HB-5126, As Passed Senate, December 15, 2011

























     A bill to amend 1851 PA 156, entitled


"An act to define the powers and duties of the county boards of

commissioners of the several counties, and to confer upon them

certain local, administrative and legislative powers; and to

prescribe penalties for the violation of the provisions of this



by amending section 11 (MCL 46.11), as amended by 2003 PA 94.




     Sec. 11. A county board of commissioners, at a lawfully held


meeting, may do 1 or more of the following:


     (a) Purchase or lease for a term not to exceed 20 years, real


estate necessary for the site of a courthouse, jail, clerk's


office, or other county building in that county.


     (b) Determine the site of, remove, or designate a new site for


a county building. The exercise of the authority granted by this


subdivision is subject to any requirement of law that the building


be located at the county seat.


     (c) Authorize the sale or lease of real estate belonging to


the county, and prescribe the manner in which a conveyance of the


real estate is to be executed.


     (d) Erect the necessary buildings for jails, clerks' offices,


and other county buildings, and prescribe the time and manner of


erecting them.


     (e) Borrow or raise by tax upon the county those funds


authorized by law. The exercise of the authority granted by this


subdivision is subject to any voting requirement provided by the


law authorizing the borrowing or tax if different from the voting


requirement under section 3.


     (f) Provide for the repayment of a loan made by the board, by


tax upon the county. The loan shall be repaid within 15 years after


the date of the loan, except that a loan to erect a county building


for a public function shall be repaid within 30 years after the


date of the loan.


     (g) Prescribe and fix the salaries and compensation of


employees of the county if not fixed by law and, except in a county


having a board of county auditors, adjust claims against the


county. The sum allowed in the adjustment of a claim is subject to


appeal as provided by law.


     (h) Direct and provide for the raising of money necessary to


defray the current expenses and charges of the county and the


necessary charges incident to or arising from the execution of the


board's lawful authority, subject to the limitations prescribed in


this act. The county board of commissioners may borrow in a year,


in anticipation of the levy or collection of taxes for the year, a


sum of money, not exceeding 50% of the tax to be levied or


collected for the general fund of the county, necessary to defray


current expenses of the county. The money borrowed shall be repaid


from the tax when levied and collected.


     (i) Authorize the making of a new tax roll.


     (j) By majority vote of the members of the county board of


commissioners elected and serving, pass ordinances that relate to


county affairs and do not contravene the general laws of this state


or interfere with the local affairs of a township, city, or village


within the limits of the county, and pursuant to section 10b


provide suitable sanctions for the violation of those ordinances.


The board may change the limits of a city, village, or school


district within the county as provided by law. If there is not a


general law governing the subject, or if a change cannot be made


pursuant to a general law, the board may change the limits of the


village upon petition of at least 10% of the resident taxpayers. An


ordinance or act of incorporation provided in this subdivision


shall take effect when notice of the adoption is published in a


newspaper of general circulation in the county. The clerk of the


county board of commissioners shall engross each ordinance or act,


and it shall be signed by the chairperson of the county board of


commissioners and certified by the clerk of the county board of


commissioners. If, within 50 days after the county board of


commissioners adopts an ordinance or act, a petition signed by not


less than 20% of the electors residing in the district to be


affected by the ordinance or act is filed with the county clerk


asking that the ordinance or act be submitted to electors of the


district to be affected by the ordinance or act for approval or


rejection, then the ordinance or act shall not take effect until it


is approved by a majority of the electors of the district affected


voting on that issue at a regular or special election called for


that purpose. The county board of commissioners shall provide the


manner of submitting the ordinance or act to the electors for their


approval and of determining the result of the election.


     (k) Require a county officer whose salary or compensation is


paid by the county to make a report under oath to the county board


of commissioners on any subject connected with the duties of that


office and require the officer to give a bond reasonable or


necessary for the faithful performance of the duties of the office.


An officer who neglects or refuses either to make a report or give


a bond within a reasonable time after being required to do so may


be removed from office by the board by a vote of 2/3 of the members


elected or appointed, and the office declared vacant. The board may


fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term for which


the officer was elected or appointed. If an election occurs before


the expiration of the unexpired term, and if the office is


elective, the vacancy shall be filled at that election. The board


shall give reasonable notice of the election to fill the vacancy.


     (l) Represent the county and have the care and management of


the property and business of the county if other provisions are not




     (m) Establish rules and regulations in reference to the


management of the interest and business concerns of the county as


the board considers necessary and proper in all matters not


especially provided for in this act or under the laws of this


state. The county board of commissioners shall not audit or allow a


claim, including a bill or charge, against the county unless the


claim has been filed with the county clerk of the county before the


fourth day of a regular meeting of the board, or before the second


day of an adjourned or other meeting, the claim is contracted by


the board during the session of the board or the claim is for


mileage and per diem of the members of the board. The county clerk


shall keep a book of all claims in the order in which the claims


are presented, giving the name of each claimant and the amount and


date of presentation of each claim. The book, after the time


prescribed for the presentation of claims, shall be delivered to


the chairperson for the use of the board. At the October session,


the board, by a vote of 2/3 of the members, may receive and allow


accounts that have wholly accrued during the session.


     (n) Subject to subdivision (o), remove an officer or agent


appointed by the board if, in the board's opinion, the officer or


agent is incompetent to execute properly the duties of the office


or if, on charges and evidence, the board is satisfied that the


officer or agent is guilty of official misconduct, or habitual or


willful neglect of duty, and if the misconduct or neglect is a


sufficient cause for removal. However, an officer or agent shall


not be removed for that misconduct or neglect unless charges of


misconduct or neglect are preferred to the county board of


commissioners or the chairperson of the county board of


commissioners, notice of the hearing, with a copy of the charges,


is delivered to the officer or agent, and a full opportunity is


given the officer or agent to be heard, either in person or by




     (o) If the county has an appointed county manager or other


appointed chief administrative officer or a county controller, the


county board of commissioners may enter into an employment contract


with that officer. The term of the employment contract may extend


beyond the terms of the members of the county board of


commissioners. The term of the employment contract shall be 3 years


or less, unless the employment contract is entered into on or after


August 1 of an even-numbered year, in which case the term of the


employment contract shall be 1 year or less. However, in a county


organized under 1966 PA 293, MCL 45.501 to 45.521, with an


appointed chief administrative officer, an employment contract with


the appointed chief administrative officer shall be for the term


provided by section 11a of 1966 PA 293, MCL 45.511a. An employment


contract under this subdivision shall be in writing and shall


specify the compensation to be paid to the officer, any procedure


for changing the compensation, any fringe benefits, and any other


conditions of employment. If the officer serves at the pleasure of


the county board of commissioners, the contract shall so state and


may provide for severance pay or other benefits in the event the


employment of the officer is terminated at the pleasure of the


county board of commissioners.


     (p) Establish rules consistent with the open meetings act,


1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275, for the manner of proceeding


before the board.


     (q) Acquire by exchange land needed for county purposes,


including the purchase of land to be used in exchange for other


land of approximate equal value owned by the federal government and


needed for county purposes.


     (r) Grant or loan funds to a nonprofit corporation organized


for the purpose of providing loans for private sector economic


development initiatives. A grant or loan under this subdivision


shall not be derived from ad valorem taxes except for ad valorem


taxes approved by a vote of the people for economic development.


The county shall establish an application process for proposals to


receive a grant or loan under this subdivision. The awarding of a


grant or loan under this subdivision shall be made at a public


hearing of the county board of commissioners. The grant or loan


contract shall require a report to the county board of


commissioners regarding the activities of the recipient and the


degree to which the recipient has met the stated public purpose of


the funding.


     (s) Before January 1, 2015, by majority vote of the members of


the county board of commissioners elected and serving in a county


with an appointed board of county road commissioners, pass a


resolution that transfers the powers, duties, and functions that


are otherwise provided by law for the appointed board of county


road commissioners of that county to the county board of


commissioners. The resolution is subject to the requirement in


section 6(9) of chapter IV of 1909 PA 283, MCL 224.6. The appointed


board of county road commissioners of that county is dissolved on


the date specified in the resolution adopted under this


subdivision, and the county board of commissioners is authorized to


receive and expend funds as allowed under 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.651


to 247.675. If the powers, duties, and functions of the board of


county road commissioners of a county are transferred to the county


board of commissioners of that county under this subdivision and


the powers and duties of the office of county drain commissioner of


that county had previously been transferred to the board of county


road commissioners as provided in section 21(3) of the drain code


of 1956, 1956 PA 40, MCL 280.21, then the county board of


commissioners of that county shall reestablish, by resolution, the


office of county drain commissioner as an elected office. The


resolution reestablishing the office of county drain commissioner


shall provide for the appointment of an acting county drain


commissioner for that county who shall hold office until the next


general election at which a county drain commissioner will be


elected as provided in chapter X of the Michigan election law, 1954


PA 116, MCL 168.191 to 168.211.


     (t) Before January 1, 2015, by majority vote of the members of


the county board of commissioners elected and serving in a county


with an elected board of county road commissioners, pass a


resolution to submit to the qualified and registered electors of


the county at the next regular election to be held in the county


the question of transferring the powers, duties, and functions of


the elected board of county road commissioners of that county to


the county board of commissioners. The resolution is subject to the


requirement in section 6(9) of chapter IV of 1909 PA 283, MCL


224.6. If a majority of the qualified and registered electors of


the county voting on the question vote in favor of transferring the


powers, duties, and functions of the elected board of county road


commissioners of that county to the county board of commissioners,


the elected board of county road commissioners of that county is


dissolved and the county board of commissioners is authorized to


receive and expend funds as allowed under 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.651


to 247.675. If the powers, duties, and functions of the board of


county road commissioners of a county are transferred to the county


board of commissioners of that county under this subdivision and


the powers and duties of the office of county drain commissioner of


that county had previously been transferred to the board of county


road commissioners as provided in section 21(3) of the drain code


of 1956, 1956 PA 40, MCL 280.21, then the county board of


commissioners of that county shall reestablish, by resolution, the


office of county drain commissioner as an elected office. The


resolution reestablishing the office of county drain commissioner


shall provide for the appointment of an acting county drain


commissioner for that county who shall hold office until the next


general election at which a county drain commissioner will be


elected as provided in chapter X of the Michigan election law, 1954


PA 116, MCL 168.191 to 168.211.


     (u) If, after a board of county road commissioners is


dissolved as provided in subdivision (s) or (t), the county board


of commissioners for a county determines that a board of county


road commissioners would provide a cost savings to the county


residents and would better meet the needs of the county residents,


the county board of commissioners for that county may, upon


majority vote of the members of the county board of commissioners,


submit the question of adopting a county road system with a board


of county road commissioners to a vote of the electors of the


county as provided in chapter IV of 1909 PA 283, MCL 224.1 to




     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless House Bill No. 5125 of the 96th Legislature is enacted into

