January 27, 2015, Introduced by Senators HANSEN, BOOHER, COLBECK, MARLEAU, JONES, MACGREGOR, MEEKHOF and HILDENBRAND and referred to the Committee on Education.




     A bill to authorize state universities to offer academic


credit for concurrent enrollment courses provided by public high


schools in this state; and to authorize lower tuition rates for


those courses.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "state


university concurrent enrollment act".


     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Concurrent enrollment course" means a concurrent


enrollment course described in part 20c of the revised school code,


1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1485 to 380.1487.


     (b) "Eligible public high school" means either of the




     (i) A public high school that is operated by a school district


or public school academy in this state, if the board of the school


district or board of directors of the public school academy and the


board of a state university have agreed that the public high school


may provide concurrent enrollment courses for which the state


university shall provide college credit or award the appropriate


course certificate or other course credential.


     (ii) An intermediate school district, as defined in section 4


of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.4, that provides 1


or more concurrent enrollment courses on behalf of 1 or more public


high schools described in subparagraph (i).


     (c) "Public high school" means a public school, as defined in


section 5 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.5, that


includes grades 9 to 12 or 10 to 12 and that awards high school




     (d) "Public school academy" means that term as defined in


section 5 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.5.


     (e) "School district" means that term as defined in section 6


of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.6.


     (f) "State university" means a university described in section


4, 5, or 6 of article VIII of the state constitution of 1963.


     Sec. 3. (1) The board of a state university may authorize the


university to participate in a concurrent enrollment program


described in this act with the governing board of an eligible


public high school. A state university that participates in a


concurrent enrollment program shall develop a concurrent enrollment


partnership agreement with the governing board of the eligible


public high school as described in section 1486(6) of the revised


school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1486.


     (2) A state university that participates in a concurrent


enrollment program under this act shall provide each student who


successfully completed 1 or more concurrent enrollment courses,


while he or she was a pupil at an eligible public high school,


college credit or an award of the appropriate course certificate or


other course credential for the courses at the state university


that correspond to those concurrent enrollment courses.


     (3) For purposes of implementing subsection (2), a state


university that participates in a concurrent enrollment program


under this act shall provide the eligible public high school with


the assessments for the state university courses included in the


program and other course materials as provided in the agreement


described in subsection (1).


     (4) If a state university participates in a concurrent


enrollment program under this act, the board of the state


university may establish a reduced tuition rate for any course at


the state university for which the university gives college credit


or awards the appropriate course certificate or other course


credential for successful completion of a concurrent enrollment


course. It is the intent of the legislature that a tuition rate


established under this subsection will reflect the cost the state


university incurs to administer and oversee the program.


     Enacting section 1. This act does not take effect unless all


of the following bills of the 98th Legislature are enacted into




     (a) Senate Bill No. 36.                                    




     (b) Senate Bill No. 37.