MCL - Index of 451-1994-I-21-10

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
451-1994-I-21-10 SUBPART 10 LAND EXCHANGE FACILITATION FUND (324.2130...324.2138)
Section 324.2130 Definitions.
Section 324.2131 Designation and sale of surplus land; restrictions.
Section 324.2132 Sale of surplus land; price; methods; sale to highest bidder; condition to acceptance of bid; application for negotiated sale; application fee; notice; disposition of proceeds; quitclaim deed; consideration of application; local preference.
Section 324.2132a Purchase or sale based on appraised value.
Section 324.2133 List of surplus lands.
Section 324.2134 Land exchange facilitation and management fund; creation; deposit of money or other assets; investment; administration; money carried over.
Section 324.2135 Land exchange facilitation and management fund; use of money; purchase of land identified in recommendation; report.
Section 324.2136 Construction of subpart.
Section 324.2137 Sale or exchange of land not designated as surplus land; exclusions.
Section 324.2138 Sale or lease of certain land; notice of proposed sale or lease; disposition of proceeds.