June 14, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Love, Cochran, Dianda, Sneller, Chang, Gay-Dagnogo, Sabo, Jones, Sowerby, Wittenberg, Geiss, Pagan, Hoadley, Brinks, Hertel, Greig, Moss, Hammoud and Durhal and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.
A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled
"Public health code,"
by amending section 20181 (MCL 333.20181) and by adding section
Sec. 20181. (1) The immunity from civil or criminal liability
or penalty provided in this section and sections 20182 and 20183
applies only if the health facility complies with section 20184a.
(2) A hospital, clinic, institution, teaching institution, or
other health facility is not required to admit a patient for the
purpose of performing an abortion. A hospital, clinic, institution,
teaching institution, or other health facility or a physician,
member, or associate of the staff, or other person connected
therewith, may refuse to perform, participate in, or allow to be
performed on its premises an abortion. The refusal shall be with
immunity from any civil or criminal liability or penalty.
Sec. 20184a. (1) Notwithstanding sections 20181 to 20184, a
health facility shall not refuse to provide reproductive health
services to an individual if withholding the reproductive health
service would result in or prolong an imminent serious risk to the
individual's life or health and shall not limit or otherwise
interfere with a physician's or other health care professional's
independent professional judgment concerning the practice of
medicine or the diagnosis or treatment of a patient, including, but
not limited to, the following:
(a) Limiting a health care professional's duty to follow the
standard of care for providing the patient with comprehensive,
medically accurate information about his or her health status,
including diagnosis, prognosis, recommended treatment, and
potential risks to the patient's life or health.
(b) Limiting a health care professional's referrals to another
health facility or limiting the timing of a referral.
(c) Prohibiting a health care professional from offering or
delivering a reproductive health service if withholding the
reproductive health service or medically accurate information would
result in or prolong an imminent serious risk to the individual's
life or health.
(2) Subsection (1) does not require a health facility to
provide a reproductive health service unless failure to provide
that service would result in or prolong an imminent serious risk to
the individual's life or health.
(3) A health care professional, the attorney general, a
patient of the health facility, an individual who sought treatment
at the health facility, or an individual who is injured by a
violation of this section may bring a civil action in a court of
competent jurisdiction to enjoin further violations, to recover
damages suffered from the violation on behalf of the injured
individual, or for both an injunction and damages. A plaintiff who
prevails in an action under this subsection may be awarded up to 3
times the actual damages, compensation for pain and suffering, and
court costs and attorney fees, but shall be awarded not less than
$1,000.00 per violation in damages in addition to court costs and
attorney fees.
(4) As used in this section:
(a) "Health care professional" means an individual licensed or
otherwise authorized to practice medicine under article 15, except
that health care professional does not include a sanitarian or a
(b) "Health facility" means a health facility or agency and
may include a clinic, institution, or teaching facility asserting
protection under sections 20181 to 20183.
(c) "Medically accurate information" means information that is
any of the following:
(i) Verified or supported by the weight of peer-reviewed
medical research conducted in compliance with accepted scientific
(ii) Recognized as correct and objective by leading medical
organizations with relevant expertise.
(iii) Recommended and affirmed in the medical practice
guidelines of a nationally recognized accrediting organization.
(d) "Reproductive health service" includes, but is not limited
to, contraception, abortion, treatment of ectopic pregnancy,
miscarriage management, use of assisted reproductive technology,
infertility treatment, screening for and treatment of sexually
transmitted infections, pregnancy and postnatal care, and
Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days
after the date it is enacted into law.