REFILLING GROWLERS OF BEER                                                                        S.B. 27:

                                                                                               COMMITTEE SUMMARY












Senate Bill 27 (as introduced 1-16-13)

Sponsor:  Senator Dave Hildenbrand

Committee:  Regulatory Reform


Date Completed:  3-13-13




The bill would amend the Michigan Liquor Control Code to permit an eligible merchant to refill growlers with beer for off-premises consumption, under the following conditions:


 --    The place of refilling complied with food service establishment requirements under the Food Law. 

 --    Growlers were clearly labeled and sealed in compliance with existing requirements for labeling and sale for consumption off the premises.

 --    The merchant complied with all applicable rules promulgated by the Liquor Control Commission.


The bill would define "eligible merchant" as a person that holds both a class C license and a specially designated merchant license.


"Growler" would mean any clean, refillable, resealable, container with a liquid capacity of one gallon or less.


(A class C licensee is a vendor that may sell beer, wine, mixed spirit drinks, and spirits at retail for consumption on the premises.  A specially designated merchant may sell beer and wine at retail for consumption off the premises only.)


MCL 436.1537                                                           Legislative Analyst:  Glenn Steffens




The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.


                                                                                        Fiscal Analyst:  Josh Sefton


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.