MCL - Index of Act 62 of 1933

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 62 of 1933 PROPERTY TAX LIMITATION ACT (211.201 - 211.217a)
***** 211.204a SUBSECTION (2) DOES NOT APPLY AFTER 1996: See subsection (2) of 211.204a *****
Section 211.201 Short title; property tax limitation act.
Section 211.202 Definitions.
Section 211.203 Limitation on amount of taxes; exception as to debt service tax rates; charter or general law limitation on power to levy taxes; charter tax rates; election to increase tax rate limitation; ballots; filing certified copy of election results; effective date of increase; notice of election; "taxable value" defined.
Section 211.204 Net limitation tax rate; notice to county clerks; property tax levied for payment of interest and principal on certain state obligations; allocation for charter county purposes.
Section 211.204a Separate tax limitation vote; reduction of number of mills allocated; school district allocated less than 6 mills; applicability of subsection (2); expiration of fixed allocation.
Section 211.205 County tax allocation board; creation; membership.
Section 211.205a Initiatory petition for separate tax limitation; signatures; filing; violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 applicable to petitions; penalties.
Section 211.205b Form of petition; warning; circulator of petition; signature and acknowledgment.
Section 211.205c Petition by tax allocation board for separate tax limitation.
Section 211.205d Sufficiency of petition; order by resolution submitting question to electors; special election.
Section 211.205e County tax allocation board; separate tax limitations.
Section 211.205f County clerk; transmittal to local clerks for submission of question.
Section 211.205g Form of question submitted to electors.
Section 211.205h Separate tax limitations; adoption of plan.
Section 211.205i Separate tax limitations; effective date.
Section 211.205j Separate tax limitations; adoption; abolition of county tax allocation board; re-establishment.
Section 211.205k Separate tax limitations; initiatory petition or resolution to alter or extend; procedure; notice; county advisory tax limitation committee; election.
Section 211.205<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Separate tax limitations; prior voted millage increases; additional millage increases.
Section 211.205m Repealed. 1994, Act 190, Imd. Eff. June 21, 1994.
Section 211.206 County tax allocation board; term; officers; assistance.
Section 211.207 County tax allocation board; compensation and expenses.
Section 211.208 County tax allocation board; meetings; examination of local records.
Section 211.209 Budgets and statements of local units; preparation; form.
Section 211.210 Budgets and statements of local units; filing with county tax allocation board.
Section 211.211 County tax allocation board; powers and duties in determining tax rates.
Section 211.211a Intercounty intermediate school district; maximum tax rate.
Section 211.212 Tax levies; statement in rates; limits; debt service.
Section 211.214 District located in more than 1 county; establishment of rate; notice.
Section 211.214a District located in more than 1 county; establishment of rates in all counties; proposed budget.
Section 211.215 County tax allocation board; maximum tax rate; final hearing; redetermination.
Section 211.216 Final order approving maximum tax rate; time; notice; certification of tax levy.
Section 211.217 Orders of board; appeal to state tax commission; judicial review.
Section 211.217a State tax commission's orders; intercounty intermediate school district; increase or decrease of tax rates.