January 16, 2013, Introduced by Senators HOPGOOD and WARREN and referred to the Committee on Transportation.




     A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled


"Michigan vehicle code,"


by amending sections 328, 605, 675d, 742, and 907 (MCL 257.328,


257.605, 257.675d, 257.742, and 257.907), section 328 as amended by


2004 PA 52, sections 605 and 907 as amended by 2011 PA 159, section


675d as amended by 2010 PA 211, and section 742 as amended by 2008


PA 171, and by adding section 674b.




     Sec. 328. (1) The owner of a motor vehicle who operates or


permits the operation of the motor vehicle upon the highways of


this state or the operator of the motor vehicle shall produce,


pursuant to subsection (2), upon the request of a police officer,


evidence that the motor vehicle is insured under chapter 31 of the


insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3101 to 500.3179.


Subject to section 907(16), 907(15), an owner or operator of a


motor vehicle who fails to produce evidence of insurance under this


subsection when requested to produce that evidence or who fails to


have motor vehicle insurance for the vehicle as required under


chapter 31 of the insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3101


to 500.3179, is responsible for a civil infraction.


     (2) A certificate of insurance, issued by an insurance


company, that certifies that the security that meets the


requirements of sections 3101 and 3102 of the insurance code of


1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3101 and 500.3102, is in force shall be


accepted as prima facie evidence that insurance is in force for the


motor vehicle described in the certificate of insurance until the


expiration date shown on the certificate. The certificate, in


addition to describing the motor vehicles for which insurance is in


effect, shall state the name of each person named on the policy,


policy declaration, or a declaration certificate whose operation of


the vehicle would cause the liability coverage of that insurance to


become void.


     (3) If, before the appearance date on the citation, the person


submits proof to the court that the motor vehicle had insurance


meeting the requirements of sections 3101 and 3102 of the insurance


code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3101 and 500.3102, at the time


the violation of subsection (1) occurred, all of the following




     (a) The court shall not assess a fine or costs.


     (b) The court shall not cause an abstract of the court record


to be forwarded to the secretary of state.


     (c) The court may assess a fee of not more than $25.00, which


shall be paid to the court funding unit.


     (4) If an owner or operator of a motor vehicle is determined


to be responsible for a violation of subsection (1), the court in


which the civil infraction determination is entered may require the


person to surrender his or her operator's or chauffeur's license


unless proof that the vehicle has insurance meeting the


requirements of sections 3101 and 3102 of the insurance code of


1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3101 and 500.3102, is submitted to the


court. If the court requires the license to be surrendered, the


court shall order the secretary of state to suspend the person's


license. The court shall immediately destroy the license and shall


forward to the secretary of state an abstract of the court record


as required by section 732. Upon receipt of the abstract, the


secretary of state shall suspend the person's license beginning


with the date on which a the person is was determined to be


responsible for the civil infraction for a period of 30 days or


until proof of insurance meeting the requirements of sections 3101


and 3102 of the insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3101


and 500.3102, is submitted to the secretary of state, whichever


occurs later. A person who submits proof of insurance to the


secretary of state under this subsection shall pay a service fee of


$25.00 to the secretary of state. The person shall not be required


to be examined as set forth in section 320c and shall not be


required to pay a replacement license fee.


     (5) If an owner or operator of a motor vehicle is determined


to be responsible for a violation of subsection (1), the court in


which the civil infraction determination is entered shall notify


the secretary of state of the vehicle registration number and the


year and make of the motor vehicle being operated at the time of


the violation. This notification shall be made on the abstract or


on a form approved by the supreme court administrator. Upon


receipt, the secretary of state shall immediately enter this


information in the records of the department. The secretary of


state shall not renew, transfer, or replace the registration plate


of the vehicle involved in the violation or allow the purchase of a


new registration plate for the vehicle involved in the violation


until the owner meets the requirements of section 227a or unless


the vehicle involved in the violation is transferred or sold to a


person other than the owner's spouse, mother, father, sister,


brother, or child.


     (6) An owner or operator of a motor vehicle who knowingly


produces false evidence under this section is guilty of a


misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year ,


or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     (7) Points shall not be entered on a driver's record pursuant


to section 320a for a violation of this section.


     (8) This section does not apply to the owner or operator of a


motor vehicle that is registered in a state other than this state


or in a foreign country or province.


     Sec. 605. (1) This chapter and chapter VIII apply uniformly


throughout this state and in all political subdivisions and


municipalities in the state. A local authority shall not adopt,


enact, or enforce a local law that provides lesser penalties or


that is otherwise in conflict with this chapter or chapter VIII.


     (2) A local law or portion of a local law that imposes a


criminal penalty for an act or omission that is a civil infraction


under this act, or that imposes a criminal penalty or civil


sanction in excess of that prescribed in this act, is in conflict


with this act and is void to the extent of the conflict.


     (3) Except for a case in which the citation is dismissed


pursuant to subsection (4), proceeds of a civil fine imposed by a


local authority for violation of a local law regulating the


operation of a commercial motor vehicle and substantially


corresponding to a provision of this act shall be paid to the


county treasurer and allocated as follows:


     (a) Seventy percent to the local unit of government in which


the citation is issued.


     (b) Thirty percent for library purposes as provided by law.


     (3) (4) The owner or operator of a commercial motor vehicle


shall not be issued more than 1 citation for each violation of a


code or ordinance regulating the operation of a commercial motor


vehicle and substantially corresponding to a provision of sections


683 to 725a of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.683


to 257.725a, within a 24-hour period. If the owner or operator of a


commercial motor vehicle is issued a citation for an equipment


violation pursuant to section 683 that does not result in the


vehicle being placed out of service, the court shall dismiss the


citation if the owner or operator of that commercial motor vehicle


provides written proof to the court within 14 days after the


citation is issued showing that the defective equipment indicated


in the citation has been repaired.


     (4) (5) As used in this section, "local law" includes a local


charter provision, ordinance, rule, or regulation.


     Sec. 674b. (1) As used in this section:


     (a) "Hybrid vehicle" means a vehicle that uses an onboard


renewable energy storage system and a fuel-based power source for




     (b) "Load/unload location" or "location" means a location


where vehicles load or unload.


     (c) "Vehicle" means a vehicle that meets all of the following




     (i) Is gasoline or diesel powered.


     (ii) Is designed to operate on a highway at a speed of 45 or


more miles per hour.


     (iii) Weighs over 8,500 pounds.


     (iv) Is not a hybrid vehicle.


     (2) The owner or operator of a vehicle shall not cause or


permit the vehicle to park or stand at idle for more than 5 total


minutes in any 60-minute period except as provided in subsection


(3). A violation of this subsection or a local ordinance


substantially corresponding to this subsection is considered a


parking or standing violation.


     (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a vehicle that idles


under any of the following circumstances:


     (a) While forced to remain motionless because of on-highway


traffic or an official traffic control device or signal or at the


direction of a law enforcement officer.


     (b) When operating a defroster or during installation of


equipment, solely to prevent a safety or health emergency.


     (c) When operating a heater or air conditioner for 1 or more


of the following purposes:


     (i) To prevent a safety or health emergency.


     (ii) For comfort of a person in a sleeping berth when outdoor


temperatures are less than 40 degrees or more than 80 degrees


Fahrenheit if the vehicle is not equipped with a functioning


auxiliary power unit. This subparagraph does not apply on or after


January 1, 2014.


     (d) If the vehicle is an ambulance or a police, fire, public


safety, military, or other vehicle, while being used in an


emergency or emergency training capacity and not for the


convenience of the vehicle operator.


     (e) If the vehicle is a wrecker, at a site to which it has


been summoned by a law enforcement agency.


     (f) As required for vehicle maintenance, service, repair, or


diagnostic purposes, if idling is required for the activity.


     (g) As required as part of a state or federal inspection to


verify that all equipment is in good working order.


     (h) During an inspection under 49 CFR 392.7, 392.8, or 392.9.


     (i) To power work-related mechanical or electrical operations


other than propulsion, such as operation of a hoist or other


vehicle recovery equipment by a wrecker, operation of a well-


driller, mixing or processing cargo, or straight truck


refrigeration, if the vehicle is not equipped with an auxiliary


power unit. This subdivision does not apply to idling for cabin


comfort or the operation of nonessential onboard equipment.


     (j) To power a medical device, such as a continuous positive


airway pressure machine, being used by a person present in a


sleeping berth during a sleep or rest period, if the vehicle is not


equipped with a functioning auxiliary power unit.


     (k) If the vehicle is an armored vehicle, while a person


remains inside the vehicle to guard the contents or while the


vehicle is being loaded or unloaded.


     (l) Because of mechanical difficulties over which the driver


has no control if, within 30 days after receiving a citation under


subsection (6), the vehicle owner submits to the appropriate law


enforcement authority the repair paperwork or product receipt


verifying that the mechanical problem has been fixed.


     (m) During stationary diesel particulate filter regeneration.


     (4) The owner of a load/unload location shall not cause a


vehicle that must stand or park at idle to power straight truck


refrigeration or for similar purposes to stand or park at idle at


the location for more than 5 total minutes, not including time


spent loading or unloading.


     (5) This section does not prohibit operating an auxiliary


power unit, generator set, or other mobile idle reduction


technology as a means to heat, air-condition, or provide electrical


power as an alternative to idling a vehicle's primary propulsion




     (6) Subject to subsection (7), a person who violates this


section is responsible for a civil infraction and may be ordered to


pay a civil fine of not more than the following:


     (a) For a first violation, $150.00.


     (b) For a second violation, $300.00.


     (c) For a third or subsequent violation, $500.00.


     (7) If a judge or district court magistrate orders a person to


pay a civil fine under subsection (6), the judge or district court


magistrate shall also order the person to pay costs as provided in


section 907(4).


     (8) A person authorized to enforce this section shall not


issue a citation for a violation occurring before 90 days after the


effective date of the amendatory act that added this section but


may give the violator a warning.


     (9) This section preempts a local ordinance that would extend,


revise, or conflict with this section. However, a city, village, or


township may adopt an ordinance that substantially corresponds to


this section.


     Sec. 675d. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a law


enforcement agency or a local unit of government may implement and


administer a program to authorize and utilize persons other than


police officers as volunteers to issue citations for the following




     (a) Parking on a sidewalk in violation of section 674(1)(a) or


a local ordinance substantially corresponding to section 674(1)(a).


     (b) Parking in front of a public or private driveway in


violation of section 674(1)(b) or a local ordinance substantially


corresponding to section 674(1)(b).


     (c) Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant in violation of


section 674(1)(d) or a local ordinance substantially corresponding


to section 674(1)(d).


     (d) Parking on a crosswalk in violation of section 674(1)(e)


or a local ordinance substantially corresponding to section




     (e) Parking within 20 feet of a crosswalk or, if there is not


a crosswalk, within 15 feet of the intersection of property lines


at an intersection of highways, in violation of section 674(1)(f)


or a local ordinance substantially corresponding to section




     (f) Parking at a place where an official sign prohibits


stopping or parking in violation of section 674(1)(n) or a local


ordinance substantially corresponding to section 674(1)(n). This


subdivision does not authorize a volunteer to issue a citation for


any other violation set forth in section 674 or a local ordinance


substantially corresponding to section 674.


     (g) Parking in a space reserved for use by disabled persons in


violation of section 674(1)(s) or a local ordinance substantially


corresponding to section 674(1)(s).


     (h) Parking in an access aisle or access lane immediately


adjacent to a space designated for parking by persons with


disabilities in violation of section 674(1)(t) or a local ordinance


substantially corresponding to section 674(1)(t).


     (i) Parking in violation of an official sign restricting the


period of time for or manner of parking in violation of section


674(1)(w) or a local ordinance substantially corresponding to


section 674(1)(w). This subdivision does not authorize a volunteer


to issue a citation for any other violation set forth in section


674 or a local ordinance substantially corresponding to section




     (j) Parking in a space or in a manner that blocks access to a


fire lane in violation of section 674(1)(aa) or a local ordinance


substantially corresponding to section 674(1)(aa).


     (k) Parking or standing at idle in violation of section 674b


or a local ordinance substantially corresponding to section 674b. A


volunteer under this subsection shall not go on private property


that is not open to the public for the purpose of enforcing section


674b or a local ordinance substantially corresponding to section




     (2) Before authorizing and utilizing persons other than police


officers to issue citations, the law enforcement agency or local


unit of government shall implement a program to train the persons


to properly issue citations as provided in this section, of which


not less than 8 hours shall be in parking enforcement, conducted by


that law enforcement agency or the law enforcement agency for that


local unit of government or, if the local unit of government does


not have a law enforcement agency, by the county sheriff. A person


who successfully completes a program of training implemented under


this section may issue citations as provided in this section as


authorized by the law enforcement agency or local unit of


government. A law enforcement agency of a local unit of government


shall not implement or administer a program under this section


without the specific authorization of the governing body of that


local unit of government. A law enforcement agency shall not


implement or administer a program under this section that would


allow volunteers to issue citations under subsection (1)(a), (b),


(c), (d), (e), (f), or (i), or (k) for any violations for which the


use of volunteers is prohibited under a collective bargaining


agreement between that local unit of government and any law


enforcement officers of that local unit of government.


     (3) As used in this section:


     (a) "Law enforcement agency" means any of the following:


     (i) A police agency of a city, village, or township.


     (ii) A sheriff's department.


     (iii) The department of state police.


     (iv) Any other governmental law enforcement agency in this




     (b) "Local unit of government" means a state university or


college or a county, city, village, or township.


     Sec. 742. (1) A police officer who witnesses a person


violating this act or a local ordinance substantially corresponding


to this act, which violation is a civil infraction, may stop the


person, detain the person temporarily for purposes of making a


record of vehicle check, and prepare and subscribe, as soon as


possible and as completely as possible, an original and 3 copies of


a written citation, which shall be a notice to appear in court for


1 or more civil infractions. If a police officer of a village,


city, township, or county, or a police officer who is an authorized


agent of a county road commission, witnesses a person violating


this act or a local ordinance substantially corresponding to this


act within that village, city, township, or county and that


violation is a civil infraction, that police officer may pursue,


stop, and detain the person outside the village, city, township, or


county where the violation occurred for the purpose of exercising


the authority and performing the duties prescribed in this section


and section 749, as applicable.


     (2) Any police officer, having reason to believe that the


load, weight, height, length, or width of a vehicle or load are in


violation of section 717, 719, 719a, 722, 724, 725, or 726 which


violation is a civil infraction, may require the driver of the


vehicle to stop, and the officer may investigate, weigh, or measure


the vehicle or load. If, after personally investigating, weighing,


or measuring the vehicle or load, the officer determines that the


load, weight, height, length, or width of the vehicle or load are


in violation of section 717, 719, 719a, 722, 724, 725, or 726, the


officer may temporarily detain the driver of the vehicle for


purposes of making a record or vehicle check and issue a citation


to the driver or owner of the vehicle as provided in those




     (3) A police officer may issue a citation to a person who is a


driver of a motor vehicle involved in an accident when, based upon


personal investigation, the officer has reasonable cause to believe


that the person is responsible for a civil infraction in connection


with the accident. A police officer may issue a citation to a


person who is a driver of a motor vehicle when, based upon personal


investigation by the police officer of a complaint by someone who


witnessed the person violating this act or a local ordinance


substantially corresponding to this act, which violation is a civil


infraction, the officer has reasonable cause to believe that the


person is responsible for a civil infraction and if the prosecuting


attorney or attorney for the political subdivision approves in


writing the issuance of the citation.


     (4) The form of a citation issued under subsection (1), (2),


or (3) shall be as prescribed in sections 727c and 743.


     (5) The officer shall inform the person of the alleged civil


infraction or infractions and shall deliver the third copy of the


citation to the alleged offender.


     (6) In a civil infraction action involving the parking or


standing of a motor vehicle , a copy of the citation is not


required to be served personally upon the defendant but may be


served upon the registered owner by attaching the copy to the


vehicle. A city may authorize personnel other than a police officer


to issue and serve a citation for a violation of its ordinance


involving the parking or standing of a motor vehicle. A city may


authorize a person other than personnel or a police officer to


issue and serve a citation for parking violations described in


section 675d if the city has complied with the requirements of


section 675d. State security personnel receiving authorization


under section 6c of 1935 PA 59, MCL 28.6c, may issue and serve


citations for violations involving the parking or standing of


vehicles on land owned by the state or land of which the state is


the lessee when authorized to do so by the director of the


department of state police. A person, other than a peace officer,


described in this subsection as authorized to issue and serve a


citation shall not go on private property that is not open to the


public for the purpose of enforcing section 674b or a local


ordinance substantially corresponding to section 674b.


     (7) If a parking violation notice other than a citation is


attached to a motor vehicle, and if an admission of responsibility


is not made and the civil fine and costs, if any, prescribed by


ordinance for the violation are not paid at the parking violations


bureau, a citation may be filed with the court described in section


741(4) and a copy of the citation may be served by first-class mail


upon the registered owner of the vehicle at the owner's last known


address. A parking violation notice may be issued by a police


officer, including a limited duty officer, or other personnel duly


authorized by the city, village, township, college, or university


to issue such a notice under its ordinance. The citation filed with


the court pursuant to this subsection need not comply in all


particulars with sections 727c and 743 but shall consist of a sworn


complaint containing the allegations stated in the parking


violation notice and shall fairly inform the defendant how to


respond to the citation.


     (8) A citation issued under subsection (6) or (7) for a


parking or standing violation shall be processed in the same manner


as a citation issued personally to a defendant under subsection (1)


or (3).


     (9) As used in subsection (7):


     (a) "Parking violation notice" means a notice, other than a


citation, directing a person to appear at a parking violations


bureau in the city, village, or township in which, or of the


college or university for which, the notice is issued and to pay


the fine and costs, if any, prescribed by ordinance for the parking


or standing of a motor vehicle in violation of the ordinance.


     (b) "Parking violations bureau" means a parking violations


bureau established pursuant to section 8395 of the revised


judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.8395, or a comparable


parking violations bureau established in a city or village served


by a municipal court or established pursuant to law by the


governing board of a state university or college.


     Sec. 907. (1) A violation of this act, or a local ordinance


substantially corresponding to a provision of this act, that is


designated a civil infraction shall not be considered a lesser


included offense of a criminal offense.


     (2) If a person is determined pursuant to sections 741 to 750


to be responsible or responsible "with explanation" for a civil


infraction under this act or a local ordinance substantially


corresponding to a provision of this act, the judge or district


court magistrate may order the person to pay a civil fine of not


more than $100.00 and costs as provided in subsection (4). However,


beginning October 31, 2010, if the civil infraction was a moving


violation that resulted in an at-fault collision with another


vehicle, a person, or any other object, the civil fine ordered


under this section shall be increased by $25.00 but the total civil


fine shall not exceed $100.00. However, for a violation of section


602b, the person shall be ordered to pay costs as provided in


subsection (4) and a civil fine of $100.00 for a first offense and


$200.00 for a second or subsequent offense. For a violation of


section 674(1)(s) or a local ordinance substantially corresponding


to section 674(1)(s), the person shall be ordered to pay costs as


provided in subsection (4) and a civil fine of not less than


$100.00 or more than $250.00. For a violation of section 674b or a


local ordinance substantially corresponding to section 674b, the


person may be ordered to pay a civil fine and costs as provided in


that section. For a violation of section 328, the civil fine


ordered under this subsection shall be not more than $50.00. For a


violation of section 710d, the civil fine ordered under this


subsection shall not exceed $10.00. For a violation of section


710e, the civil fine and court costs ordered under this subsection


shall be $25.00. For a violation of section 682 or a local


ordinance substantially corresponding to section 682, the person


shall be ordered to pay costs as provided in subsection (4) and a


civil fine of not less than $100.00 or more than $500.00. For a


violation of section 240, the civil fine ordered under this


subsection shall be $15.00. For a violation of section 252a(1), the


civil fine ordered under this subsection shall be $50.00. For a


violation of section 676a(3), the civil fine ordered under this


section subsection shall be not more than $10.00. For a first


violation of section 319f(1), the civil fine ordered under this


section subsection shall be not less than $2,500.00 or more than


$2,750.00; for a second or subsequent violation, the civil fine


shall be not less than $5,000.00 or more than $5,500.00. For a


violation of section 319g(1)(a), the civil fine ordered under this


section subsection shall be not more than $10,000.00. For a


violation of section 319g(1)(g), the civil fine ordered under this


section subsection shall be not less than $2,750.00 or more than


$25,000.00. Permission may be granted for payment of a civil fine


and costs to be made within a specified period of time or in


specified installments, but unless permission is included in the


order or judgment, the civil fine and costs shall be payable




     (3) Except as provided in this subsection, if If a person is


determined to be responsible or responsible "with explanation" for


a civil infraction under this act or a local ordinance


substantially corresponding to a provision of this act while


driving operating a commercial motor vehicle, he or she shall be


ordered to pay costs as provided in subsection (4) and a civil fine


of not more than $250.00. This subsection does not apply to a


violation of section 674b.


     (4) If a civil fine is ordered under subsection (2) or (3),


the judge or district court magistrate shall summarily tax and


determine the costs of the action, which are not limited to the


costs taxable in ordinary civil actions, and may include all


expenses, direct and indirect, to which the plaintiff has been put


in connection with the civil infraction, up to the entry of


judgment. Costs shall not be ordered in excess of $100.00. A civil


fine ordered under subsection (2) or (3) shall not be waived unless


costs ordered under this subsection are waived. Except as otherwise


provided by law, costs are payable to the general fund of the




     (5) In addition to a civil fine and costs ordered under


subsection (2) or (3) and subsection (4) and the justice system


assessment ordered under subsection (14), (13), the judge or


district court magistrate may order the person to attend and


complete a program of treatment, education, or rehabilitation.


     (6) A district court magistrate shall impose the sanctions


permitted under subsections (2), (3), and (5) only to the extent


expressly authorized by the chief judge or only judge of the


district court district.


     (7) Each district of the district court and each municipal


court may establish a schedule of civil fines, costs, and


assessments to be imposed for civil infractions that occur within


the respective district or city. If a schedule is established, it


shall be prominently posted and readily available for public


inspection. A schedule need not include all violations that are


designated by law or ordinance as civil infractions. A schedule may


exclude cases on the basis of a defendant's prior record of civil


infractions or traffic offenses, or a combination of civil


infractions and traffic offenses.


     (8) The state court administrator shall annually publish and


distribute to each district and court a recommended range of civil


fines and costs for first-time civil infractions. This


recommendation is not binding upon the courts having jurisdiction


over civil infractions but is intended to act as a normative guide


for judges and district court magistrates and a basis for public


evaluation of disparities in the imposition of civil fines and


costs throughout the state.


     (9) If a person has received a civil infraction citation for


defective safety equipment on a vehicle under section 683, the


court shall waive a civil fine, costs, and assessments upon receipt


of certification by a law enforcement agency that repair of the


defective equipment was made before the appearance date on the




     (10) A default in the payment of a civil fine or costs ordered


under subsection (2), (3), or (4) or a justice system assessment


ordered under subsection (14), (13), or an installment of the fine,


costs, or assessment, may be collected by a means authorized for


the enforcement of a judgment under chapter 40 of the revised


judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.4001 to 600.4065, or


under chapter 60 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA


236, MCL 600.6001 to 600.6098.


     (11) If a person fails to comply with an order or judgment


issued pursuant to this section within the time prescribed by the


court, the driver's license of that person shall be suspended


pursuant to section 321a until full compliance with that order or


judgment occurs. In addition to this suspension, the court may also


proceed under section 908.


     (12) The court shall waive any civil fine, cost, or assessment


against a person who received a civil infraction citation for a


violation of section 710d if the person, before the appearance date


on the citation, supplies the court with evidence of acquisition,


purchase, or rental of a child seating system meeting the


requirements of section 710d.


     (13) Until October 1, 2003, in addition to any civil fines and


costs ordered to be paid under this section, the judge or district


court magistrate shall levy an assessment of $5.00 for each civil


infraction determination, except for a parking violation or a


violation for which the total fine and costs imposed are $10.00 or


less. An assessment paid before October 1, 2003 shall be


transmitted by the clerk of the court to the state treasurer to be


deposited into the Michigan justice training fund. An assessment


ordered before October 1, 2003 but collected on or after October 1,


2003 shall be transmitted by the clerk of the court to the state


treasurer for deposit in the justice system fund created in section


181 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL


600.181. An assessment levied under this subsection is not a civil


fine for purposes of section 909.


     (13) (14) Effective October 1, 2003, in addition to any civil


fines or costs ordered to be paid under this section, the judge or


district court magistrate shall order the defendant to pay a


justice system assessment of $40.00 for each civil infraction


determination, except for a parking violation or a violation for


which the total fine and costs imposed are $10.00 or less. Upon


payment of the assessment, the clerk of the court shall transmit


the assessment collected to the state treasury to be deposited into


the justice system fund created in section 181 of the revised


judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.181. An assessment


levied under this subsection is not a civil fine for purposes of


section 909.


     (14) (15) If a person has received a citation for a violation


of section 223, the court shall waive any civil fine, costs, and


assessment, upon receipt of certification by a law enforcement


agency that the person, before the appearance date on the citation,


produced a valid registration certificate that was valid on the


date the violation of section 223 occurred.


     (15) (16) If a person has received a citation for a violation


of section 328(1) for failing to produce a certificate of insurance


pursuant to section 328(2), the court may waive the fee described


in section 328(3)(c) and shall waive any fine, costs, and any other


fee or assessment otherwise authorized under this act upon receipt


of verification by the court that the person, before the appearance


date on the citation, produced valid proof of insurance that was in


effect at the time the violation of section 328(1) occurred.


Insurance obtained subsequent to the time of the violation does not


make the person eligible for a waiver under this subsection.


     (16) (17) As used in this section, "moving violation" means an


act or omission prohibited under this act or a local ordinance


substantially corresponding to this act that involves the operation


of a motor vehicle and for which a fine may be assessed.