MCL - Index of 110-2006-III
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
110-2006-III | ARTICLE III ZONING COMMISSION (125.3301...125.3308) |
Section 125.3301 | Zoning commission; creation; transfer of powers to planning commission; resolution; membership; terms; successors; vacancy; limitation; removal of member; officers. |
Section 125.3302 | Expenses; compensation. |
Section 125.3303 | Planning expert; compensation. |
Section 125.3304 | Regular meetings; notice; zoning commission subject to open meetings act. |
Section 125.3305 | Recommendations of zoning commission; adoption and filing. |
Section 125.3306 | Recommendations of zoning commission; submission to legislative body; public hearing; notice; examination of proposed text and maps. |
Section 125.3307 | Review and recommendations after hearing; submission to township; submission to coordinating zoning committee; waiver of right to review. |
Section 125.3308 | Summary of public hearing comments; transmission to legislative body by zoning commission; report. |