February 03, 2021, Introduced by Senators
SCHMIDT and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.
A bill to amend 2008 PA 549, entitled
"Michigan promise zone authority act,"
by amending section 3 (MCL 390.1663), as amended by 2020 PA 330.
the people of the state of michigan enact:
(a) "Authority" means a promise zone authority created under this act.
(b) "Board" means the governing body of an authority.
(c) "Eligible entity" means a city, township, county, local school district, or intermediate school district, in which the percentage of families with children under age 18 that are living at or below the federal poverty level is greater than or equal to the state average of families with children under age 18 living at or below the federal poverty level, as determined by the department of treasury.
(d) "Federal poverty level" means the poverty guidelines published annually in the Federal Register by the United States Department of Health and Human Services under its authority to revise the poverty line under 42 USC 9902.
(e) "Governing body" means the elected body of an eligible entity that has legislative powers.
(f) "Nonpublic high school" means a high school operated by a nonpublic school that includes grades 9 to 12 or 10 to 12 and that awards a high school diploma. Nonpublic high school also includes a general education development test.
(g) "Nonpublic school" means that term as defined in section 5 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.5.
(h) "Promise of financial assistance" means a commitment by an eligible entity to provide financial resources for public or private postsecondary education, including a vocational program, to eligible students living in a promise zone and who have graduated from a public high school or nonpublic high school located within that promise zone.
(i) "Promise zone" means that area created by a governing body under this act.
(j) "Promise zone development plan" means that plan developed by an authority under this act that will ensure that the financial resources are available to adequately fund the promise of financial assistance.
(k) "Public high school" means a public school that includes grades 9 to 12 or 10 to 12 and that awards a high school diploma.
(l) "Public school" means that term as defined in
section 5 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.5.
"Qualified educational expenses" means tuition and fees required for
the enrollment or attendance of a student at an educational institution, and may also include, if
provided for in an authority's promise zone development plan, expenses any of the following:
Expenses for
fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses of instruction at
that educational institution.
Expenses for on-campus room and board at that educational institution.
"School district" means that term as defined in the revised school
code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852.
"State education tax" means the tax levied under the state education
tax act, 1993 PA 331, MCL 211.901 to 211.906.
(p) "Vocational program" means an education or training program intended to teach a trade, occupation, or vocation and offered by a public or private postsecondary institution in this state.