RENEWAL OF LICENSE & STATE ID; MODIFY                        S.B. 1111 (S-2) & 1112 (S-2):

                                                                                  SUMMARY OF SUBSTITUTE BILL

                                                                                                         IN COMMITTEE







Senate Bill 1111 (Substitute S-2)

Senate Bill 1112 (Substitute S-2)

Sponsor:  Senator Ruth Johnson (S.B. 1111)

               Senator Betty Jean Alexander (S.B. 1112)

Committee:  Transportation and Infrastructure


Date Completed:  12-2-20




Senate Bill 1111 (S-2) would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to allow the Secretary of State (SOS) to issue a renewal operator's or chauffeur's license for two additional four-year periods, instead of one additional four-year period,  or until the individual was no longer determined to be legally present by mail or by other methods prescribed by the SOS.


Senate Bill 1112 (S-2) would Public Act 222 of 1972, which governs the form, issuance, and use of an official State identification (ID) card, to allow the SOS to issue a renewal official State ID card for two additional four-year periods, instead of one addition four-year period, by mail or by other methods prescribed by the SOS.


Senate Bill 1111 is tie-barred to Senate Bill 1112.


Senate Bill 1111 (S-2)


Under the Michigan Vehicle Code, except for a vehicle group designation or indorsement or as provided in Section 314(5) of the Code, the SOS may issue a renewal operator's or chauffeur's license for one additional four-year period or until the individual is no longer determined to be legally present by mail or by other methods prescribed by the SOS. Under the bill, the SOS could issue a renewal operator's or chauffeur's license for two additional four-year periods or until the individual was no longer determined to be legally present by mail or by other methods prescribed by the SOS.


Senate Bill 1112 (S-2)


Under Public Act 222 of 1972, the SOS may issue a renewal official State ID card for one additional four-year period by mail or by other methods prescribed by the SOS. Under the bill, the SOS could issue a renewal official State ID card for two additional four-year periods by mail or by other methods prescribed by the SOS.


MCL 257.307 (S.B. 1111)                                          Legislative Analyst:  Tyler VanHuyse

       28.292 (S.B. 1112)




The bills would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.


                                                                                       Fiscal Analyst: Joe Carrasco

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.