house resolution no.203
Reps. Hall and Crawford offered the following resolution:
Whereas, Pallister-Killian Syndrome (PKS) is a rare genetic disorder resulting from the double duplication of the short arm of chromosome 12, causing children to suffer low muscle tone, seizures, global development delays, hearing and vision loss, and other conditions; and
Whereas, PKS happens randomly at conception and for no known reason. It is thought that there are fewer than 300 diagnosed cases in the world. However, many doctors believe that the incidences of PKS are much higher, possibly as many as 2,000 cases exist in the United States alone. Improper testing methods and lack of awareness of this condition is the main cause for the undiagnosed cases; and
Whereas, It is the goal of this resolution to promote research, education, and raise awareness within the medical community to ensure early diagnoses of children with PKS; and
Whereas, Increased awareness of this condition will help families and caregivers of children with PKS acquire the resources and support they need to manage this disorder; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare December 4, 2019, as Pallister-Killian Awareness Day in the state of Michigan.