COUNTY VETERANS AFFAIRS COMMITTEE                                                         S.B. 543:

                                                                                              SUMMARY AS ENACTED











Senate Bill 543 (as enacted)                                                    PUBLIC ACT 235 of 2012

Sponsor:  Senator Jack Brandenburg

Senate Committee:  Veterans, Military Affairs, and Homeland Security

House Committee:  Military and Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security


Date Completed:  8-28-12




The bill amended Public Act 192 of 1953, which allows a county board of commissioners to create a county department of veterans' affairs overseen by a committee of veterans, to revise criteria for committee members.


The Act requires a county department of veterans' affairs to be under the administration of a committee of three-to-five veterans, appointed by the board of commissioners upon the recommendation of the posts of each chartered veterans' organization within the county.  Previously, not more than two committee members could be representative of a single war or conflict.  The bill deleted that restriction.


The bill requires that each member appointed to the committee have demonstrated knowledge, skills, and experience in public service, business, or finance.


The bill took effect on June 29, 2012.


MCL 35.621


Legislative Analyst:  Patrick Affholter




The bill will have no fiscal impact on State or local government.


Fiscal Analyst:  Bruce Baker


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.