PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL FEES; EXTEND SUNSET                                             H.B. 4850:

                                                                                                    SUMMARY OF BILL

                                                                                     REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE









House Bill 4850 (as reported without amendment)

Sponsor:  Representative Mary Whiteford

House Committee:  Appropriations

Senate Committee:  Appropriations




The bill would amend the Mental Health Code to delay the sunset on license and license renewal fees for psychiatric hospitals and units. These fees will sunset on October 1, 2019, after which the fees will be eliminated. The bill would extend this sunset until October 1, 2023.


MCL 330.1139




The bill would have a positive fiscal impact on the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and no fiscal impact on local units of government. The extension of the current fees would preserve about $56,000 in annual fee revenues. The revenue from these fees is deposited into the Health Systems Fees Fund.


Fee Sunsets and Potential Revenue Losses


Current Fee

Fee After Sunset

Revenue Loss from Fee Sunset

Psychiatric Hospitals/Units

$500 per license; $10 per bed






Date Completed:  9-18-19                                        Fiscal Analyst:  Elizabeth Raczkowski



This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.