MCL - Index of Act 263 of 2005

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 263 of 2005 VEHICLE PROTECTION PRODUCT ACT (257.1241 - 257.1263)
Section 257.1241 Short title.
Section 257.1243 Definitions.
Section 257.1245 Sale of warranted product; compliance required; exception.
Section 257.1247 Notice; form; filing; contents; availability to public; fee; failure to file notice; exception.
Section 257.1249 Warranty reimbursement insurance policy; other financial security requirements or financial standards not required; additional requirements.
Section 257.1251 Requirements.
Section 257.1253 Cancellation of sale and warranty; terms and conditions; notice.
Section 257.1255 Prohibited conduct.
Section 257.1257 Accounts, books, and records.
Section 257.1259 Rules; promulgation.
Section 257.1261 Applicability of act.
Section 257.1263 Enforcement; powers of attorney general.