ELECTION SCHEDULING S.B. 130 (S-3) & H.B. 4530 (S-3)-4533 (S-3):
Senate Bill 130 (Substitute S-3 as reported)
House Bill 4530 (Substitute S-3 as reported)
House Bill 4531 (Substitute S-1 as reported)
House Bill 4532 (Substitute S-1 as reported)
House Bill 4533 (Substitute S-3 as reported)
Sponsor: Senator Aric Nesbitt (S.B. 130)
Representative Julie Calley (H.B. 4530)
Representative Graham Filler (H.B. 4531)
Representative Karen Whitsett (H.B. 4532)
Representative Ranjeev Puri (H.B. 4533)
House Committee: Elections and Ethics
Senate Bill 130 (S-3) would amend the Michigan Election Law to do the following:
-- Replace the May and August regular election dates with a June regular election date.
-- Require a city council that, after December 21, 2022, adopted a resolution so that its regular election was held on the May regular election date to hold its regular election on the June regular election date.
-- Require a city that held its regular election primary for a city office annually or in the even year on the August regular primary election date to hold its regular election primary on the June regular election date.
House Bill 4530 (S-3) would amend the Michigan Election Law to do the following:
-- Amend the definition of "odd year primary election" to mean the election held on the June, instead of August regular election date.
-- Require general primaries to take place on the Tuesday after the first Monday in June, instead of the Tuesday after the first Monday in August.
-- Specify that nominating petitions would have to be received by the Secretary of State (SOS) or filed with an applicable clerk up to 4 PM on the fifteenth Tuesday before the June, instead of August, primary.
-- Require certain election activities that are scheduled in accordance with an August primary to be scheduled in accordance with a June primary.
-- Require the filing deadline or certification deadline for a nomination by caucus or by filing a petition or affidavit to be 4 PM on the fifteenth Tuesday before the June, instead of May, election.
-- Require the chairperson of the county committee or district committee of a Congressional district of each political party, by February 1, instead of April 1, in even numbered years to provide to the board of election commissioners a certificate showing the number of delegates to the county convention in which each precinct of the county is entitled.
-- Require the chairperson of the State central committee of a political party to notify the chairperson of the county or district committee of a congressional district, by January 1 in even numbered years, instead of March 1, that the certificate is to be delivered to the board of election commissioners on or before February 1, instead of April 1.
-- Require a recall election to be held on the next June, instead of May, regular election date or the next November regular election date, whichever occurred first.
-- Require a special recall election to be held on the next June or November regular election date, whichever occurred first.
-- Require a recall general election to be held on the next June or November regular election date, whichever occurred first.
House Bill 4531 (S-1) would amend the Revised School Code to do the following:
-- Eliminate language that allows appointed school electors of an annexed intermediate school district (ISD) to serve on the board of the reorganized ISD until July 1, if the ISD's regular school election is held in May.
-- Eliminate language that allows appointed school electors of an ISD that is enlarged by the dissolution of another ISD to serve on the board of the enlarged district until July 1, if the ISD's regular school election is held in May.
House Bill 4532 (S-1) would amend Public Act 156 of 1851, which defines the powers and duties of county boards of commissioners, to require the election of a township board for a consolidated township to occur at the next June primary, instead of August primary, and November general elections.
House Bill 4533 (S-3) would amend the Revised Judicature Act to require resolutions that add or eliminate a circuit court, probate, or district court judgeship to be filed by each clerk of each county or district control unit adopting the resolution by no later than 4 PM of the sixteenth Tuesday before the June, instead of August, primary.
Senate Bill 130 (S-3) and House Bill 4530 (S-3) are tie-barred. House Bills 4531 (S-1), 4352 (S-1), and 4533 (S-3) are tie-barred to Senate Bill 130 and House Bill 4530. Each bill would take effect on January 1, 2023.
MCL 168.641-168.642a (S.B. 130) Legislative Analyst: Stephen P. Jackson
168.3 et al. (H.B. 4530)
380.702 & 380.703 (H.B. 4531)
46.16c (H.B. 4532)
600.550 et al. (H.B. 4533)
The bills could result in savings for cities and townships as they would allow for one fewer election in a year. The bills would reduce the number of possible election dates (excluding the November general election) from the current three to two days in a year. The cost of an election according the Department of State averages $2,000 per precinct. The potential savings to a city or township is indeterminate and would depend on the number of precincts in that city or township.
Date Completed: 10-10-22 Fiscal Analyst: Joe Carrasco, Jr.
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.