House Bill 4830
Sponsor: Rep. Fred Miller
1st Committee: Intergovernmental and Regional Affairs
2nd Committee: Urban Policy
Complete to 5-4-09
The bill would amend the County Road Law. That act allows a county with a population of 1.5 million or more that has adopted a charter under Public Act 293 of 1966 (the charter county law) to reorganize the powers and duties otherwise provided by law for a board of county road commissioners. This reorganization can occur by amendment to the charter.
House Bill 4830 would amend the County Road Law (MCL 224.6) to allow this reorganization in a county with a population of 800,000 or more that "is adopting" a charter under PA 293, and would allow the reorganization "within the writing of" the charter.
With the exception of Wayne County, every county in the state currently has a road commission established under the authority of PA 283 of 1909. Wayne County is a charter county under the authority of Public Act 293 of 1966, and is the only county with a census population greater than 1.5 million. The functions of the road commission were assumed by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners by charter amendment in 1984.
Two other Michigan counties would meet the 800,000 population threshold proposed in House Bill 4830, Oakland and Macomb.
The bill would appear to have minimal fiscal impact on local costs. The cost difference between having a separate road commission, and organizing county road agency functions as a department within county government, would appear to be relatively small.
Fiscal Analyst: William E. Hamilton
■ This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.