House Bill 4291 of 2019

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Campaign finance: statements and reports; campaign statement filing schedules; modify. Amends secs. 33 & 34 of 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.233 & 169.234).


Bill Document Formatting Information
House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes
As Passed by the House
The As Passed by the House version is the bill, as introduced, that includes any adoped House amendments


House Fiscal Agency Analysis

Summary As Introduced (5/21/2019)
This document analyzes HB4291
Summary as Referred to Second Committee (6/25/2019)
This document analyzes HB4291
Summary of H-2 Substitute as Reported From Committee (12/11/2019)
This document analyzes HB4291
Summary of Proposed H-3 Substitute (1/15/2020)
This document analyzes HB4291
Summary of H-3 Substitute as Reported From Committee (1/16/2020)
This document analyzes HB4291


(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)
Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date Journal Action
3/05/2019 HJ 22 Pg. 211 introduced by Representative Julie Calley
3/05/2019 HJ 22 Pg. 211 read a first time
3/05/2019 HJ 22 Pg. 211 referred to Committee on Elections and Ethics
3/06/2019 HJ 23 Pg. 221 bill electronically reproduced 03/05/2019
6/12/2019 HJ 60 Pg. 733 referred to Committee on Ways and Means, with substitute (H-1)
12/10/2019 HJ 113 Pg. 2036 reported with recommendation with substitute (H-2)
12/10/2019 HJ 113 Pg. 2036 referred to second reading
1/14/2020 HJ 3 Pg. 31 re-referred to Committee on Ways and Means
1/15/2020 HJ 4 Pg. 44 reported with recommendation with substitute (H-3)
1/15/2020 HJ 4 Pg. 44 referred to second reading
1/15/2020 HJ 4 Pg. 44 read a second time
1/15/2020 HJ 4 Pg. 44 substitute (H-3) adopted
1/15/2020 HJ 4 Pg. 44 placed on third reading
1/16/2020 HJ 5 Pg. 61 read a third time
1/16/2020 HJ 5 Pg. 61 passed; given immediate effect Roll Call # 22 Yeas 100 Nays 6 Excused 0 Not Voting 3
1/16/2020 HJ 5 Pg. 61 transmitted