April 18, 2013, Introduced by Rep. Heise and referred to the Committee on Families, Children, and Seniors.


     A bill to amend 1939 PA 288, entitled


"Probate code of 1939,"


by amending section 41 of chapter X (MCL 710.41), as amended by


1994 PA 222, and by adding section 42 to chapter X.




                              CHAPTER X


     Sec. 41. (1) Except as provided in section 23d of this


chapter, a child shall not be placed in a home for the purpose of


adoption until an order terminating parental rights has been


entered pursuant to under this chapter or chapter XIIA and the


court has formally approved placement under section 51 of this


chapter. After an order terminating parental rights has been


entered, the court shall enter any appropriate orders pursuant to


under sections 45, 46, and 51 of this chapter. Such Under sections


45, 46, and 51 of this chapter, orders of the court shall not be


withheld because until the period specified for a rehearing or an


appeal as of right has not expired, or because of the pendency of


any if rehearing or appeal as of right is pending.


     (2) If an order terminating parental rights is entered


pursuant to under this chapter or chapter XIIA, the child may be


placed in a home for the purpose of adoption during the period


specified for a rehearing or an appeal as of right and the period


during which a rehearing or appeal as of right is pending. When a


child placing agency, the court, or the department formally places


a child or the court approves placement of a child pursuant to


under this subsection, the child placing agency, court, or


department shall inform the person or persons in whose home the


child is placed that an adoption will not be ordered until 1 of the


following occurs:


     (a) The petition for rehearing is granted, at the rehearing


the order terminating parental rights is not modified or set aside,


and subsequently the period for appeal as of right to the court of


appeals has expired without an appeal being filed.


     (b) The petition for rehearing is denied and the period for


appeal as of right to the court of appeals has expired without an


appeal being filed.


     (c) There is a decision of the court of appeals affirming the


order terminating parental rights, the time for rehearing in the


court of appeals has expired, and the time for filing an


application for leave to appeal to the supreme court has expired.


     (3) This section shall does not be construed to prevent a


child residing who resides in a licensed foster home from being


adopted by the foster parent or parents, except if the licensed


foster home or foster parent or parents have been determined to be


unsuitable to continue as a foster home or foster parent or parents


as determined by the department, a child placing agency, or the




     (4) This section does not apply if the petitioner for adoption


is married to a parent having legal custody of the child.


     Sec. 42. (1) During the course of an investigation being


conducted by the department, a child placing agency, or the court


to determine if a foster parent or parents are unsuitable to


continue providing foster care, the department or a child placing


agency shall not recommend the foster parent or parents being


investigated for adoption and no adoption proceeding may be


commenced until the investigation is complete and a determination


is made by the court after a hearing that it is in the child's best


interest to allow the adoption to proceed. If an adoption


proceeding has already been commenced and the foster parent or


parents are petitioners in the proceeding, the proceeding shall be


suspended until the investigation is complete and court determines


that it is in the child's best interest to allow the adoption to




     (2) If the department, a child placing agency, or the court


determines a foster parent or parents to be unsuitable to continue


to provide care for a foster child placed in their care, that


foster parent or parents shall not be considered eligible to adopt


that foster child. Application of this section does not depend on


the foster child being removed from the foster home or from the


foster parent's or parents' care.