A bill to amend 2020 PA 68, entitled
"Michigan reconnect grant recipient act,"
by amending sections 11, 15, 18, and 21 (MCL 390.1711, 390.1715, 390.1718, and 390.1721).
the people of the state of michigan enact:
Sec. 11. (1) This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Michigan reconnect grant recipient act".
(2) The reconnect initiative and the reconnect program created respectively in this act and the Michigan reconnect grant act, 2020 PA 84, MCL 390.1701 to 390.1709, are intended to provide last-dollar financial assistance to individuals age 25 18 and older seeking associate degrees or industry-recognized certificates or credentials; to provide those individuals with greater access to the education and skills needed to succeed in, and meet the demands of, an evolving economy in which there is continuing demand for a talented local workforce; and to achieve the goal of increasing the number of residents ages 25 to 64 with a college degree or skill certificate or credential to 60% by 2030.
Sec. 15. To establish initial eligibility for a Michigan reconnect grant, an individual must meet all of the following conditions by the date of his or her enrollment described in subdivision (d):
(a) Be at least 25 18 years old.
(b) Be a resident of this state for at least the immediately preceding year.
(c) Have graduated from high school with a diploma or certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate. As used in this subdivision, "high school equivalency certificate" means that term as defined in section 4 of the school aid act of 1979, 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1604.
(d) Be admitted to, and enrolled as at least a half-time student in, a Pell-eligible program at an eligible institution leading to an associate degree or industry-recognized certificate or credential.
(e) Not have previously earned an associate or baccalaureate degree as a Michigan reconnect grant student.
(f) Timely complete a Michigan reconnect grant application in a form and manner determined by the department.
(g) Timely file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid for the enrollment period described in subdivision (d).
(h) Timely apply for all available gift aid for the enrollment period described in subdivision (d).
Sec. 18. (1) A Michigan reconnect grant student who takes a leave of absence from an eligible institution due to a medical or family hardship may, subject to department approval, continue to receive the grant upon resuming the student's education at an eligible institution if the student continues to meet all applicable eligibility requirements. A leave of absence under this subsection does not disrupt the requirement of continuous enrollment under section 16(b) and does not count toward the 4-year limitation described in subsection (2)(a).
(2) A student is eligible for a Michigan reconnect grant until the occurrence of either of the following:
(a) Subject to subsection (1), 4 years have passed since the student became a Michigan reconnect grant student.
(b) The student has earned an associate degree as a Michigan reconnect grant student. For purposes of this subdivision, a Michigan reconnect grant student who has earned a certificate or credential at an eligible institution remains eligible for the Michigan reconnect grant if he or she has not yet earned an associate degree as a Michigan reconnect grant student.
(3) A student who participates in the Michigan reconnect grant program may transfer from 1 eligible institution to another eligible institution without loss of the grant so long as the student continues to meet all eligibility requirements for the grant.
Sec. 21. (1) The reconnect private training learning initiative is created in the department for the purpose of providing skills scholarships to individuals eligible for those scholarships under this section. The department shall do all of the following:
(a) Develop and implement a process by which those seeking to participate in the reconnect private training learning initiative as a qualified private training institution offering qualified occupational training programs must apply to the department.
(b) Approve as a qualified occupational training program a program for which an application is submitted under subdivision (a) that meets all of the criteria in section 13(k), and post these criteria to the department's website.
(c) Ensure that an applicant under subdivision (a) is first included on this state's eligible training provider list as a qualified private training institution under section 13(l), before each of the applicant's programs receives separate approval from the department as being a qualified occupational training program under section 13(k).
(d) Require that qualified private training institutions accepted to participate in the reconnect private training learning initiative comply with data requests from the department as a condition to continued participation. For purposes of this subdivision, the department shall require institutions operating apprenticeship programs subject to this act to provide data that tracks relevant work experience required to verify a student's status as an apprentice.
(e) Maintain on its website a list of all qualified occupational training program options available to potential skills scholarship recipients.
(f) Award skills scholarships, subject to all of the following:
(i) A skills scholarship is a 1-time grant not to exceed $1,500.00 to contribute to tuition costs for a qualified occupational training program at a qualified private training institution, both of which are approved under this section, for a training program participant who meets the requirements of subparagraph (ii). A skills scholarship is available under this section only if the training program participant has applied for all other gift aid, if any is available, and must not cause the total amount of all gift aid, including a skills scholarship awarded under this section, if any, to exceed the full amount of the tuition charged for the training program.
(ii) To receive the skills scholarship described in subparagraph (i), a qualified occupational training program participant must meet all of the following:
(A) Be at least 25 18 years old.
(B) Be a resident of this state for at least the immediately preceding year.
(C) Have graduated from high school with a diploma or certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate. As used in this sub-subparagraph, "high school equivalency certificate" means that term as defined in section 4 of the school aid act of 1979, 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1604.
(D) Not have previously earned an associate or baccalaureate degree as a Michigan reconnect grant student.
(E) Timely complete a reconnect private training learning initiative skills scholarship application in a form and manner determined by the department.
(F) Timely apply for all other gift aid, if any is available, for the qualified occupational training program.
(iii) The department may award skills scholarships under this section only until money appropriated to the reconnect private training learning initiative has been fully committed.
(g) Inform each recipient of a skills scholarship that he or she will remain eligible for the Michigan reconnect grant program to pursue an associate degree or occupational certificate upon completion of a certification course of a study at a qualified private training institution, and that community colleges will work to convert the coursework completed at a qualified private training institution into community college credit wherever possible.
(2) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (3), the department shall promulgate rules to implement subsection (1)(a), (b), and (d) only, pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328, subject to all of the following:
(a) Under subsection (1)(a), the department is limited to developing the form for the application described in subsection (1)(a) and prescribing the time and manner of its completion.
(b) Under subsection (1)(b), the department is limited to applying the eligibility criteria described in subsection (1)(b) and shall not apply any other eligibility criteria.
(c) Under subsection (1)(d), the department is limited to requiring compliance with data requests as described in subsection (1)(d).
(3) To facilitate implementation of the Michigan reconnect grant program prior to final rules being adopted, the department may develop and administer the reconnect private training learning initiative in accordance with its proposed rules or other policy or directive of the department established pursuant to this act.
Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 6514 (request no. 05856'22) of the 101st Legislature is enacted into law.