House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes
House Bill 4098 of 2009
- Bettie Scott (District 3)
- Justin Amash (District 72)
- Richard Ball (District 85)
- Vicki Barnett (District 37)
- Doug Bennett (District 92)
- Timothy Bledsoe (District 1)
- Lisa Brown (District 39)
- Terry Brown (District 84)
- Brian Calley (District 87)
- Ed Clemente (District 14)
- Hugh Crawford (District 38)
- Kevin Daley (District 82)
- Robert Dean (District 75)
- Larry DeShazor (District 61)
- Andy Dillon (District 17)
- Fred Durhal (District 6)
- Douglas Geiss (District 22)
- Bob Genetski (District 88)
- Lee Gonzales (District 49)
- Vincent Gregory (District 35)
- Martin Griffin (District 64)
- Jennifer Haase (District 32)
- Dave Hildenbrand (District 86)
- Kenneth Horn (District 94)
- Mike Huckleberry (District 70)
- Shanelle Jackson (District 9)
- Bert Johnson (District 5)
- Rick Jones (District 71)
- Robert Jones (District 60)
- Deb Kennedy (District 23)
- Marty Knollenberg (District 41)
- Eileen Kowall (District 44)
- Richard LeBlanc (District 18)
- Gabe Leland (District 10)
- LaMar Lemmons (District 2)
- Lesia Liss (District 28)
- Matt Lori (District 59)
- Jeff Mayes (District 96)
- Tim Melton (District 29)
- David Nathan (District 11)
- Paul Opsommer (District 93)
- Tom Pearce (District 73)
- Gino Polidori (District 15)
- John Proos (District 79)
- Roy Schmidt (District 76)
- Tonya Schuitmaker (District 80)
- Kate Segal (District 62)
- Dian Slavens (District 21)
- Jim Slezak (District 50)
- Alma Wheeler Smith (District 54)
- Woodrow Stanley (District 34)
- Jon Switalski (District 25)
- Rashida Tlaib (District 12)
- Sharon Tyler (District 78)
- Mary Valentine (District 91)
- Rebekah Warren (District 53)
- Jimmy Womack (District 7)
Traffic control; driver license; driver responsibility fee; eliminate. Amends sec. 732a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.732a).
(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date | Journal | Action |
1/22/2009 | HJ 2 Pg. 44 | introduced by Representative Bettie Scott |
1/22/2009 | HJ 2 Pg. 44 | read a first time |
1/22/2009 | HJ 2 Pg. 44 | referred to Committee on Transportation |
1/27/2009 | HJ 3 Pg. 49 | printed bill filed 01/23/2009 |
3/26/2009 | HJ 27 Pg. 490 | reported with recommendation for referral to Committee on Judiciary |
3/26/2009 | HJ 27 Pg. 490 | recommendation concurred in |
12/01/2009 | HJ 102 Pg. 2322 | reported with recommendation with substitute H-2 |
12/01/2009 | HJ 102 Pg. 2322 | referred to second reading |
9/15/2010 | HJ 79 Pg. 1400 | read a second time |
9/15/2010 | HJ 79 Pg. 1400 | substitute H-2 not adopted |
9/15/2010 | HJ 79 Pg. 1400 | substitute H-5 adopted and amended |
9/15/2010 | HJ 79 Pg. 1400 | placed on third reading |
9/15/2010 | HJ 79 Pg. 1401 | placed on immediate passage |
9/15/2010 | HJ 79 Pg. 1401 | read a third time |
9/15/2010 | HJ 79 Pg. 1401 | passed; given immediate effect Roll Call # 381 Yeas 105 Nays 0 |
9/15/2010 | HJ 79 Pg. 1401 | title amended |
9/15/2010 | HJ 79 Pg. 1401 | transmitted |