DISABLED VETERANS REG. PLATE; SPOUSE                                             H.B. 4319 (S-1):

                                                                                                    SUMMARY OF BILL

                                                                                      REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE










House Bill 4319 (Substitute S-1 as reported)

Sponsor:  Representative Curtis S. VanderWall

House Committee:  Transportation and Infrastructure

Senate Committee:  Transportation




The bill would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to do the following:


 --    Allow a surviving spouse of a totally disabled veteran with an honorable discharge from the armed services to use a special registration plate after the death of the disabled veteran, and renew the registration plate in the same manner as provided under the Code for the totally disabled veteran.

 --    Allow a surviving spouse of a disabled veteran who also was disabled to apply to the SOS for a tab for people with disabilities in the same manner as provided for a totally disabled veteran.


The bill would take effect 180 days after the bill was enacted.


(The Code allows a person who is a totally disabled veteran with an honorable discharge from the armed services to apply to the Secretary of State if he or she owns a private passenger motor vehicle, and allows the SOS to issue a special registration plate inscribed with special identification numbers preceded by the letters "DV" and the words "disabled veteran" inscribed beneath the number. A special registration plate is exempt from payment of the registration tax.)


MCL 257.803f                                                          Legislative Analyst:  Drew Krogulecki




The bill could have a negligible negative impact on the Michigan Transportation Fund due to the continued exemption from the registration tax for the surviving spouse of a totally disabled veteran. The potential amount of revenue loss is indeterminate and dependent on the number of registrations fees that would be exempt and the length of time that the exemption would continue.


The bill would have no fiscal impact on local government.


Date Completed:  5-7-18                                                     Fiscal Analyst:  Joe Carrasco





This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.