ZONE PLAN; PROPORTIONAL VOTING                                               S.B. 1224:

                                                                     SUMMARY OF DISCHARGED BILL










Senate Bill 1224 (as discharged)

Sponsor:  Senator Wayne A. Schmidt

Committee:  Economic and Small Business Development




The bill would amend Public Act 120 of 1961, which provided for the creation, operation, and dissolution of business improvement zones, to do the following:


 --   Amend or add various definitions within the Act.

 --   Remove a requirement that a zone plan must allocate assessments on the basis of the benefit to assessable property.

 --   Allow a zone plan to provide for assessments, and if it did so, require the zone plan to include a basis for the allocation of assessments in compliance with the Act on the basis of one or more factors specified in the bill.

 --   Specify that if the zone plan for a zone area provided a basis for the allocation of assessments on the basis of assessed value, the majority of all properties within the zone area would have to be assessable property.

 --   Require that if the zone plan for a zone area provided a basis for the allocation of assessment on a basis other than assessed value, the majority of all properties within the zone area would have to be assessable property.

 --   Allow a zone plan to provide for caps on the assessment amounts paid by an owner of assessable property and for caps on the growth of assessment amounts.

 --   Specify that if proportional voting would apply in the zone plan for a new business improvement zone, a description of the proportional voting mechanism to be used or, if proportional voting would not apply, a statement to that effect.

 --   Remove a requirement that any notice required as part of the assessment process include a statement that a residential property owner within a business improvement zone may seek a homestead deferment for an assessment.

 --   Prescribe the allocations for the proportional vote of a property owner, if a zone plan provides for proportional voting.

 --   Specify that the proportional vote allocated to any one property owner could not exceed 25% and prescribe procedures for reallocating the votes in excess of that threshold.


MCL 125.990 et al.                                           Legislative Analyst:  Olivia Ponte




The bill would have no fiscal impact on State government but could have a negative fiscal impact on local units of government. The bill would eliminate a requirement that cities and villages apply business improvement zone assessments first to property taxes owed by property owners, which would reduce revenue to cities or villages.


Date Completed:  12-1-22                                      Fiscal Analyst:  Bobby Canell



This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.