Act No. 216

Public Acts of 2023

Approved by the Governor

November 22, 2023

Filed with the Secretary of State

November 22, 2023

EFFECTIVE DATE:  February 13, 2024










state of michigan

102nd Legislature

Regular session of 2023

Introduced by Reps. Scott, Haadsma, Stone, Farhat, Morgan, Tyrone Carter, O’Neal, Neeley, Brenda Carter, Rheingans, MacDonell, Price, Hill, Coleman, Edwards, Breen, Hoskins and Aiyash


AN ACT to amend 2005 PA 48, entitled “An act to designate the third Saturday in June as Juneteenth National Freedom Day; and to designate November 26 of each year as Sojourner Truth Day in the state of Michigan,” by amending the title and section 1 (MCL 435.361).

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


An act to designate November 26 of each year as Sojourner Truth Day.


Sec. 1. The legislature recognizes the fundamental contribution Sojourner Truth made to the abolition of slavery, to the establishment of equal rights for women, and to several other significant social reform and human justice movements in the nineteenth century. Truth toured the nation for more than 40 years as a forceful and passionate advocate for the dispossessed, using her quick wit and fearless tongue to deliver her message of equality and justice. She lived in Battle Creek, Michigan, from 1857 until her death on November 26, 1883. Empowered by her religious faith, the former slave worked tirelessly for many years to transform national attitudes and institutions. According to Nell Painter, Princeton professor and Truth biographer, “No other woman who had been through the ordeal of slavery managed to survive with sufficient strength, poise, and self-confidence to become a public presence over the long term”. Designating Sojourner Truth Day in this state not only acknowledges the importance of this national figure in the antislavery and human justice movements, but it also recognizes her strong ties to this state during her 26 years of Michigan residence. In recognition of this great woman, the legislature declares that November 26 of each year shall be known as “Sojourner Truth Day”.

Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect unless House Bill No. 4457 of the 102nd Legislature is enacted into law.

A close-up of a signature

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Clerk of the House of Representatives


Secretary of the Senate


