November 28, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Wittenberg, Gay-Dagnogo, Moss, Zemke, Camilleri, Hertel, Hoadley, Geiss, Liberati, Pagan, Schor, Howrylak and Robinson and referred to the Committee on Elections and Ethics.


     A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled


"Michigan election law,"


by amending sections 497, 498, 500a, and 500d (MCL 168.497,


168.498, 168.500a, and 168.500d), section 497 as amended by 1989 PA


142, section 498 as amended by 2005 PA 71, and section 500a as


amended by 1995 PA 87; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




     Sec. 497. (1) A person who is not registered to vote but


possesses the qualifications of an elector as set forth provided in


section 492 , may apply for registration to the clerk of the


county, township, city, or village in which he or she resides on a


day other than Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or the day of a


regular, primary, school, or special election. Registrations Voter


registrations accepted between the thirtieth tenth day preceding


before an election and the day of the election, unless the


thirtieth tenth day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday,


in which event voter registration shall must be accepted during the


following day, are not valid for the election but are valid for a


subsequent regular, primary, school, or special elections that are


held so that not less than 30 days intervene between election that


is held more than 10 days after the date the person registered and


the date of the vote.


     (2) Except as otherwise provided in sections 499a to 499c,


500a to 500j , and 504, an application for registration shall 509v,


a voter registration application must not be executed at a place


other than the office of the county, township, city, or village


clerk or a public place or places designated by the clerk or deputy


registrar for receiving registrations, but the voter registration


applications. However, a clerk or deputy registrar assistant clerk


may receive an a voter registration application wherever he or she


may be. If a county, township, city, or village clerk does not


regularly keep his or her office open daily during certain hours,


the clerk shall is not be required to be at his or her office for


the purpose of receiving voter registration applications for


registration on a particular day nor during specific hours of a


day, except as provided in section 498. Registrations A voter


registration taken after the time of closing registrations before


an election need not be processed until the date immediately


following that election . A registration shall and must not be


placed in a precinct registration file until the date immediately


following that election. If a person registers to vote at a time

that registrations are closed for an election, the person shall


must be given a notice, signed by the clerk, on a form developed by


the secretary of state, informing him or her that he or she is not


eligible to vote in the election and indicating the first date on


which he or she is eligible to vote. Except as provided in sections


500a to 500j, the provisions of this section relating to


registration shall apply.


     Sec. 498. (1) The governing body of a township, city, or


village may provide by resolution that in that township, city, or


village the clerk shall be at the clerk's office, or in some other


convenient place designated by the clerk, during the hours


designated by the governing body on the thirtieth tenth day


preceding an election or primary election in the township, city, or


village, unless the thirtieth tenth day falls on a Saturday,


Sunday, or legal holiday, in which event voter registration shall


must be accepted during the same hours on the following day.


     (2) In a township, city, or village in which the clerk does


not maintain regular daily office hours, the township board or the


legislative body of the city or village may require that the clerk


of the township, city, or village shall be at the clerk's office or


other designated place for the purpose of receiving voter


registration applications for registration on the days which that


the board or legislative body designates, but not more than 5 days


before the last day for voter registration.


     (3) The clerk of each township, city, and village shall give


public notice of the days and hours that the clerk will be at the


clerk's office or other designated place for the purpose of

receiving voter registrations before an election or primary


election by publication of the notice, except as provided in


subsection (4) and section 497(2), in a newspaper published or of


general circulation in the township, city, or village and, if


considered advisable by the township, city, or village clerk, by


posting written or printed notices in at least 2 of the most


conspicuous places in each election precinct. Except as provided in


subsection (4), the publication or posting shall must be made not


less than 7 days before the last day for receiving voter


registrations. The notice of voter registration shall must include


the offices to be filled that will appear on the ballot. If the


notice of voter registration is for an election that includes a


ballot proposal, a caption or brief description of the ballot


proposal along with the location where an elector can obtain the


full text of the ballot proposal shall must be stated in the




     (4) Notice of voter registration for a school millage election


that will be held pursuant to section 36 of the general property


tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.36, shall be is required to be


published once and shall must be made not less than 5 days before


the last day for receiving voter registrations. as provided in


section 497a.


     (5) A county clerk may enter into an agreement with the clerk


of 1 or more townships or cities in the county or the clerks of 1


or more cities or townships in a county may enter into an agreement


to jointly publish the notice required in subsection (3). The


notice shall must be published in a newspaper of general

circulation in the cities and townships listed in the notice.


     Sec. 500a. (1) The secretary of state or the secretary of


state's agent shall afford allow a person who appears in a


department of state branch office or a person who applies for


renewal of an operator's or chauffeur's license under section 307


of the Michigan vehicle code, Act No. 300 of the Public Acts of


1949, being section 257.307 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, an


opportunity 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.307, to complete an application to


register to vote a voter registration application or to change the


person's voting registration name or address, if the applicant


possesses the qualifications of an elector on the date of


application or will possess the qualifications at the next


election. This subsection does not require a registered elector to


periodically reregister or to renew his or her registration. The


application for registration voter registration application made


under this section shall must contain all of the following:


     (a) The name of the applicant.


     (b) The residence address of the applicant, including the


street and number or rural route and box number and apartment


number, if any.


     (c) The city or township and county of residence of the


applicant, and the school district of the applicant, if known.


     (d) The date of birth of the applicant.


     (e) The birthplace of the applicant.


     (f) The driver's driver license or state personal


identification card number of the applicant, if available.


     (g) A statement that the applicant has the qualifications of

an elector as of the date of applying for registration, or will


have the qualifications of an elector at the next election.


     (h) A statement that the registration is not effective until


processed by the clerk of the city or township in which the


applicant resides.


     (i) A statement that the applicant, if qualified, may vote at


an election occurring not less than 30 10 days after the date of


completing the application.


     (j) A space to indicate the applicant's last place of


registration, if any.


     (k) A statement authorizing the cancellation of registration


at the applicant's last place of registration.


     (l) A space for the applicant to sign and certify to the truth


of the statements on the application.


     (2) The applicant shall sign the voter registration


application. Upon receipt of receiving the application, the agent


shall sign the application, stamp the application with a validation


stamp, and provide the applicant with a receipt verifying the voter


registration application. The agent shall promptly forward the


application to the county clerk of the applicant's residence or to


a city or township clerk designated by the secretary of state.


     Sec. 500d. A person who has properly completed an application


for registration a voter registration application at an office of


the secretary of state or his or her agent shall be permitted to


may vote in all elections occurring not less than 30 10 days after


making the application if the clerk determines the person is


qualified and the voter identification card is not returned by the

post office as provided by section 500c. If the clerk determines


the person is not qualified, the clerk immediately shall send a


notice to the applicant at the address stated in the application


stating the determination and the reasons therefor. the person is


not qualified. A person shall be permitted to may vote if he or she


presents at the polls a validated voter registration application


receipt and the clerk determines the person is qualified.


     Enacting section 1. Section 497a of the Michigan election law,


1954 PA 116, MCL 168.497a, is repealed.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.