September 25, 2012, Introduced by Senators GREEN and COLBECK and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Great Lakes.




     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending sections 1307, 1311, 30103, 30104, 30305, 30306,


30311a, 30311d, 32513, and 32514 (MCL 324.1307, 324.1311,


324.30103, 324.30104, 324.30305, 324.30306, 324.30311a, 324.30311d,


324.32513, and 324.32514), section 1307 as amended by 2012 PA 164,


section 1311 as amended by 2011 PA 246, section 30103 as amended by


2009 PA 139, section 30104 as amended by 2011 PA 218, sections


30305, 30306, and 32513 as amended by 2012 PA 247, sections 30311a


and 30311d as added by 2009 PA 120, and section 32514 as added by


1995 PA 59; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




     Sec. 1307. (1) By the processing deadline, the department


shall approve or deny an application for a permit. If requested by


the permit applicant, the department shall extend the processing


period for a permit by not more than 120 days, as specified by the


applicant. If requested by the permit applicant, the department may


extend the processing period beyond the additional 120 days.


However, a processing period shall not be extended under this


subsection to a date later than 1 year after the application period




     (2) The approval or denial of an application for a permit


shall be in writing and shall be based upon evidence that would


meet the standards in section 75 of the administrative procedures


act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.275.


     (3) (2) Approval of an application for a permit may be granted


with conditions or modifications necessary to achieve compliance


with the part or parts of this act under which the permit is




     (4) (3) A denial of an application for a permit shall


document, and any review upholding the decision shall determine, to


the extent practical, specify all of the reasons for the denial,


including both all of the following:


     (a) The That the decision is based on specific provisions of


this act or rules promulgated under this act. providing the basis


for the denial.


     (b) That the decision is based upon sufficient facts or data,


which are recorded in the file.


     (c) (b) To the extent applicable, the scientific information


providing the basis for the denial.all of the following:


     (i) That the decision is the product of reliable scientific


principles and methods.


     (ii) That the decision has applied the principles and methods


reliably to the facts.


     (5) (4) Except for permits described in subsection (5) (6), if


the department fails to satisfy the requirements of subsection (1)


with respect to an application for a permit, the department shall


pay the applicant an amount equal to 15% of the greater of the


following, as applicable:


     (a) The amount of the application fee for that permit.


     (b) If an assessment or other fee is charged on an annual or


other periodic basis by the department to a person holding the


permit for which the application was submitted, the amount of the


first periodic charge of that assessment or other fee for that




     (6) (5) If the department fails to satisfy the requirements of


subsection (1) with respect to a permit required by section 11509,


11512, 30304, or 32603, the application shall be considered to be


approved and the department shall be considered to have made any


determination required for approval.


     (7) (6) The failure of the department to satisfy the


requirements of subsection (1) or the fact that the department is


required to make a payment under subsection (4) (5) or is


considered to have approved a permit under subsection (5) (6) shall


not be used by the department as the basis for discriminating


against the applicant. If the department is required to make a


payment under subsection (4) (5), the application shall be


processed in sequence with other applications for the same type of


permit, based on the date on which the processing period began,


unless the director determines on an application-by-application


basis that the public interest is best served by processing in a


different order.


     (8) (7) If the department fails to satisfy the requirements of


subsection (1) with respect to 10% or more of the applications for


a particular type of permit received during a quarter of the state


fiscal year, the department shall immediately devote resources from


that program to eliminate any backlog and satisfy the requirements


of subsection (1) with respect to new applications for that type of


permit within the next fiscal quarter.


     (9) (8) If the department fails to satisfy the requirements of


subsection (1), the director shall notify the appropriations


committees of the senate and house of representatives of the


failure. The notification shall be in writing and shall include


both of the following:


     (a) An explanation of the reason for the failure.


     (b) A statement of the amount the department was required to


pay the applicant under subsection (4) (5) or a statement that the


department was required to consider the application to be approved


under subsection (5) (6), as applicable.


     Sec. 1311. By December 1 each year, the director shall submit


a report to the standing committees and appropriations


subcommittees of the senate and house of representatives with


primary responsibility for issues under the jurisdiction of that


department. The department shall post the current report on its


website. The report shall include all of the following information


for each type of permit for the preceding fiscal year:


     (a) The number of applications for permits the department




     (b) The number of applications approved, the number of


applications approved by the processing deadline, the number of


applications approved after the processing deadline, and the


average time for the department to determine administrative


completeness and to approve or disapprove applications.


     (c) The number of applications denied, the number of


applications denied by the processing deadline, and the number of


applications denied after the processing deadline.


     (d) The number of applications approved or denied after the


processing deadline that, based on the director's determination of


the public interest, were not processed in sequence as otherwise


required by section 1307(6).1307(7).


     (e) The number of applications that were not administratively


complete when received.


     (f) The amount of money refunded and discounts granted under


section 1307.


     (g) The number of applications processed as provided in


section 1309.


     (h) If a department failed to satisfy the requirements of


section 1307(1) with respect to 10% or more of the applications for


a particular type of permit received during a quarter of the state


fiscal year, the type of permit and percentage of applications for


which the requirements were not met, how the department attempted


to eliminate any backlog and satisfy the requirements of section


1307(1) with respect to new applications for that type of permit


within the next fiscal quarter, and whether the department was




     Sec. 30103. (1) A permit is not required under this part for


any of the following:


     (a) Any fill or structure existing before April 1, 1966, in


waters covered by former 1965 PA 291, and any fill or structures


existing before January 9, 1973, in waters covered for the first


time by former 1972 PA 346.


     (b) A seasonal structure placed on bottomland to facilitate


private noncommercial recreational use of the water if it does not


unreasonably interfere with the use of the water by others entitled


to use the water or interfere with water flow.


     (c) Reasonable sanding of beaches to the existing water's edge


by a riparian owner.


     (d) Construction or maintenance of a private Maintenance of an


agricultural drain, regardless of outlet, . if all of the following


requirements are met:


     (i) The drain was constructed before January 1, 1973 or under a


permit issued pursuant to this part.


     (ii) The drain has a drainage area that is 160 acres or less


and that is entirely in agricultural use.


     (iii) The maintenance includes only activities that maintain the


as-constructed location, depth, and bottom width of the drain as of


January 1, 2013.


     (iv) The maintenance is performed by the landowner or pursuant


to the drain code of 1956, 1956 PA 40, MCL 280.1 to 280.630.


     (e) A waste collection or treatment facility that is ordered


to be constructed or is approved for construction by the department


under state or federal water pollution control law, if constructed


in upland.


     (f) Construction and maintenance of minor drainage structures


and facilities which are identified by rule promulgated by the


department pursuant to section 30110. Before such a rule is


promulgated, the rule shall be approved by the majority of a


committee consisting of the director of the department, the


director of the department of agriculture and rural development,


and the director of the state transportation department or their


designated representatives. The rules shall be reviewed at least




     (g) Maintenance and improvement of all drains that were either


(i) legally established or and constructed prior to before January


1, 1973, pursuant to the drain code of 1956, 1956 PA 40, MCL 280.1


to 280.630, except those legally established drains constituting


mainstream portions of certain natural watercourses identified in


rules promulgated by the department under section 30110, or (ii)


constructed or modified under a permit issued pursuant to this


part. As used in this subdivision, "maintenance of drains" means


the physical preservation of the configuration of a drain and


appurtenant structures to restore the function and approximate


capacity of the drain as constructed, established, or modified as


of January 1, 2013 and includes, but is not limited to, the


following activities if performed with best management practices to


the levels of current engineering standards:


     (i) Excavation of accumulated sediments back to original


construction or establishment.


     (ii) Reshaping of the side slopes.


     (iii) Bank stabilization to prevent erosion where reasonably




     (iv) Armoring, lining, or piping if a previously armored,


lined, or piped section is being repaired and all work occurs


within the footprint of the previous work.


     (v) Replacement of existing control structures, if the


original function of the drain is not changed and original


approximate capacity of the drain is not increased.


     (vi) Drain realignments within existing drain or road right-of-


way for transportation safety purposes.


     (vii) Installation and replacement of culverts, for property


access, in a manner that does not impair the designed flow of the




     (viii) Construction of temporary in-stream sedimentation basins


on a construction site.


     (ix) Installation and repair of grade stabilization structures


such as cross veins, J-hooks, and riffle zones.


     (x) Emergency reconstruction of recently damaged parts of the


drain such as dikes, dams, levees, groins, riprap, breakwaters,


causeways, bridge abutments or approaches, and transportation


structures. Emergency reconstruction must occur within a reasonable


period of time after damage occurs in order to qualify for this




     (h) Projects constructed under the watershed protection and


flood prevention act, chapter 656, 68 Stat. 666, 16 USC 1001 to


1008 and 1010.


     (i) Construction and maintenance of privately owned cooling or


storage ponds used in connection with a public utility except at


the interface with public waters.


     (j) Maintenance of a structure constructed under a permit


issued pursuant to this part and identified by rule promulgated


under section 30110, if the maintenance is in place and in kind


with no design or materials modification.


     (k) A water withdrawal.


     (l) Annual installation of a seasonal dock or docks, pilings,


mooring buoys, or other mooring structures previously authorized by


and in accordance with a permit issued under this part.


     (2) As used in this section, "water withdrawal" means the


removal of water from its source for any purpose.


     Sec. 30104. (1) A person shall not undertake a project subject


to this part except as authorized by a permit issued by the


department pursuant to part 13. An application for a permit shall


include any information that may be required by the department. If


a project includes activities at multiple locations, 1 application


may be filed for the combined activities.


     (2) Except as provided in subsections (3) and (4), until


October 1, 2015, an application for a permit shall be accompanied


by a fee based on an administrative cost in accordance with the


following schedule:


     (a) For activities included in a minor project category, or a


seasonal drawdown or the associated reflooding, or both, of a dam


or impoundment for the purpose of weed control, a fee of $50.00.


However, for a permit for a seasonal drawdown or associated


reflooding, or both, of a dam or impoundment for the purpose of


weed control that is issued for the first time after October 9,


1995, an initial fee of $500.00 with subsequent permits for the


same purpose being assessed a $50.00 fee.


     (b) For activities included in a minor project category


established under section 30105(7), a fee of $100.00.


     (c) (b) For authorization under activities included in a


general permit category established under section 30105(8), a fee


of $50.00. fee.


     (d) (c) For construction or expansion of a marina, a fee of:


     (i) $50.00 for an expansion of 1-10 slips to an existing


permitted marina.


     (ii) $100.00 for a new marina with 1-10 proposed marina slips.


     (iii) $250.00 for an expansion of 11-50 slips to an existing


permitted marina, plus $10.00 for each slip over 50.


     (iv) $500.00 for a new marina with 11-50 proposed marina slips,


plus $10.00 for each slip over 50.


     (v) $1,500.00 if an existing permitted marina proposes


maintenance dredging of 10,000 cubic yards or more or the addition


of seawalls, bulkheads, or revetments of 500 feet or more.


     (e) (d) For major projects other than a project described in


subdivision (c)(v) (d)(v), involving any of the following, a fee of




     (i) Dredging of 10,000 cubic yards or more.


     (ii) Filling of 10,000 cubic yards or more.


     (iii) Seawalls, bulkheads, or revetments of 500 feet or more.


     (iv) Filling or draining of 1 acre or more of wetland


contiguous to a lake or stream.


     (v) New dredging or upland boat basin excavation in areas of


suspected contamination.


     (vi) Shore projections, such as groins and underwater


stabilizers, that extend 150 feet or more into a lake or stream.


     (vii) New commercial docks or wharves of 300 feet or more in




     (viii) Stream enclosures 100 feet or more in length.


     (ix) Stream relocations 500 feet or more in length.


     (x) New golf courses.


     (xi) Subdivisions.


     (xii) Condominiums.


     (f) (e) For the removal of submerged logs from bottomland of


an inland lake, a $500.00 fee.


     (g) (f) For all other projects not listed in subdivisions (a)


through (e) (f), a fee of $500.00.


     (3) A project that requires review and approval under this


part and 1 or more of the following acts or parts of acts is


subject to only the single highest permit fee required under this


part or the following acts or parts of acts:


     (a) Section 3104.


     (b) (a) Part 303.


     (c) (b) Part 323.


     (d) (c) Part 325.


     (d) Section 3104.


     (e) Section 117 of the land division act, 1967 PA 288, MCL




     (4) If work has been done in violation of a permit requirement


under this part and restoration is not ordered by the department,


the department may accept an application for a permit if the


application is accompanied by a fee equal to 2 times the permit fee


required under this section.


     Sec. 30305. (1) Activities that require a permit under part


325 or part 301 or a discharge that is authorized by a discharge


permit under section 3112 or 3113 do not require a permit under


this part.


     (2) The following uses are allowed in a wetland without a


permit subject to other laws of this state and the owner's




     (a) Fishing, trapping, or hunting.


     (b) Swimming or boating.


     (c) Hiking.


     (d) Grazing of animals.


     (e) Farming, horticulture, silviculture, lumbering, and


ranching activities, including plowing, irrigation, irrigation


ditching, seeding, cultivating, minor drainage, harvesting for the


production of food, fiber, and forest products, or upland soil and


water conservation practices. To be allowed in a wetland without a


permit, these activities shall be part of an established ongoing


farming, horticultural, silvicultural, or ranching operation.


Farming activities on areas lying fallow as part of a conventional


rotational cycle are part of an established ongoing operation,


unless modifications to the hydrological regime or ongoing


mechanized land clearing are necessary to resume operation.


Activities that bring an area into farming, horticulture,


silviculture, or ranching use, or that convert an area from a


forested or silvicultural use to agricultural use, are not part of


an established ongoing operation. Minor drainage does not include


draining associated with the immediate or gradual conversion of a


wetland to a nonwetland, or conversion from 1 wetland use to


another. Minor drainage does not include the construction of a


canal, ditch, dike, or other waterway or structure that drains or


otherwise significantly modifies a stream, lake, or wetland.


Wetland altered under this subdivision shall not be used for a


purpose other than a purpose described in this subsection section


without a permit from the department.


     (f) Maintenance or operation of serviceable structures in


existence on October 1, 1980 or constructed pursuant to this part


or former 1979 PA 203.


     (g) Construction or maintenance of farm or stock ponds.


     (h) Maintenance , operation, or improvement which includes


straightening, widening, or deepening of the following which is


necessary for the production or harvesting of agricultural




     (i) An existing private agricultural drain.of the following


drains to the as-constructed location, depth, and bottom width as


of January 1, 2013:


     (i) An agricultural drain, regardless of outlet, if all of the


following requirements are met:


     (A) The drain was constructed prior to January 1, 1973 or


under a permit issued pursuant to this part.


     (B) The drain has a drainage area that is 160 acres or less


and that is entirely in agricultural use.


     (C) The maintenance includes only activities that maintain the


as-constructed location, depth, and bottom width of the drain   as of


January 1, 2013.


     (D) The maintenance is performed by the landowner or pursuant


to the drain code of 1956, 1956 PA 40, MCL 280.1 to 280.630.


     (ii) That portion of a drain legally established pursuant to


the drain code of 1956, 1956 PA 40, MCL 280.1 to 280.630, which has


been constructed or improved for drainage purposes.


     (iii) A drain constructed pursuant to other provisions of this


part or former 1979 PA 203.


Maintenance of drains under this subdivision includes, but is not


limited to, the placement of spoils removed from a drain in


locations where spoils have been previously placed along that


drain. Maintenance of drains under this subdivision does not


include any modification to the character, scope, or size of the


drain as of January 1, 2013, or any modification that results in


additional wetland drainage or conversion of wetland to a use to


which it was not previously subject.


     (i) Construction or maintenance of farm roads, forest roads,


or temporary roads for moving mining or forestry equipment, if the


roads are constructed and maintained in a manner to assure ensure


that any adverse effect on the wetland will be otherwise minimized.


     (j) Drainage necessary for the production and harvesting of


agricultural products if the wetland is owned by a person who is


engaged in commercial farming and the land is to be used for the


production and harvesting of agricultural products. Except as


otherwise provided in this part, wetland improved under this


subdivision after October 1, 1980 shall not be used for nonfarming


purposes without a permit from the department. This subdivision


does not apply to a wetland that is contiguous to a lake or stream,


or to a tributary of a lake or stream, or to a wetland that the


department has determined by clear and convincing evidence to be a


wetland that is necessary to be preserved for the public interest,


in which case a permit is required.


     (j) (k) Maintenance or improvement of public streets,


highways, or roads , within the right-of-way and that meets all of


the following requirements:


     (i) Does not include any modification that changes the original


location or footprint.


     (ii) Is done in such a manner as to assure that minimizes any


adverse effect on the wetland. will be otherwise minimized.


Maintenance or improvement does not include adding extra lanes,


increasing the right-of-way, or deviating from the existing


location of the street, highway, or road.


     (k) (l) Maintenance , or repair , or operation of gas or oil


pipelines and construction of gas or oil pipelines having a


diameter of 6 inches or less, if the pipelines are constructed,


maintained, or repaired of utility lines and associated support


structures that meets all of the following requirements:


     (i) Is done in a manner to assure that minimizes any adverse


effect on the wetland. will be otherwise minimized.


     (ii) Does not include any modification to the character, scope,


or size of the originally constructed design.


     (iii) Does not convert a wetland area to a use to which it was


not previously subject.


For the purposes of this subdivision and subdivision (l), "utility


line" means any pipe or pipeline used for the transportation of any


gaseous, liquid, liquescent, or slurry substance, for any purpose,


and any cable, line, or wire for the transmission for any purpose


of electrical energy, telephone or telegraph messages, or radio or


television communication.


     (l) (m) Maintenance, repair, or operation of electric


transmission and distribution power lines and construction of


distribution power lines, if the distribution power lines are


constructed, maintained, or repaired Installation of utility lines


having a diameter of 6 inches or less using directional drilling or


boring, or knifing-in, and the placement of poles with minimal


(less than 1 cubic yard) structure support, if the utility lines


and poles are installed in a manner to assure that minimizes any


adverse effect on the wetland. will be otherwise minimized.


Directional drilling or boring under this subdivision shall meet


all of the following requirements:


     (i) The top of the utility line shall be at least 4 feet below


the soil surface of the wetland. However, if the presence of rock


prevents the placement of the utility line at the depth otherwise


required by this subparagraph, the bottom of the utility line may


be placed not higher than the top of the rock.


     (ii) The entry and exit holes shall be located a sufficient


distance from the wetland to ensure that disturbance of the wetland


does not occur.


     (iii) The operation shall not result in the eruption or release


of any drilling fluids up through the ground and into the wetland


and there is an adequate plan to respond to any release of drilling


mud or other fill material.


     (m) (n) Operation or maintenance, including reconstruction of


recently damaged parts, of serviceable dikes and levees in


existence on October 1, 1980 or constructed pursuant to this part


or former 1979 PA 203.


     (o) Construction of iron and copper mining tailings basins and


water storage areas.


     (3) An activity in a wetland that was effectively drained for


farming before October 1, 1980 and that on and after October 1,


1980 has continued to be effectively drained as part of an ongoing


farming operation is not subject to regulation under this part.


     (4) A wetland that is incidentally created as a result of 1 or


more of the following activities is not subject to regulation under


this part:


     (a) Excavation for mineral or sand Commercial excavation for


sand, stone, gravel, or mineral mining, if the area was not a


wetland before excavation. This exemption does not include a


wetland on or adjacent to a water body of 1 acre or more in


size.from regulation applies only while the commercial excavation


is ongoing.


     (b) Construction and operation of a water treatment pond, or


lagoon, or other facility in compliance with the requirements of


state or federal water pollution control regulations.laws.


     (c) A diked area associated with a landfill if the landfill


complies with the terms of the landfill construction permit and if


the diked area was not a wetland before diking.


     (d) Construction of drains in upland for the sole purpose of


removing excess soil moisture from upland agricultural areas.


     (5) An area that becomes contiguous to a water body created as


a result of commercial excavation for sand, gravel, or mineral


mining is not subject to regulation under this part solely because


it is contiguous to the created water body. This exemption from


regulation applies only while the commercial excavation is ongoing.


     (6) (5) Except as provided in subsection (6), (7), the


following activities are not subject to regulation under this part:


by the state:


     (a) Leveling of sand, removal of vegetation, grooming of soil,


or removal of debris, in an area of unconsolidated material


predominantly composed of sand, rock, or pebbles, located between


the ordinary high-water mark and the water's edge.


     (b) Mowing of vegetation between the ordinary high-water mark


and the water's edge.


     (7) (6) Subsection (5) (6) does not apply to lands included in


the survey of the delta of the St. Clair River, otherwise referred


to as the St. Clair flats, located within Clay township, St. Clair


county, as provided for in 1899 PA 175.


     Sec. 30306. (1) Except as provided in section 30307(6), to


obtain a permit for a use or development listed in section 30304, a


person shall file an application with the department on a form


provided by the department. The application shall include all of


the following:


     (a) The person's name and address.


     (b) The location of the wetland.


     (c) A description of the wetland. on which the use or


development is to be made.


     (d) A statement and appropriate drawings describing the


proposed use or development.


     (e) The wetland owner's name and address.


     (f) An environmental assessment of the proposed use or


development if requested by the department. The assessment shall


include the effects upon wetland benefits and the effects upon the


water quality, flow, and levels, and the wildlife, fish, and


vegetation within a contiguous lake, river, or stream.


     (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a proposed use or


development of a wetland shall be covered by a single permit


application under this part if the scope, extent, and purpose of a


use or development are made known at the time of the application


for the permit.


     (3) Except as provided in subsections (4) and (5), an


application for a permit submitted under subsection (1) shall be


accompanied by the following fee, as applicable:


     (a) For a project in a category of activities for which a


general permit is issued under section 30312, a fee of




     (b) For activities included in a minor project category


established under section 30312(1), a fee of $100.00.


     (c) (b) For a major project, including any of the following, a


fee of $2,000.00:


     (i) Filling or draining of 1 acre or more of coastal or inland




     (ii) 10,000 cubic yards or more of wetland fill.


     (iii) A new golf course affecting wetland.


     (iv) A subdivision affecting wetland.


     (v) A condominium affecting wetland.


     (d) (c) For all other projects, a fee of $500.00.


     (4) A project that requires review and approval under this


part and 1 or more of the following is subject to only the single


highest permit fee required under this part or the following:


     (a) Section 3104.


     (b) Part 301.


     (c) Part 323.


     (d) Part 325.


     (e) Section 117 of the land division act, 1967 PA 288, MCL




     (5) If work has been done in violation of a permit requirement


under this part and restoration is not ordered by the department,


the department may accept an application for a permit if the


application is accompanied by a fee equal to twice the permit fee


otherwise required under this section.


     (6) If the department determines that a permit is not required


under this part, the department shall promptly refund the fee paid


under this section.


     (7) The department may issue a conditional permit before the


expiration of the 20-day period referred to in section 30307 if


emergency conditions warrant a project to protect property or the


public health, safety, or welfare.


     Sec. 30311a. (1) A guideline, bulletin, interpretive


statement, or form with instructions under this part shall not be


given the force and effect of law. A guideline, bulletin,


interpretive statement, or form with instructions under this part


is not legally binding on the public or the regulated community and


shall not be cited by the department for compliance and enforcement




     (2) Within 1 year after the effective date of the 2009


amendatory act that added this subsection, the department shall


adopt a new guidance document for the evaluation of feasible and


prudent alternatives. The guidance document shall be consistent


with findings and recommendations of the United States


environmental protection agency's region 5 review of the program


under this part. The department shall develop the guidance document


in consultation with interested parties, including the council.


     (3) Before the guidance document under subsection (2) takes


effect, the department shall not deny an application for a permit


required under section 30304 because of the availability of a


feasible and prudent alternative based solely on consideration of


statewide alternatives, higher cost, or reduced profit unless both


of the following apply:


     (a) The proposed denial has been reviewed by a department


deputy director.


     (b) The department has requested information from the Michigan


economic development corporation and applicable regional and local


economic development authorities relative to the project and


considered the information received.


     (4) Before the guidance document under subsection (2) takes


effect, the processing period specified under section 1301 for a


permit required under section 30304 is extended if department staff


have proposed denying the permit for reasons set forth in


subsection (7). Notwithstanding section 1307(1), the extension


shall be for not more than 45 days.


     (5) The department shall not file a request for rule-making


under section 39 of the administrative procedures act, 1969 PA 306,


MCL 24.239, for rules addressing the evaluation of feasible and


prudent alternatives before October 1, 2012.


     Sec. 30311d. (1) The department may impose as a condition on


any permit, other than a general permit, under this part a


requirement for compensatory wetland mitigation. The department may


approve 1 or more of the following methods of compensatory wetland




     (a) The acquisition of approved credits from a wetland


mitigation bank. The department shall not require a permit


applicant to provide compensatory wetland mitigation under


subdivision (b), (c), or (d) if the applicant prefers and qualifies


to use approved credits from the wetland mitigation bank to provide


required compensatory wetland mitigation under this subdivision.


     (b) The restoration of previously existing wetland. The


restoration of previously existing wetland is preferred over the


creation of new wetland where none previously existed.


     (c) The creation of new wetlands, if the permit applicant


demonstrates that ecological conditions necessary for establishment


of a self-sustaining wetland ecosystem exist or will be created.


     (d) The preservation of exceptional wetlands.


     (2) If compensatory wetland mitigation under subsection


(1)(b), (c), or (d) is required, a permit applicant shall submit a


mitigation plan to the department for approval. In approving a


compensatory mitigation plan, the department shall consider how the


location and type of wetland mitigation supports the sustainability


or improvement of aquatic resources in the watershed where the


activity is permitted. The permit applicant shall provide for


permanent protection of the wetland mitigation site. The department


may accept a conservation easement to protect wetland mitigation


and associated upland.


     (3) If a permittee carries out compensatory wetland mitigation


under subsection (1)(b), (c), or (d) in cooperation with public


agencies, private organizations, or other parties, the permittee


remains responsible for the compensatory wetland mitigation to the


extent otherwise provided by law.


     (4) The department may require financial assurance to ensure


that compensatory wetland mitigation is accomplished as specified.


To ensure that wetland benefits are replaced by compensatory


wetland mitigation, the department may release financial assurance


only after the permit applicant or mitigation bank sponsor has


completed monitoring of the mitigation site and demonstrated


compliance with performance standards in accordance with a schedule


in the permit or mitigation banking agreement.


     (5) By 1 year after the effective date of the amendatory act


that added this subsection, the department shall submit to the


office of regulatory reform for informal review revised


administrative rules on mitigation that do all of the following:


     (a) Reduce the preference for on-site mitigation.


     (b) Allow flexibility in mitigation ratios for uses of




     (c) Allow a reduction of mitigation ratios when approved


credits from a wetland mitigation bank are used.


     (d) Allow consideration of additional ecologically beneficial




     (6) The department shall submit revised administrative rules


that encourage the development of wetland mitigation banks to the


office of regulatory reform for informal review within 1 year after


the effective date of the amendatory act that added this


subsection. The rules shall do all of the following:


     (a) Enlarge mitigation bank service areas. However, a service


area shall be located within the same watershed or ecoregion as the


permitted project or activity, ensure no net loss of the wetland


resources, and protect the predominant wetland functions of the


service area. The department shall consider enlarging the size of


ecoregions for mitigation bank service areas.


     (b) Allow earlier release of credits if the benefits of a


mitigation bank have been properly established and the credits are


revocable or covered by a financial assurance.


     (c) Allow wetland preservation to be used in areas where


wetland restoration opportunities do not exist, if an unacceptable


disruption of the aquatic resources will not result.


     (7) The department shall establish a wetland mitigation bank


funding program under part 52 that provides grants and loans to


eligible municipalities for the purposes of establishing mitigation




     Sec. 32513. (1) To obtain a permit for any work or connection


specified in section 32512, a person shall file an application with


the department on a form provided by the department. The


application shall include all of the following:


     (a) The name and address of the applicant.


     (b) The legal description of the lands included in the




     (c) A summary statement of the purpose of the project.


     (d) A map or diagram showing the proposal on an adequate scale


with contours and cross-section profiles of any waterway to be




     (e) Other information required by the department.


     (2) Except as provided in subsections (3) and (4), until


October 1, 2015, an application for a permit under this section


shall be accompanied by the following fee, as applicable:


     (a) For a project in a category of activities for which a


general permit is issued under section 32512a, a fee of




     (b) For activities included in a minor project category


established under section 32512a(1), a fee of $50.00.$100.00.


     (c) For construction or expansion of a marina, a fee of:


     (i) $50.00 for an expansion of 1-10 slips to an existing


permitted marina.


     (ii) $100.00 for a new marina with 1-10 proposed marina slips.


     (iii) $250.00 for an expansion of 11-50 slips to an existing


permitted marina, plus $10.00 for each slip over 50.


     (iv) $500.00 for a new marina with 11-50 proposed marina slips,


plus $10.00 for each slip over 50.


     (v) $1,500.00 if an existing permitted marina proposes


maintenance dredging of 10,000 cubic yards or more or the addition


of seawalls, bulkheads, or revetments of 500 feet or more.


     (d) For major projects other than a project described in


subdivision (c)(v), involving any of the following, a fee of




     (i) Dredging of 10,000 cubic yards or more.


     (ii) Filling of 10,000 cubic yards or more.


     (iii) Seawalls, bulkheads, or revetment of 500 feet or more.


     (iv) Filling or draining of 1 acre or more of coastal wetland.


     (v) New dredging or upland boat basin excavation in areas of


suspected contamination.


     (vi) New breakwater or channel jetty.


     (vii) Shore protection, such as groins and underwater


stabilizers, that extend 150 feet or more on Great Lakes




     (viii) New commercial dock or wharf of 300 feet or more in




     (e) For all other projects not listed in subdivisions (a) to


(d), $500.00.


     (3) A project that requires review and approval under this


part and 1 or more of the following is subject to only the single


highest permit fee required under this part or the following:


     (a) Section 3104.


     (b) (a) Part 301.


     (c) (b) Part 303.


     (d) (c) Part 323.


     (d) Section 3104.


     (e) Section 117 of the land division act, 1967 PA 288, MCL




     (4) If work has been done in violation of a permit requirement


under this part and restoration is not ordered by the department,


the department may accept an application for a permit if the


application is accompanied by a fee equal to 2 times the permit fee


otherwise required under this section.


     (5) The department shall forward all fees collected under this


section to the state treasurer for deposit into the land and water


management permit fee fund created in section 30113.


     Sec. 32514. Upon receipt of the application, the department


shall mail copies to the department of public health, the clerks of


the county, city, village, and township, and the drain commissioner


of the county or, if none, the road commissioner of the county, in


which the project or body of water affected is located, and to the


adjacent riparian owners, accompanied by a statement that unless a


written objection is filed with the department within 20 days after


the mailing of the copies, the department may take action to grant


the application. The department may set the application for public


hearing. At least 10 days' notice of the hearing shall be given by


publication in a newspaper circulated in the county and by mailing


copies of the notice to the persons named in this section. The


department may issue a conditional permit before the expiration of


the 20-day period if emergency conditions warrant a project to


protect property or the public health, safety, or welfare.


     Enacting section 1. Sections 30325 and 30329 of the natural


resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL


324.30325 and 324.30329, are repealed.