November 29, 2016, Introduced by Reps. Chang and Pagan and referred to the Committee on Energy Policy.
A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled
"The revised school code,"
(MCL 380.1 to 380.1852) by adding sections 1275 and 1275a.
Sec. 1275. (1) The department of education shall strongly
encourage the board of each school district or intermediate school
district to ensure that once every 3 years, beginning with the 2017
to 2019 triennium, each school building owned by the school
district or intermediate school district and used for instructional
or administrative purposes undergoes 1 of the following:
(a) A level II ASHRAE energy audit by a qualified energy audit
contractor to identify potential energy efficiency and energy
conservation improvements and estimate resulting cost savings.
(b) Benchmarking by use of the Energy Star Portfolio Manager.
(2) The energy office of the Michigan agency for energy shall
do all of the following:
(a) Assist school districts and intermediate school districts
to do both of the following:
(i) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), identify sources of
funding and energy audit contractors that are certified Home Energy
Rating System (HERS) raters or Residential Energy Services Network
(RESNET) qualified home energy professionals.
(ii) Achieve economies of scale by creating purchasing
consortia that allow contracts for energy efficiency and energy
conservation improvements jointly with other school districts and
intermediate school districts.
(b) Provide technical assistance to school districts and
intermediate school districts to increase energy efficiency and
energy conservation.
(3) As used in this section:
(a) "Energy Star" means that term as defined in section 5 of
the clean, renewable, and efficient energy act, 2008 PA 295, MCL
(b) "Energy Star Portfolio Manager" means a program created by
the United States Environmental Protection Agency that is available
for free online use at the Energy Star website and that measures
and tracks energy and water consumption, as well as greenhouse gas
emissions, by 1 or more buildings.
(c) "Level II ASHRAE energy audit" means a detailed building
survey and energy analysis as defined by the American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
(d) "Michigan agency for energy" means the Michigan agency for
energy created in Executive Reorganization Order No. 2015-3, MCL
Sec. 1275a. (1) The department of education shall strongly
encourage the board of each school district or intermediate school
district to ensure that once every 10 years, beginning with the
decade of 2017 to 2026, each school building owned by the school
district or intermediate school district and used for instruction
or administrative purposes undergoes a level III ASHRAE energy
audit by a qualified energy audit contractor to identify potential
energy efficiency and energy conservation improvements and estimate
resulting cost savings.
(2) As used in this section, "level III ASHRAE energy audit"
means a highly instrumented and long-term study as defined by the
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning
Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days
after the date it is enacted into law.