A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled
"The revised school code,"
(MCL 380.1 to 380.1852) by adding section 1204b.
the people of the state of michigan enact:
Sec. 1204b. (1) Subject to state and federal privacy laws, by not later than 90 days after the effective date of the amendatory act that added this section, CEPI shall issue a report to each school district, intermediate school district, and public school academy, based on data available to CEPI under law, concerning both of the following as it pertains to that school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy:
(a) Links between pupils enrolled in and teachers of the schools of the school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy, disaggregated by classroom.
(b) Pupil performance for the immediately preceding school year, disaggregated by classroom.
(2) Subject to state and federal privacy laws, CEPI shall provide access to all of the data that is accessible to the director of CEPI or his or her designee to all of the following individuals:
(a) The senate majority leader.
(b) The speaker of the house of representatives.
(c) The chairs of the house and senate standing committees responsible for education legislation.
(d) The chairs of the house and senate standing committees on appropriations.
(e) The chairs of the house and senate standing subcommittees on school aid appropriations.
(3) By not later than 30 days after the effective date of the amendatory act that added this section, CEPI shall submit a report to the house and senate standing committees responsible for education legislation that includes both of the following:
(a) A detailed breakdown of CEPI's efforts in ensuring that all schools in this state required to submit data to CEPI under law are doing so, so as to allow for CEPI to meet applicable data-collection requirements concerning classroom-level data under section 94a of the state school aid act of 1979, MCL 388.1694a.
(b) Subject to state and federal privacy laws, all classroom-level data concerning pupils collected by CEPI as part of its data collection conducted under section 94a of the state school aid act of 1979, MCL 388.1694a. This data must include, but is not limited to, data sets collected for the 2014-2015 school year and the 2020-2021 school year that link teachers to pupil information. Any names of pupils or teachers included in the data described in this subdivision must be redacted by CEPI before submission of the report described in this subsection.
(4) By not later than June 30, 2021, and June 30 each year thereafter, each school district, intermediate school district, and public school academy shall send all of the following information to a regional data hub that is a part of the Michigan data hub network:
(a) Aggregate school-district-level, as applicable, results in English language arts and mathematics from benchmark assessments administered by the school district.
(b) Aggregate building-level results in English language arts and mathematics from benchmark assessments administered by the school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy.
(c) Aggregate grade-level results in English language arts and mathematics from benchmark assessments administered by the school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy.
(5) The Michigan data hub network shall ensure that the information received under subsection (4) is compiled and sent to CEPI. By not later than September 1, 2021, and September 1 each year thereafter, CEPI shall, subject to state and federal privacy laws, provide a report to the house and senate standing committees responsible for education legislation identifying the statewide benchmark assessment results in English language arts and mathematics, disaggregated by school district, intermediate school district, public school academy, each school within each school district, and by each grade offered by each public school in this state.
(6) Subject to state and federal privacy laws, by June 31, 2021, and June 31 each year thereafter, each school district, intermediate school district, and public school academy shall submit classroom-level student growth data obtained from benchmark assessments administered by the school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy to CEPI. A school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy shall ensure that the names of pupils and teachers included in the data described in the immediately preceding sentence are redacted before the data is submitted to CEPI as required under this subsection.
(7) Subject to state and federal privacy laws, by not later than September 1, 2021, and September 1 each year thereafter, CEPI shall compile the data received under subsection (6) and submit a report of the data, in a form and manner consistent with guidelines issued by the commission, to the house and senate standing committees responsible for education legislation.
(8) Subject to subsection (9) and state and federal privacy laws, each school district, intermediate school district, and public school academy shall publish all of the following on its website homepage for all grades for which benchmark assessments were administered by the school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy:
(a) School-district-level, as applicable, benchmark assessment results in English language arts and mathematics.
(b) Grade-level benchmark assessment results in English language arts and mathematics.
(c) Building-level benchmark assessment results in English language arts and mathematics.
(9) If the publication of results under subsection (8) as disaggregated in the levels described in subsection (8)(a), (b), or (c) will result in the identification of a teacher of the school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy, then the school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy shall not disaggregate the data at a level described in subsection (8)(a), (b), or (c) that would result in the identification of that teacher.
(10) As used in this section:
(a) "CEPI" means the center for educational performance and information created under section 94a of the state school aid act of 1979, MCL 388.1694a.
(b) "Commission" means the statewide summative assessment improvement advisory commission created in section 1279k.
Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect unless all of the following bills of the 101st Legislature are enacted into law:
(a) Senate Bill No. 56.
(b) Senate Bill No. 57.
(c) Senate Bill No. 260.
(d) Senate Bill No. 267.
(e) Senate Bill No. 268.
(f) Senate Bill No. 261.
(g) Senate Bill No. 262.
(h) Senate Bill No. 264.
(i) Senate Bill No. 266.
(j) Senate Bill No. 265.