MCL - Index of 368-1978-1-11

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
368-1978-1-11 PART 11 SHORT TITLE, GENERAL DEFINITIONS, AND CONSTRUCTION (333.1101...333.1117)
Section 333.1101 Short title.
Section 333.1103 Meanings of words and phrases.
Section 333.1104 Definitions; A to G.
Section 333.1105 Definitions; I to M.
Section 333.1106 Definitions.
Section 333.1108 Definitions; R, S.
Section 333.1111 Intent and construction of code.
Section 333.1113 Headings or titles of code.
Section 333.1114 Prohibited construction of code.
Section 333.1115 Controlling provisions.
Section 333.1117 References to repealed or rescinded provisions.