House Bill 4464
Sponsor: Rep. Gabe Leland
Committee: Appropriations
Committee Analysis
HB 4464 would amend the State School Aid Act by appropriating $1,500,000 from the School Aid Fund for school safety grants to districts for FY 2008-09. To receive a competitive grant a district shall meet all of the following:
· Use the funds for hiring and training school safety officers and mental health professionals. Funds may also be used for planning and for purchasing equipment and supplies for school safety officers and mental health professionals in the program.
· Funded programs shall be designed toward recognizing warning signs and risk factors and to prevent school violence and bullying.
· The grants shall be used as follows: 40% for hiring new school safety officers; 10% for training school safety officers and other school personnel in violence prevention; 5% for technological improvements to support the functioning of school safety officers; 40% for hiring mental health professionals; and 5% for training for mental health professionals.
· Funded programs shall provide a 25% local match.
Fiscal Analyst: Mary Ann Cleary
Bethany Wicksall
■ This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.