December 1, 2016, Introduced by Senator CASPERSON and referred to the Committee of the Whole.



     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending sections 40103, 40110, 40113a, and 48703a (MCL


324.40103, 324.40110, 324.40113a, and 324.48703a), sections 40103,


40110, and 40113a as amended by 2014 PA 281 and section 48703a as


amended by 2015 PA 12.




     Sec. 40103. (1) "Game" means any species of wildlife


designated by the legislature or the natural resources commission


as game under section 40110 and any of the following animals but


does not include privately owned cervidae species located on a


cervidae livestock facility registered under the privately owned


cervidae producers marketing act, 2000 PA 190, MCL 287.951 to




     (a) Badger.


     (b) Bear.


     (c) Beaver.


     (d) Bobcat.


     (e) Brant.


     (f) Coot.


     (g) Coyote.


     (h) Crow.


     (i) Deer.


     (j) Duck.


     (k) Elk.


     (l) Fisher.


     (m) Florida gallinule.


     (n) Fox.


     (o) Geese.


     (p) Hare.


     (q) Hungarian partridge.


     (r) Marten.


     (s) Mink.


     (t) Moose.


     (u) Muskrat.


     (v) Opossum.


     (w) Otter.


     (x) Pheasant.


     (y) Quail.


     (z) Rabbit.


     (aa) Raccoon.

     (bb) Ruffed grouse.


     (cc) Sharptailed grouse.


     (dd) Skunk.


     (ee) Snipe.


     (ff) Sora rail.


     (gg) Squirrel.


     (hh) Virginia rail.


     (ii) Weasel.


     (jj) Wild turkey.


     (kk) Wolf.


     (ll) Woodchuck.


     (mm) Woodcock.


     (2) "Interim order of the department" means an order of the


department issued under section 40108.


     (3) "Kind" means an animal's sex, age, or physical




     (4) "Normal agricultural practices" means generally accepted


agricultural and management practices as defined by the commission


of agriculture and rural development.


     (5) "Open season" means the dates during which game may be


legally taken.


     (6) "Parts" means any or all portions of an animal, including


the skin, plumage, hide, fur, entire body, or egg of an animal.


     (7) "Protected" or "protected animal" means an animal or kind


of animal that is designated by the department as an animal that


shall not be taken.


     (8) "Residence" means a permanent building serving as a

temporary or permanent home. Residence may include a cottage,


cabin, or mobile home, but does not include a structure designed


primarily for taking game, a tree blind, a tent, a recreational or


other vehicle, or a camper.


     (9) "Conservation" means the wise use of natural resources.


     Sec. 40110. (1) Only the legislature or the natural resources


commission may designate a wildlife species as game. Only the


legislature or natural resources commission may establish the first


open season for a game species designated under this section. The


legislature retains the sole authority to remove a wildlife species


from the list of game. species.


     The natural resources species. The commission shall exercise


its authority under this subsection by issuing orders consistent


with its duty to use principles of sound scientific wildlife


management, as expressed in sec. 40113(a). section 40113a. The


natural resources commission may decline to issue orders


authorizing an open season for a game species if doing so would


conflict with principles of sound scientific wildlife management.


The natural resources commission shall not designate any of the


following as game under this subsection:


     (a) A domestic animal.


     (b) Livestock.


     (c) Any species added to the game list by a public act that is


rejected by a referendum before May 14, 2013.


     (2) After the legislature or natural resources commission


authorizes the establishment of the first open season for game


pursuant to under this section, the department may issue orders

pertaining to that animal for each of the purposes listed in


section 40107.


     (3) As used in this section:


     (a) "Domestic animal" means those species of animals that live


under the husbandry of humans.


     (b) "Livestock" includes, but is not limited to, cattle,


sheep, new world camelids, goats, bison, privately owned cervids,


ratites, swine, equine, poultry, and rabbits. Livestock does not


include dogs and cats.


     Sec. 40113a. (1) The legislature finds and declares that:


     (a) The fish and wildlife populations of the state and their


habitat are of paramount importance to the citizens of this state.


     (b) The conservation of fish and wildlife populations of the


state depend upon the wise use and sound scientific management of


the state's natural resources.


     (c) The sound scientific management of the fish and wildlife


populations of the state, including hunting of bear, is declared to


be in the public interest.


     (d) The sound scientific management of bear populations in


this state is necessary to minimize human/bear encounters and to


prevent bears from threatening or harming humans, livestock, and




     (2) The natural resources commission has the exclusive


authority to regulate the taking of game as defined in section


40103 in this state. The natural resources commission shall, to the


greatest extent practicable, utilize principles of sound scientific


management in making decisions regarding the taking of game. The

natural resources commission may take testimony from department


personnel, independent experts, and others, and review scientific


literature and data, among other sources, in support of its duty to


use principles of sound scientific management. Issuance of orders


by the natural resources The commission shall issue orders


regarding the taking of game shall be made following a public


meeting and an opportunity for public input. Not less than 30 days


before issuing an order, the natural resources commission shall


provide a copy of the order to each of the following:


     (a) Each member of each standing committee of the senate or


house of representatives that considers legislation pertaining to


conservation, the environment, natural resources, recreation,


tourism, or agriculture.


     (b) The chairperson of the senate appropriations committee and


the chairperson of the house of representatives appropriations




     (c) The members of the subcommittee of the senate


appropriations committee and the subcommittee of the house of


representatives appropriations committee that consider the budget


of the department of natural resources.


     (3) The legislature declares that hunting, fishing, and the


taking of game are a valued part of the cultural heritage of this


state and should be forever preserved. The legislature further


declares that these activities play an important part in the


state's economy and in the conservation, preservation, and


management of the state's natural resources. Therefore, the


legislature declares that the citizens of this state have a right

to hunt, fish, and take game, subject to the regulations and


restrictions prescribed by subsection (2) and law.


     Sec. 48703a. (1) The legislature finds and declares that


aquatic invasive species, including Asian carp, represent a


significant threat to the state's fisheries, aquatic resources,


outdoor recreation and tourism economies, and public safety.


     (2) The commission has the exclusive authority to regulate


sport fishing under this part. The commission shall, to the


greatest extent practicable, utilize principles of sound scientific


management in making decisions regarding the regulation of sport


fishing under this part. The commission may take testimony from


department personnel, independent experts, and others, and review


scientific literature and data, among other sources, in support of


the commission's duty to use principles of sound scientific


management. The commission shall issue orders regarding the


regulation of sport fishing under this part following a public


meeting and an opportunity for public input. Not less than 30 days


before issuing an order, the commission shall provide a copy of the


order to each of the following:


     (a) Each member of each standing committee of the senate or


house of representatives that considers legislation pertaining to


conservation, the environment, natural resources, recreation,


tourism, or agriculture.


     (b) The chairperson of the senate appropriations committee and


the chairperson of the house of representatives appropriations




     (c) The members of the subcommittee of the senate

appropriations committee and the subcommittee of the house of


representatives appropriations committee that consider the budget


of the department of natural resources.


     (3) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, 2017, there


is appropriated for the department the sum of $1,000,000.00 to


implement management practices necessary for rapid response,


prevention, control, or elimination of aquatic invasive species,


including Asian carp. Any portion of the amount under this section


that is not expended in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015


2017 shall not lapse to the general fund but shall be carried


forward in a work project account that is in compliance with


section 451a of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL

