MCL - Index of Act 206 of 1893

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 206 of 1893 THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX ACT (211.1 - 211.157)
Section 211.1 Property subject to taxation.
Section 211.1a Short title; general property tax act.
206-1893-REAL-PROPERTY. REAL PROPERTY. (211.2...211.6b)
Section 211.2 Real property; definition; determination of taxable status; acquisition for public purposes by purchase or condemnation; responsibilities of parties in real estate transaction; “levy date” defined.
Section 211.2a Mobile home as real property; assessment; exclusions; “travel trailer” and “camping trailer” defined.
Section 211.3 Real property; parties assessable; persons treated as owner; property of deceased persons.
Section 211.4 Real property; licensed homesteads; part-paid state lands; assessment; contents.
Section 211.5 Real property; assessment of corporate realty.
Section 211.6 Real property; tenants in common; assessment of undivided interests.
Section 211.6a Repealed. 2012, Act 409, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2012.
Section 211.6b Repealed. 2012, Act 409, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2012.
Section 211.7 Federal property.
Section 211.7a Definitions; exemption affidavit; mailing; return; notice of availability; failure to send or receive exemption affidavit; payment to local unit required to mail exemption affidavits; reimbursement claim for expenses.
Section 211.7b Exemption of real property used and owned as homestead by disabled veteran or surviving spouse; filing and inspection of application; cancellation of taxes; local taxing unit to bear loss; proration of exemption for partial year; definitions.
Section 211.7c Continuation of exemption granted under MCL 211.7b; rescission or subsequent denial of exemption.
Section 211.7d Housing exemption for elderly or disabled families; definitions.
Section 211.7e Deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, plants, bushes, and vines; public right of way on surface of real property being assessed.
Section 211.7f Repealed. 1973, Act 20, Eff. Dec. 31, 1973.
Section 211.7g Seawall, jetty, groin, dike, or other structure.
Section 211.7h Definitions; application for solar, wind, or water energy tax exemption certificate; filing; form; concurrent applications; findings and approval of department of commerce; issuance and effective date of certificate; valuation of covered energy conservation device exempt from property taxes; statement of total acquisition cost; sending certificate or notification of refusal; revocation of certificate; notification; appeal; issuance of new certificate prohibited; necessity of obtaining construction permit; effective date of section.
Section 211.7i “Existing facility” defined; tax exemption for increased value of existing facility.
Section 211.7j Tax exemption for new or existing facility for which commercial housing facilities exemption certificate issued.
Section 211.7k Tax exemption for facility for which industrial facilities exemption certificate issued.
Section 211.7<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> State property.
Section 211.7m Property owned or being acquired by county, township, city, village, school district, or political subdivision; parks.
Section 211.7n Nonprofit theater, library, educational, or scientific institution; nonprofit organization fostering development of literature, music, painting, or sculpture.
Section 211.7o Nonprofit charitable institution; exemption; definitions.
Section 211.7p Memorial homes or posts.
Section 211.7q Boy or girl scout or camp fire girls organization; 4-H club or foundation; young men's or young women's Christian association; exemption; limitation; waiver of residence requirement.
Section 211.7r Certain clinics.
Section 211.7s Houses of public worship; parsonage.
Section 211.7t Burial grounds; rights of burial; tombs and monuments.
Section 211.7u Principal residence of persons in poverty; exemption from taxation; applicability of section to property of corporation; eligibility for exemption; application; policy and guidelines to be used by local assessing unit; duties of board of review; exemption by resolution and without application for certain tax years; appeal of property assessment; audit program; "principal residence" defined.
Section 211.7v Property of certain corporations and railroads.
Section 211.7w Property of agricultural society used primarily for fair purposes.
Section 211.7x Parks; monument ground or armory; property leased by nonprofit corporation to state.
Section 211.7y Landing area; description of approach clear zones and transitional surface areas in statement; standards; certification.
Section 211.7z Property used primarily for public school or other educational purposes; parent cooperative preschools.
Section 211.7aa Exemption of real property leased, loaned, or otherwise made available to municipal water authority.
Section 211.7bb Tax exemption for nursery stock seasonal protection unit; definition.
Section 211.7cc Principal residence; exemption from tax levied by local school district for school operating purposes; procedures; 2020 deadline extension; exception for temporary absence due to damage or destruction; definitions.
Section 211.7dd Definitions.
Section 211.7ee Qualified agricultural property exemption from tax levied by local school district for school operating purposes; procedures.
Section 211.7ff Real and personal property located in renaissance zone; applicability to eligible data center property; definitions.
Section 211.7gg Property held by land bank fast track authority; exemption from taxes; definitions.
Section 211.7hh Qualified start-up business; exemption from tax.
Section 211.7ii Tax exemption for property used by innovations center in certified technology park.
Section 211.7jj Federally-qualified health center; tax exemption; definition.
Section 211.7jj[1] Qualified forest property; exemption; limitation; forest management plan; maintenance and availability of list of qualified foresters; application; review of forest management plan, application, and supporting documents by department; school tax affidavit; denial; appeal; claiming exemption; collection of fee by local tax collecting unit; removal of exemption and recapture of tax; filing appeal; placement on tax roll; corrected tax bill; notification of change in use of property; subject to recapture tax; report; retention of documents; disclosure of information; exemption from tax levied by local school district for school operating purposes; definitions.
Section 211.7kk Eligible nonprofit housing property; tax exemptions; duration; definitions.
Section 211.7mm Charitable nonprofit housing organization; real and personal property used for retail store; exemption; definitions.
Section 211.7nn Supporting housing property; tax exemption; rescission; "supportive housing property" defined.
Section 211.7oo Low grade iron ore and low grade iron ore mining property; tax exemption.
Section 211.7pp Mineral and right, claim, lease, or option; tax exemption; shaft, incline, adit, or value of overburden stripping at open mine; tax exemption; "mineral" and "open mine" defined.
Section 211.7qq Mineral-producing property; tax exemption; "mineral-producing property" and "mineral severance tax" defined.
Section 211.7ss New construction on development property; tax exemption under MCL 380.1211; filing of affidavit; determination by assessor; rescission of exemption; failure to file rescission; penalty; appeal; denial or modification of existing exemption by assessor; erroneous granting of exemption; withdrawal; issuance of corrected tax bill; definitions.
Section 211.7tt Real and personal property owned by eligible economic development group; tax exemption; adoption of resolution by local tax collecting unit; notification to assessor and legislative body; determination by state tax commission; approval of resolution; election to withdraw mills levied by county; filing copy of resolution; report; "eligible economic development group" defined.
Section 211.7uu Act inapplicable to nonprofit street railway.
Section 211.7vv Transitional qualified forest property; tax exemption; property subject to tax under transitional qualified forest property specific tax act; definition.
Section 211.7ww Aquaculture production facility or hydroponics production facility; tax exemption; definitions.
Section 211.7xx Public bridge facility exemption; definitions.
Section 211.8 Personal property; scope.
Section 211.8a Qualified personal property of qualified business; availability for use by another person; assessment to user; statements; filing; copies; examination of books and records; additions to statement; definitions; requirements of nonprofit organization not affected.
Section 211.8b Personal property located on real property; taxable value.
Section 211.8c Daily rental property; assessment; conditions; audit; personal property; definitions.
Section 211.9 Personal property exempt from taxation; real property; definitions.
Section 211.9a Repealed. 1985, Act 147, Imd. Eff. Nov. 12, 1985.
Section 211.9b Special tool; exemption from taxation; definitions.
Section 211.9c Exemption of personal property from tax collection; “heavy earth moving equipment” and “inventory” defined.
Section 211.9d Computer software exempt from taxation; construction of section; “computer software” defined.
Section 211.9e Intangible personal property exempt from taxes collected; effect of section on taxable status of computer software.
Section 211.9f Personal property of business; resolution; tax exemption; duration; continuation; determination by state tax commission; adoption of resolution by Next Michigan development corporation; written agreement; exemption for eligible manufacturing personal property; delivery of combined document; definitions.
Section 211.9g Area designated as rural enterprise community; exemption of personal property that is component part of natural gas distribution system.
Section 211.9g[1] Leased bottled water coolers; exemption.
Section 211.9i Alternative energy personal property; exemption from tax.
Section 211.9j Tax exemption for property used by qualified high-technology business in innovations center.
Section 211.9k Industrial personal property or commercial personal property; tax exemption.
Section 211.9m Qualified new personal property; exemption; combined document; requirements; denial of claim; books and records; fraudulent claim; definitions.
Section 211.9n Qualified previously existing personal property; exemption; combined document; requirements; denial of claim; books and records; fraudulent claim; definitions.
Section 211.9o Eligible personal property; exemption; statement; books and records; audit program; filing rescission and statement if property no longer eligible; denial of claim for exemption; fraudulent claim; penalties; definitions.
Section 211.9p Qualified heavy equipment rental personal property; exemption; annual filing of statement; requirements; denial of claim; books and records; fraudulent claim; definitions.
206-1893-ASSESSMENT. ASSESSMENT. (211.10...211.17)
Section 211.10 Annual assessment of property.
Section 211.10a Assessment rolls and appraisal cards; inspection and copying.
Section 211.10b Repealed. 1954, Act 118, Eff. Aug. 13, 1954.
Section 211.10c State assessor's board; creation; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; expenses; training courses; examinations; conducting business at public meeting; notice; writings available to public.
Section 211.10d Annual assessment by certified assessor; training or test; establishment and supervision of school of assessment practices; examination; conditional 6-month certification; certification upon completion of qualifications; assessment if certified assessor unavailable; cost of preparing rolls; certification of assessment roll; cost of training; misdemeanor; rules; certification of director of county tax or equalization department; conditional extensions; vacancy.
Section 211.10e Use of official assessor's manual or any manual approved by state tax commission; records.
Section 211.10f Preparation of certified assessment roll; costs; quality of tax maps and appraisal records; levy of interim taxes; substitution of latest complete assessment roll; effect and labeling of interim tax levy; notice of new assessment; petition for hearing; contents of notice; final levy; reporting difference in tax; sharing additional taxes or credits against tax liability; technical assistance; certified copy of orders; copy of final determination.
Section 211.10g Audit program; audit of assessing districts; notice of noncompliance; corrective action plan; written petition to challenge determination; designated assessor; costs; definitions.
Section 211.11 Corporate property; situs; exemptions.
Section 211.12 Copartnership property; taxable situs; liability of each partner.
Section 211.13 Personal property; taxable situs; persons assessable; assessment roll preparation.
Section 211.14 Personal property; taxable situs.
Section 211.14a Assessment of property in alternate location; definitions.
Section 211.15 Forest products; place of destination; products in transit.
Section 211.16 Forest products; duty of supervisor.
Section 211.17 Taxable situs of personal property; transfer after tax day.
206-1893-ASSESSMENT-HOW-MADE. ASSESSMENT, HOW MADE. (211.18...211.23a)
Section 211.18 Repealed. 2002, Act 267, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 211.19 Statement as to assessable property.
Section 211.20 Repealed. 2002, Act 267, Imd. Eff. May 9, 2002.
Section 211.21 Willful neglect or refusal to make statement; penalty; report; fraudulent claim for personal property exemption.
Section 211.22 Incorrect statement; inability to obtain statement; examination under oath of person having knowledge of amount or value of property; books and records; affidavits; preservation; assessment.
Section 211.22a Personal property examiners; certification; powers; expenses; examination of property.
Section 211.23 Statement; filing, preservation, permissible uses, unlawful use, liability for damages.
Section 211.23a County-wide appraisal of property for assessment; expenses.
206-1893-ASSESSMENT-ROLL. ASSESSMENT ROLL. (211.24...211.27e)
Section 211.24 Property tax assessment roll; time; use of computerized database system.
Section 211.24a Tax rolls; preparation by county; expense.
Section 211.24b Assessment based on taxable value; application.
Section 211.24c Notice of increase in tentative state equalized valuation or tentative taxable value; contents; required information and forms; addressing and mailing assessment notice; effect of failure to send or receive assessment notice; calculation of tentative equalized valuation; model assessment notice form; statement; separate statement.
Section 211.24d Structures or improvements approved for acquisition by governmental units; exemption; affidavit; false statement; notice of reoccupancy; noncompliance; condition for exemption.
Section 211.24e Definitions; levying ad valorem property taxes for operating purposes; limitation; reduction; approving levy of additional millage rate; change in state equalized valuation of local governmental unit resulting from appeal; insufficiency of additional millage rate; public hearing; notice; establishing proposed additional millage rate before public hearing; calculating reductions in millage rates; amount used for substance abuse treatment programs; distribution to coordinating agency; applicability of section; effect of MCL 380.1211.
Section 211.24f Proposal authorizing bond issuance or millage rate; ballot; maximum number of elections; submitting single question on renewal and additional millage.
Section 211.25 Description of real property.
Section 211.25a Real estate index number system.
Section 211.26 Tax roll; description of personal property.
Section 211.27 "True cash value" defined; considerations in determining value; indicating exclusions from true cash value on assessment roll; subsection (2) applicable only to residential property; repairs considered normal repairs, replacement, and maintenance; exclusions from real estate sales data; classification as agricultural real property; "present economic income" defined; applicability of subsection (5); "nonprofit cooperative housing corporation" defined; value of transferred property; "purchase price" defined; additional definitions; "standard tool" defined.
Section 211.27a Property tax assessment; determining taxable value; adjustment; exception; "transfer of ownership" defined; qualified agricultural property; notice of transfer of property; notification of recorded transaction; definitions.
Section 211.27b Failure to notify assessing office; adjustment.
Section 211.27b.amended Failure to notify assessing office; adjustment; taxes, interest, and penalties; personal liability.
Section 211.27c Failure to notify assessing office; action to be taken by taxing unit.
Section 211.27d Report by county equalization director.
Section 211.27e Reports; transmission of information from affidavits; definitions.
206-1893-BOARD-OF-REVIEW. BOARD OF REVIEW. (211.28...211.33a)
Section 211.28 Board of review for township or city; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; vacancy; eligibility; quorum; adjournment; deciding questions; board of review committees; meetings; size, composition, and manner of appointment of board of review; alternate members; indorsement of assessment roll; duties and responsibilities contained in MCL 211.29; single board of review.
Section 211.29 Board of review of township; meeting; submission, examination, and review of assessment roll; additions to roll; correction of errors; compliance with act; review of roll on tax day; prohibitions; entering valuations in separate columns; approval and adoption of roll; conducting business at public meeting; notice of meeting; notice of change in roll.
Section 211.30 Board of review; meetings; alternative dates; sessions; request, protest, or application for correction of assessment; hearing; examination of persons under oath; filing by nonresident taxpayer; notice; filing, hearing, and determination of objection; right of appeal; approval or disapproval of personal property exemption; indorsement and signed statement; delivery of assessment roll; ordinance or resolution authorizing filing of protest by letter; notice of option.
Section 211.30a Township board of review; completion of review, date.
Section 211.30b Revision of personal property assessments in 1965.
Section 211.30c Reduced amount as basis for calculating assessed value or taxable value in succeeding year; applicability of section.
Section 211.31 Township board of review; completed roll valid; conclusive presumption.
Section 211.32 Township board of review; quorum; conscription of absent members; second meeting alternative.
Section 211.33 Secretary of board of review; record; filing; form.
Section 211.33a Collection and levy of taxes for 2020 tax year; modifications.
Section 211.34 Determination of county equalized value; conducting business at public meeting; notice of meeting; advising local taxing units of increased equalized value; reduction of maximum authorized millage rate; examination of assessment rolls to ascertain equal and uniform assessment of real and personal property; equalization procedure; establishment of department to survey assessments and assist board of commissioners; appeal to state tax tribunal; authority of agent to file and sign petition for appeal.
Section 211.34a Tabular statement of tentative equalization ratios and estimated multipliers; preparation; publication; copies, notices; effect on equalization procedures; appeal.
Section 211.34b Joint equalization department; establishment; duties.
Section 211.34c Classification of assessable property; tabulation of assessed valuations; transmittal of tabulation and other statistical information; description; buildings on leased land as improvements; total usage of parcel which includes more than 1 classification; notice to assessor and protest of assigned classification; decision; petition; arbitration; determination final and binding; appeal by department; construction of section; separate assessment roll for certain property.
Section 211.34d Definitions; tabulation of tentative taxable value; computation of amounts; calculation of millage reduction fraction; transmittal of computations; delivery of signed statement; certification; tax levy; limitation on number of mills; application of millage reduction fraction or limitation; voter approval of tax levy; incorrect millage reduction fraction; recalculation and rounding of fractions; publication of inflation rate; permanent reduction in maximum rates.
Section 211.34e Millage reduction fraction; calculation; application to local school district millage.
Section 211.35 State tax statement; duties of state treasurer; apportionment.
Section 211.36 Duties of township clerk; tax levy by county board of commissioners; certification of school millage elections; certification of taxes levied for certain purposes; direction for spread of millages; county in which library is located; expenses.
Section 211.36a, 211.36b Repealed. 1973, Act 135, Imd. Eff. Nov. 2, 1973.
Section 211.37 County board of commissioners; determination of money for county purposes; apportionment of money, state tax, and indebtedness of county; correction of certificates, statements, papers, records, or proceedings; spread of money on assessment rolls; applicability of section.
Section 211.37a Appeal to state tax board; assessment of costs; method of reimbursement.
Section 211.38 Duplicate apportionment certificates; failure to certify, official notice.
Section 211.39 Assessment of taxes; avoiding fractions in computation; separate assessments and entries; designation of columns; imprinting tax receipt; printed statement.
Section 211.39a Tentative levy; final levy; additional taxes; credits; technical assistance.
Section 211.40 Lien for taxes; priority; statement and receipts for taxes to show taxing unit's fiscal year.
Section 211.40a Date on which taxes become lien; designation; affidavit.
Section 211.41 Assessor; local clerk; duties; county clerk; statement to state treasurer; contents.
Section 211.41a Statement of land conveyance furnished to township supervisors.
206-1893-TAX-ROLL. TAX ROLL. (211.42...211.43c)
Section 211.42 Tax roll; preparation; annexation and contents of warrant; loss of roll; copy of roll with warrant as “tax roll”.
Section 211.42a Use of computerized data base as tax roll; authorization; requirements; certification; computer terminal for public viewing; noncompliance; notice; failure to correct condition of noncompliance; withdrawal of approval; proceedings; rules.
Section 211.43 Notice of taxes apportioned to township; bond; schedule for delivering tax collections; alternative schedule; accounting for and delivering tax collections; resolution; willfully neglecting or refusing to perform duty; penalty; interest earned; alternative agreement; definitions.
Section 211.43a Delay in receipt of tax roll; fees for unpaid taxes; delinquent tax return.
Section 211.43b Public moneys; depository; liability.
Section 211.43c Retention of earned interest.
206-1893-COLLECTING-OF-TAXES. COLLECTING OF TAXES. (211.44...211.54)
Section 211.44 Collection of taxes; mailing and contents of tax statement; failure to send or receive notice; time and place for receiving taxes; property tax administration fees; return of excess; cost of appeals; waiver of interest, penalty charge, or property tax administration fee; use of fee; cost of treasurer's bond; enforcement of collection; seizing property or bringing action; amounts includable in return of delinquent taxes; distributions by county treasurer; local governing body authorization for imposition of fees or late penalty charges; annual statement; taxes levied after December 31, 2001 on qualified real property; definitions.
Section 211.44a Summer property tax levy; imposition; tax previously billed and collected as part of winter property tax; collection; procedures; lien; interest; applicability of act to proceedings; establishment of revenue sharing reserve fund; expenditures by counties; limitations; "inflation rate" defined; deposit into other levies reserve fund; issuance of supplemental winter tax bill; collection of summer property tax levy by treasurer collecting state education tax.
Section 211.44b Determining date payment received; applicability of section.
Section 211.44c Special assessment levied after December 31, 1998.
Section 211.44d Summer property tax levy; retention of administration fees.
Section 211.45 Collection; time limit.
Section 211.46 Collecting personal property taxes remaining unpaid on February 15; demand; receipt for payment; entering fact and date of payment on tax roll.
Section 211.47 Seizure of personal property for nonpayment of taxes; sale at public auction; notice; adjournment of sale; return of balance; returning tax as unpaid; garnisheeing debtors; tax roll as prima facie evidence; property owned by person on tax day for year in which unpaid tax levied; recovery of money paid in civil action; personal liability of person owning real property on tax day for year unpaid tax levied; "person" defined.
Section 211.47a Treasurer's bill of sale of property sold for unpaid taxes; contents.
Section 211.48 Collecting officer's fee in case of distress and sale of goods and chattels; certified statement of property removed from township; contents; statement as evidence; authorization to levy and collect; transmittal of statement; double collection fees and additional sum; transmittal and receipt of taxes and collection fees; marking taxes paid on tax roll; levy and collection of executions issued upon judgments.
Section 211.49 Surplus from sale; contested claim; remedy; treasurer's liability; rule in action.
Section 211.50 Repealed. 1976, Act 76, Imd. Eff. Apr. 11, 1976.
Section 211.51 Failure of township treasurer to file bond with county treasurer; failure to appoint treasurer to give bond and deliver receipt; delivery of tax roll and warrant; collection and return of taxes; adding property tax administration fee, late penalty charge, and interest; return of excess amount; powers of county treasurer; persons eligible for deferment of summer property taxes; deferred taxes not subject to penalties or interest; filing and form of intent to defer; duties of treasurer; statement of taxes deferred; levy and collection of summer property taxes by local taxing unit; definitions.
Section 211.52 Incomplete collection; disbursement of collection funds.
Section 211.52a Returning erroneously collected taxes or taxes ordered returned by court order.
Section 211.53 Payment of taxes or special assessments; certificate; payment by owner of part or parcel of real property assessed in 1 description; suspected violation of or potential nonconformity with land division act; nonrecognition of division; payment by lienholder or tenant; payment by owner of mineral rights or surface rights; property acquired for highway purposes; excluding payment made by means of property tax credit; accepting less than total taxes or special assessments due.
Section 211.53a Recovery of excess payments not made under protest.
Section 211.53b Qualified error; verification, approval, and affidavit; correction of records; rebate; notice and payment; initiation of action; actions of board of review; exemption; appeal; approval; alternative meeting dates; "qualified error" defined.
Section 211.53c Denial of claim for exemption; appeal.
Section 211.53d Corrections to assessment rolls.
Section 211.54 Collected and unpaid taxes; accounting to county treasurer; time.
Section 211.55 Duplicate statement of uncollected taxes on roll; unpaid special assessment as delinquent tax; original tax roll as delinquent roll; tax roll forms; affidavit; stamp or marking to note payment of delinquent tax; certificate; rejection of tax; duplicate statement of school taxes collected and school taxes unpaid; recordation and filing of duplicate statements or copies; receipt and statements as vouchers.
Section 211.55a Repealed. 1999, Act 123, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1999.
Section 211.56 Indorsing settlement of bond on statement; discharge from obligation of bond; liability on bond for incorrect returns; deposit, filing, and preservation of tax roll; tax roll as evidence; statement of uncollected personal property taxes; warrant authorizing collection; payment of sums collected; credit and receipt for collection; liability; agreement for collection of delinquent personal property taxes; condition; notice demanding payment; neglecting or refusing to pay tax; distraint and sale; legal and equitable remedies; collection, deposit, and use of fees, interest, penalties, costs, charges, or expenses; transfer of excess money; distribution of taxes collected.
Section 211.56a Personal property taxes uncollected for 5 years; petition; striking from rolls; judgment; duties of county treasurer.
Section 211.57 Statement of unpaid taxes; return of delinquent taxes; extension of time; rules; notices.
Section 211.57a State treasurer to prescribe practice for county treasurers; failure of county treasurer to comply; state treasurer to complete work; expense borne by county; state treasurer to furnish to county treasurers changes in tax laws.
Section 211.58 Payments to county treasurer; receipt; numbering; certificate.
Section 211.59 Payment of taxes on property returned as delinquent; interest and county property tax administration fee; allocation and distribution of taxes and interest; additional charge as lien on property; crediting expense charge to land reutilization fund and to general fund; reimbursement of state and county; disposition and use of county property tax administration fee; claim by certain persons for credit on taxes paid for principal property; indicating fee on delinquent tax roll; disposition and use of fees.
Section 211.60 Disposition, sale, and redemption of delinquent tax property; purpose, method, and manner; time and place of tax sale; cancellation; expenses, county property tax administration fee, and interest; enforcement of lien; limitation on tax sale.
Section 211.60a Cancellation of tax sale; return of property for forfeiture, foreclosure, and sale; county property tax administration fee; enforcement of lien.
Section 211.61 Repealed. 1999, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.61a Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.61b Repealed. 1999, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.62-211.66 Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.67-211.67b Repealed. 1999, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 1999.
Section 211.67c Property remaining subject to lien recorded pursuant to MCL 324.20101 to 324.20142.
Section 211.68, 211.69 Repealed. 1999, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 1999.
Section 211.70, 211.70a Repealed. 1999, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 1999.
Section 211.70b Repealed. 1999, Act 123, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1999.
Section 211.71-211.73c Repealed. 1999, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.74-211.77 Repealed. 2005, Act 183, Eff. Dec. 31, 2006.
Section 211.78 Delinquent taxes; return, forfeiture, and foreclosure of property; construction of act; election to have state foreclose property forfeited to county; resolution; rescission of prior resolution; foreclosure as voluntary; agreement for collection of taxes or enforcement and consolidation of tax liens; definitions.
Section 211.78a Property returned as delinquent subject to forfeiture, foreclosure, and sale; unpaid taxes from preceding year; county property tax administration fee and interest; notice of return of delinquent taxes; annual fee; procedures and schedules established by ordinance.
Section 211.78b Notice provisions; June 1.
Section 211.78c Notice provisions; September 1.
Section 211.78d Additional fee; October 1.
Section 211.78e List of property subject to forfeiture for delinquent taxes; determinations.
Section 211.78f Notice provisions; unpaid delinquent taxes; additional notices; circulation; insert.
Section 211.78g Property delinquent for preceding 12 months or forfeited for total amount; right to possession by foreclosing governmental unit; limitation; recording certificate with county register of deeds; redemption; property as site of environmental contamination; payment reduction program; requirements; "local unit of government" defined.
Section 211.78h Petition for foreclosure; filing in circuit court; removal of property from petition; withholding property by foreclosing governmental unit; hearing date.
Section 211.78i Identification of owners of property interest; title search; personal visit to determine occupancy; publication of notice; sources of identification; notice provisions; prohibited assertions if failure to redeem property; noncompliance; “authorized representative” defined; applicability of other requirements.
Section 211.78j Schedule of show cause hearing by foreclosing governmental unit.
Section 211.78k Petition for foreclosure; proof of service of notice; filing with circuit court; contesting validity or correctness by person claiming property interest; filing objections; withholding property from foreclosure or extending redemption period; entry of judgment; specifications; failure to pay delinquent taxes, interest, penalties, and fees after entry of judgment; appeal to court of appeals; recording notice of judgment; cancellation; submission of certificate of error.
Section 211.78<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Owner of extinguished recorded or unrecorded property interest; action for possession or recovery of property or interests; right to sue not transferable.
Section 211.78m Granting state right of first refusal; election by state not to purchase property; purchase of property by city, city authority, village, township, county, or county authority; property sale at auction; notice of time and location; procedure; property not previously sold; disposition of sale proceeds; joint sale by 2 or more county treasurers; deed recording; cancellation of taxes and certain costs upon transfer or retention of property; foreclosed property defined as facility under MCL 324.20101; person convicted for executing false affidavit; definitions.
Section 211.78n Land reutilization fund.
Section 211.78o Forms.
Section 211.78p Conveyance of property to Indian tribe; liability for delinquent taxes.
Section 211.78q Delinquent property tax installment payment plan; tax foreclosure avoidance agreement.
Section 211.78r Foreclosing governmental unit for county other than this state; acquisition of property owned by this state, federal government, or other governmental entity; methods; conveyance of real property owned by authority to foreclosing governmental unit; execution and recording of conveyance documents; sale of property; deposit of net proceeds; powers, duties, functions, or responsibilities of authority under land bank fast track act; "authority" defined.
Section 211.78s Applicability of MCL 211.78a to 211.78r; notice in separate insert; definitions.
Section 211.78t Notice of intent to claim interest; form and contents; procedures; hearing; definitions.
Section 211.79 Certified abandoned property; definition.
Section 211.79a Abandoned property; action to quiet title.
Section 211.83-211.86 Repealed. 2005, Act 183, Eff. Dec. 31, 2006.
Section 211.87 Adjustment of accounts; statement of account; interest on delinquent payments; charge back lists.
Section 211.87a Detailed statement of delinquent taxes to school district; contents; city or township treasurer; duty.
Section 211.87b Delinquent tax revolving fund; creation; designation; payments; commingled money, property, or assets; recovery of delinquent taxes and interest; reduction of interest rate; lien; validation and confirmation of resolution or agreement; separate funds or accounts; county treasurer as agent; powers and duties of county treasurer; interest charges, penalties, and county property tax administration fee rates; transfer of surplus; borrowing money; alternative method for paying delinquent taxes; effect of MCL 211.87f.
Section 211.87c Delinquent tax revolving fund; resolution authorizing borrowing and issuance of notes; amounts; limitation; pledge of delinquent taxes; segregated fund or account; disposition of note proceeds; requirements as to notes and resolution authorizing issuance; sale and award of notes; full faith and credit; designation as general obligation tax notes; provisions; payment and registration of notes; county under home rule charter; notes secured under trust or escrow agreement; exemption from revised municipal finance act; effect of MCL 211.87f.
Section 211.87d Submitting to voters question of issuing revolving fund notes at general or special election; establishment of revolving fund; limitation; form of question; issuance of notes; issuance of general obligation tax notes secured by delinquent taxes; submitting question annually; issuance of nonvoted notes; issuance of coupon notes.
Section 211.87e, 211.87f Repealed. 2002, Act 165, Imd. Eff. Apr. 11, 2002.
Section 211.87f Delinquent tax revolving fund; continuation; resolution; designation; commingled money, property, or assets; right, title, or interest of county; right of recourse; interest rate; lien; validation and confirmation of resolution or agreement; segregated fund or account; county treasurer as agent; powers and duties of county treasurer; approval of resolution adopted pursuant to subsection (1).
Section 211.87g Contract for registration of notes with bank or trust company; provisions; delivery of notes to depository trustee; authentication; issuance of registered notes without actual or facsimile seal or signature of treasurer.
Section 211.88 Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.89 Provisions applicable for time period prescribed in subsection (2); applicability of subsection (1).
Section 211.89a City with population of 600,000 or more; return of uncollected delinquent taxes to county treasurer; personal liability; right of city to bring in personam action; remittance by county treasurer.
Section 211.89b City with population of 600,000 or more; taxes levied after December 31, 2003.
Section 211.89c Solid waste fee; treatment as delinquent; applicability of section; "solid waste fee" defined.
Section 211.89d Return of uncollected delinquent taxes levied on real property after December 31, 2008; return of uncollected delinquent taxes levied on real property prior to December 31, 2008; personal liability; right of city to bring in personam action; definitions.
Section 211.89e Return of uncollected delinquent taxes levied on personal property after December 31, 2008; return of uncollected delinquent taxes levied on personal property prior to December 31, 2008; collection of taxes; provisions; definitions.
Section 211.90 Compensation and expenses; payment.
Section 211.91 Losses by default; allocation.
Section 211.92 List of part-paid and homestead lands; contents, time.
Section 211.95 Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.96-211.99 Repealed. 2005, Act 183, Eff. Dec. 31, 2006.
Section 211.100 Prosecuting attorney; duties.
Section 211.101-211.103 Repealed. 2005, Act 183, Eff. Dec. 31, 2006.
Section 211.104 Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.105 Organization of new county; division of local tax collecting unit; effect on assessments; credit.
Section 211.106 Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.107 Applicability of interest, penalty, and fee requirements to cities and villages; prerequisite for protest to board of review; reference to supervisor, township treasurer, and board of review; composition of board in certain cities; sessions; election and duties of chairperson and clerk; purchase of county tax lien; enforcement and collection; interest and penalties; validity of pledge; foreclosure; county tax lien.
Section 211.107a Authority of city to increase rate of taxation; referendum; maximum; reduction; limitation.
Section 211.108 Unpaid tax return; ordinance; description rejected by county treasurer; judicial sale; condition.
Section 211.109 Deputies; authorized acts; responsibility.
Section 211.110 Statement of rejected taxes.
Section 211.111 Deputy township treasurer; appointment; consent; oath; powers and duties; liability; compensation; assisting treasurer.
Section 211.112 Collected taxes unaccounted; power of supervisor.
Section 211.113 Waste; removal of property from lands bid to state prohibited; warrant for seizure and sale of property; agreement; injunctive relief.
Section 211.114 Injunctions.
Section 211.115 Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.116 Assessment or review willfully erroneous; penalty.
Section 211.117 Failure to record payment; penalty.
Section 211.118 Perjury.
Section 211.119 Wilfully neglecting or refusing to perform duty; intentional, arbitrary, or capricious violations; penalties.
Section 211.120 Claim for exemption; prohibited conduct; violations; penalties; enforcement; applicability of penalty provisions.
Section 211.121 Publication of tax laws; distribution; service claims audit.
Section 211.122 Forms and record books; state treasurer to prescribe.
Section 211.124 Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.125 Vested rights.
Section 211.126 Repeal; saving clause.
Section 211.127b Repealed. 2005, Act 183, Eff. Dec. 31, 2006.
Section 211.130 Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.130a, 211.130b Repealed. 1964, Act 256, Eff. Aug. 28, 1964.
Section 211.131-211.131d Repealed. 2005, Act 183, Eff. Dec. 31, 2006.
Section 211.131e Repealed. 2006, Act 611, Eff. Dec. 31, 2014.
Section 211.133, 211.134 Repealed. 1964, Act 256, Eff. Aug. 28, 1964.
206-1893-SUPPLEMENTARY. SUPPLEMENTARY. (211.135... 211.157)
Section 211.135 Recording of conveyances; tax certificate; excepted conveyances; register of deeds; violation; penalty.
Section 211.137 Writs of assistance.
Section 211.138 Repealed. 2005, Act 183, Eff. Dec. 31, 2006.
Section 211.139 Examination of proceedings; collection of taxes.
Section 211.140 Repealed. 2001, Act 94, Eff. Dec. 31, 2003.
Section 211.140a-211.144 Repealed. 2005, Act 183, Eff. Dec. 31, 2006.
Section 211.146 State tax commission; secretary and chief clerk; election, terms, duties, and compensation; availability of record to public.
Section 211.147 Oath of office; compensation and expenses.
Section 211.148 State tax commission; meetings; access to records and rolls; subpoena; fees; scope of examination; penalties.
Section 211.149 Regular meetings; adjourned sessions; special sessions; conducting business at public meeting; notice.
Section 211.150 State tax commission; duties.
Section 211.151 State tax commission; report to governor; contents; time; printed copies.
Section 211.152 State tax commission; inspection of assessment rolls; time; review procedure; complaints; hearing; notice; report; correction; contested case proceedings.
Section 211.152a Apportionment and levy of tax where appeal filed with state tax commission; additional taxes; refunds.
Section 211.154 Incorrect reporting or omission of property liable to taxation; placement of corrected assessment value on assessment roll; certification of taxes due; change in assessment; collection of additional taxes; penalty and interest; refund of excess tax payments; appeal.
Section 211.155 Waste and removal of property from tax delinquent lands.
Section 211.156, 211.157 Repealed. 2005, Act 183, Eff. Dec. 31, 2006.