October 12, 2021, Introduced by Senators HOLLIER, ALEXANDER, HERTEL, GEISS, POLEHANKI, HORN, BAYER, MCBROOM, MCCANN, VICTORY, MOSS and SCHMIDT and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

A bill to amend 1951 PA 33, entitled

"An act to provide police and fire protection for townships and for certain areas in townships, certain incorporated villages, and certain cities; to authorize contracting for fire and police protection; to authorize the purchase of fire and police equipment, and the maintenance and operation of the equipment; to provide for defraying the cost of the equipment; to authorize the creation of special assessment districts and the levying and collecting of special assessments; to authorize the issuance of special assessment bonds in anticipation of the collection of special assessments and the advancement of the amount necessary to pay such bonds, and to provide for reimbursement for such advances by reassessment if necessary; to authorize the collection of fees for certain emergency services in townships and other municipalities; to authorize the creation of administrative boards and to prescribe their powers and duties; to provide for the appointment of traffic officers and to prescribe their powers and duties; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,"

by amending section 10 (MCL 41.810), as amended by 2020 PA 64.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 10. (1) This act applies to townships and adjoining townships and incorporated villages and qualified cities. If reference is made in this act to townships, that reference applies to townships and incorporated villages and qualified cities. If reference is made in this act to township boards, that reference applies to township boards and the legislative bodies of incorporated villages and qualified cities. A township, incorporated village, or qualified city shall not use this act to lessen the number of paid full-time firefighters in that township, incorporated village, or qualified city.

(2) As used in this act, "qualified city" means either of the following:

(a) A city with a population of less than 15,000.25,000.

(b) A city with a population of 15,000 25,000 or more and less than 70,000 located in a county with a population of more than 180,000 and less than 215,000, if the question of raising money by special assessment and the amount of the special assessment to be levied annually under this act is approved by a majority of the electors in the special assessment district. The amount of the special assessment to be levied annually under this act that was approved under this subdivision must not be increased unless that increase is first approved by a majority of the electors in the special assessment district.