COMMITTEE SUMMARY (Date Completed: 10-12-95)
This document analyzes SB0718
Senate Bill 718 of 1995
Education; athletics; certain public school academy students to participate in competitive sports programs; require interscholastic athletic association's regulations to allow, and provide for alternative interscholastic
sports system under certain circumstances.
Amends secs. 1289 & 1521 of Act 451 of 1976 (MCL 380.1289 & 380.1521).
A SUBSET of documents (including the bill as introduced, the enrolled version if passed, and analyses/summaries)
are available for sessions prior to 1997 and are provided by the Library of Michigan.
Senate Fiscal Agency Analysis
(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date | Journal | Action |
10/05/1995 | SJ 67 Pg. 1728 | REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION |
10/31/1995 | SJ 77 Pg. 1924 | REPORTED FAVORABLY WITH SUBSTITUTE (S-2) |
12/07/1995 | SJ 88 Pg. 2288 | REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION |