highway commission; transitional powers.
Section 247.806a Powers of director.
Section 247.806b Film production located in state; authorization by director or commission to use property; exception; cooperation with Michigan film office; definitions.
Section 247.807 Powers and duties of commission.
Section 247.807a Definitions; partial payments to contractor; retaining portion of total amount earned; specifications; escrow account; escrow agent; escrow agreement; terms.
Section 247.808 Adoption of bylaws by commission.
Section 247.809 Rules; violation as misdemeanor.
Section 247.809a Conducting business at public meeting; notice.
Section 247.810 State highway commission; issuance and execution of documents and instruments.
Section 247.811 State highway commission; compensation, expenses, meetings, offices.
Section 247.812 State highway commission; conflict of interest.
Section 247.813 State highway commission; records of acts, proceedings, and transactions.
Section 247.813a Availability of writings to public.
Section 247.814 Replacement of state highway commissioner on boards, commissions, authorities, and agencies.
Section 247.815 Repeal.
Section 247.816 Effective date of certain sections.
E.R.O. No. 1973-1 EXECUTIVE REORGANIZATION ORDER (247.821 - 247.821)
Section 247.821 Transfer of department of aeronautics and aeronautics commission; transfer of powers, duties, and functions of port authorities, interagency transportation council, and bureau of transportation; interagency transportation council abolished; development of transportation plan.
E.R.O. No. 1975-1 EXECUTIVE REORGANIZATION ORDER (247.822 - 247.822)
Section 247.822 Transfer of railroad regulation functions from public service commission to department of state highways and transportation.
E.R.O. No. 1982-3 EXECUTIVE REORGANIZATION ORDER (247.823 - 247.823)
Section 247.823 Transfer of authority from public service commission to department of transportation.
Act 213 of 1967 BENEFITS UNDER FEDERAL HIGHWAY SAFETY ACT (247.841 - 247.841)
Section 247.841 Governor's cooperation to obtain benefits granted in federal highway safety act; acceptance and use of federal funds.
Act 296 of 1969 TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION OVER HIGHWAYS (247.851 - 247.861)
Section 247.851 Transfer of jurisdiction over highways; definitions.
Section 247.852 Transfer of jurisdiction; consent required; agreement, contents; effective date.
Section 247.853 Transfer of jurisdiction; non-consent, proceedings to determine question; time for granting.
Section 247.854 Determination board; membership appointment.
Section 247.855 Board; conducting business at public meeting; notice of meeting; date and place of hearing; notice to parties; hearing testimony and receiving evidence; reconvening of board; quorum; vote required for final determination; inability of member to perform duties.
Section 247.856 Determination of board; factors.
Section 247.857 Final determination of board; time; notice; effect of denial; effective date.
Section 247.858 Determination of board; contents; transferor's duties; renovation, costs.
Section 247.859 Compensation and expenses of board; payment.
Section 247.860 Transfers not subject to act.
Section 247.861 Laws superseded; exception.
Act 231 of 1987 TRANSPORTATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND (247.901 - 247.914)
Section 247.901 Definitions.
Section 247.902 Transportation economic development fund and office of economic development; establishment; purposes; sources of revenue.
Section 247.903 Allocation of funds for projects; notice; hearings; funding projects under MCL 247.907(3) and 247.909(1)(a); coordination of projects; department as contracting agent; assistance to commission; appropriation for administration of fund; duties of commission and office of economic development.
Section 247.905 Repealed. 1993, Act 149, Imd. Eff. Aug. 19, 1993.
Section 247.906 Applications for projects; solicitation; form.
Section 247.907 Submission of application; minimum requirements.
Section 247.908 Initial review of application; criteria; recommendation; consultation; informing appropriations committees; hearings as condition to committing funds.
Section 247.909 Project categories; requirements; criteria.
Section 247.910 Cost of project; matching funds; evaluation criteria.
Section 247.911 Bonds; issuance; purpose; appropriation of fund revenue; percentages; distribution to certain targeted industries.
Section 247.912 Selection and designation of projects by urban task force; failure to submit qualified projects; proposing project result evaluation criteria; annual report; administration of projects.
Section 247.912a Recommendations of regional rural task force for funding projects; failure to submit qualified projects; composition of task force; basis for funding projects; administration of programs and projects.
Section 247.913 Annual report to governor and legislature.
Section 247.914 Repealed. 1993, Act 149, Imd. Eff. Aug. 19, 1993.
Act 233 of 1987 Repealed-ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT (247.931 - 247.933)
Act 69 of 1993 MICHIGAN HERITAGE ROUTES (247.951 - 247.958)
Section 247.951 Definitions.
Section 247.952 Intent of the legislature.
Section 247.953 Heritage routes; characteristics.
Section 247.954 Pure Michigan byways; establishment; considerations; designation; trademark license; action by local government.
Section 247.955 Repealed. 2014, Act 445, Imd. Eff. Dec. 30, 2014.
Section 247.956 Planning, design, reconstruction, and maintenance of Pure Michigan byways; criteria.
Section 247.957 Additions, deletions, or changes.
Section 247.957a Designation of routes as Pure Michigan byways.
Section 247.958 Report.