December 14, 2016, Introduced by Senator ANANICH and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.




     A bill to amend 1976 PA 399, entitled


"Safe drinking water act,"


by amending section 2 (MCL 325.1002), as amended by 1998 PA 56, and


by adding section 25.




     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Asset management" means maintaining, upgrading, and


operating physical assets cost-effectively and on an ongoing basis,


based on a continuous physical inventory and condition assessment.


     (b) (a) "Bottled drinking water" means water that is


ultimately sold, provided, or offered for human consumption in a


closed container.


     (c) (b) "Capacity assessment" means an evaluation of the


technical, financial, and managerial capability of a community


supply or nontransient noncommunity water supply to comply and

maintain compliance with all requirements of this act and the rules


promulgated under this act.


     (d) "Central data storage agency" means that agency or office


chosen by the department where the asset manager data collected are


stored and maintained.


     (e) (c) "Community supply" means a 1 of the following as


implied by the context:


     (i) A public water supply that provides year-round service to


not fewer than 15 living units or which that regularly provides


year-round service to not fewer than 25 residents.


     (ii) The owner or operator of a public water supply described


in subparagraph (i).


     (f) (d) "Contaminant" means a physical, chemical, biological,


or radiological substance or matter in water.


     (g) "Council" means the water supply asset management council


created by section 25.


     (h) (e) "Customer service connection" means the pipe between a


water main and customer site piping or a building plumbing system.


     (i) (f) "Customer site piping" means an underground piping


system owned or controlled by the customer that conveys water from


the customer service connection to building plumbing systems and


other points of use on lands owned or controlled by the customer.


Customer site piping does not include any system that incorporates


treatment to protect public health.


     (j) (g) "Department" means the department of environmental


quality or its authorized agent or representative.


     (k) (h) "Director" means the director of the department of

environmental quality or his or her authorized agent or




     (l) (i) "Imminent hazard" means that in the judgment of the


director there is a violation, or a condition that may cause a


violation, of the state drinking water standards at a public water


supply requiring immediate action to prevent endangering the health


of people.


     (m) (j) "Living unit" means a house, apartment, or other


domicile occupied or intended to be occupied on a day to day day-


to-day basis by an individual, family group, or equivalent.


     (n) "Multiyear program" means a compilation of community


supply projects anticipated to be contracted for by the community


supply during a 3-year period. The multiyear program shall include


a listing of each project to be funded in whole or in part with


state or federal funds.


     (o) (k) "Noncommunity supply" means a public water supply that


is not a community supply, but that has not less than 15 service


connections or that serves not fewer than 25 individuals on an


average daily basis for not less than 60 days per year.


     (p) (l) "Nontransient noncommunity water supply" means a


noncommunity public water supply that serves not fewer than 25 of


the same individuals on an average daily basis over 6 months per


year. This definition includes water supplies in places of


employment, schools, and day-care centers.


     (q) (m) "Person" means an individual, partnership,


copartnership, cooperative, firm, company, public or private


association or corporation, political subdivision, agency of the

this state, agency of the federal government, trust, estate, joint


structure company, or any other legal entity, or their its legal


representative, agent, or assigns.


     (r) (n) "Plans and specifications" means drawings, data, and a


true description or representation of an entire waterworks system


or parts of the system as it exists or is to be constructed, and a


statement on how a waterworks system is to be operated.


     (s) (o) "Political subdivision" means a city, village,


township, charter township, county, district, or authority or a


portion or combination thereof.of any of these.


     (t) (p) "Public water supply" means a waterworks system that


provides water for drinking or household purposes to persons other


than the supplier of the water, and does not include either of the




     (i) A waterworks system that supplies water to only 1 living




     (ii) A waterworks system that consists solely of customer site




     (u) (q) "State drinking water standards" means quality


standards setting limits for contaminant levels or establishing


treatment techniques to meet standards necessary to protect the


public health.


     (v) (r) "Service connection" means a direct connection from a


distribution water main to a living unit or other site to provide


water for drinking or household purposes.


     (w) (s) "Source water assessment" means a state program to


delineate the boundaries of areas in the state from which 1 or more

public water supplies receive supplies of drinking water, to


identify contaminants regulated under this act for which monitoring


is required because the this state has determined they may present


a threat to public health, and, to the extent practical, to


determine the susceptibility of the public water supply in the


delineated area to these contaminants.


     (x) (t) "Supplier of water" or "supplier" means a person who


that owns or operates a public water supply, and includes a water




     (y) (u) "Transient noncommunity water supply" means a


noncommunity supply that does not meet the definition of


nontransient noncommunity water supply.


     (z) (v) "Water hauler" means a person engaged in bulk


vehicular transportation, of water to other than the water hauler's


own household, which of water that is intended for use or used for


drinking or household purposes. Excluded from this definition are


those persons Water hauler does not include a person providing


water solely for employee use.


     (aa) (w) "Water main" means a pipe owned or controlled by a


supplier that may convey conveys water to a customer service


connection or to a fire hydrant.


     (bb) (x) "Waterworks system" or "system" means a system of


pipes and structures through which water is obtained and


distributed, including, but not limited to, wells and well


structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treatment plants,


storage tanks, pipelines and appurtenances, or a combination


thereof, of any of these, actually used or intended for use for the

purpose of furnishing water for drinking or household purposes.


     (cc) (y) "Year-round service" means the ability of a supplier


of water to provide drinking water on a continuous basis to a


living unit or facility.


     Sec. 25. (1) The water supply asset management council is


created within the department.


     (2) The council shall consist all of the following members,


who shall be appointed by the director and are voting members


unless otherwise indicated:


     (a) Two members representing the department.


     (b) Two members representing cities.


     (c) Two members representing community planners.


     (d) One member representing community supplies.


     (e) One member from academia who has knowledge of and


experience with public water supplies.


     (f) One member representing the public health sector.


     (g) One member representing counties.


     (h) One member representing townships.


     (i) One nonvoting member representing the central data storage




     (3) The members first appointed to the council shall be


appointed within 60 days after the effective date of the amendatory


act that added this section. Members of the council shall serve for


terms of 3 years or until a successor is appointed, whichever is


later, except that of the members first appointed 3 shall serve for


1 year and 3 shall serve for 2 years. An individual may be


appointed for successive terms.

     (4) If a vacancy occurs on the council, the director shall


make an appointment for the unexpired term in the same manner as


the original appointment. The director may remove a member of the


council for incompetence, dereliction of duty, malfeasance,


misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, or any other good cause.


     (5) The first meeting of the council shall be called by the


director. At the first meeting, the council shall elect from among


its members a chairperson and other officers as it considers


appropriate. After the first meeting, the council shall meet at


least quarterly, or more frequently at the call of the chairperson


or if requested by 4 or more members. A majority of the members of


the council constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at


a meeting of the council. A majority of the members present and


serving are required for official action of the council. The


business that the council may perform shall be conducted at a


public meeting of the council held in compliance with the open


meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.


     (6) A writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or


retained by the council in the performance of an official function


is subject to the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL


15.231 to 15.246.


     (7) Members of the council shall serve without compensation,


except that a member of the council representing the department or


the central data storage agency shall serve without additional


compensation. Members of the council may be reimbursed for their


actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their


official duties as members of the council.

     (8) The council shall advise the department and community


supplies on a statewide asset management strategy for community


supplies and the processes and tools necessary to implement the




     (9) Within 90 days after the date of its first meeting, the


council shall develop and present to the director for approval


procedures and requirements that are necessary for the


administration of the asset management process. The procedures and


requirements shall, at a minimum, include the areas of training,


data storage and collection, reporting, development of a multiyear


program, budgeting and funding, and other issues related to asset


management. All quality control standards and protocols shall, at a


minimum, be consistent with any existing federal requirements and


regulations and existing government accounting standards.


     (10) The council may appoint a technical advisory panel whose


members are representatives from associations involved in the


construction of community supplies. The council shall select


members to the technical advisory panel from names submitted by the


associations. The technical advisory panel members shall be


appointed for terms of 3 years. The council shall assign research


issues and projects to the technical advisory panel to assist in


the development of statewide asset management policies. The


technical advisory panel's recommendations are not binding on the




     (11) Each community supply shall annually submit a report to


the council. The report shall include a multiyear program developed


through the asset management process as developed under subsection

(9). Projects contained in the annual multiyear program shall be


consistent with the asset management process of the community


supply and shall be reported consistent with categories established


by the council.


     (12) Funding necessary to support the activities described in


this section, including funding for costs incurred by publicly


owned community supplies, shall be provided by an annual


appropriation in the department's budget.


     (13) The department and each community supply shall keep


accurate and uniform records on all work performed and funds


expended for the purposes of this section, pursuant to procedures


developed by the council. Each community supply shall annually


report to the council the receipts and disbursements of funds for


the implementation of this section and of asset management plans.


The report shall be made in the manner prescribed by the council,


which shall be consistent with accepted accounting procedures. A


report under this subsection may be combined with a report under


subsection (11).


     (14) By February 1 of each year, the staff assigned to the


council under subsection (15) shall submit to the director and the


legislature a report regarding the results of activities conducted


during the preceding year and the expenditure of funds related to


those activities. The report shall also include an overview of the


activities identified for the succeeding year.


     (15) The department shall provide qualified administrative


staff to the council.


     (16) The department shall designate a central data storage

agency within 45 days after the effective date of the amendatory


act that added this section.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.