November 5, 2008, Introduced by Senators BROWN, PAPPAGEORGE and JANSEN and referred to the Committee on Education.




     A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled


"Michigan election law,"


by amending sections 24a and 307 (MCL 168.24a and 168.307), section


24a as amended by 1982 PA 154 and section 307 as added by 2003 PA






     Sec. 24a. (1) A 4-member board of county canvassers is


established in every county in this state. All of the powers


granted to and duties required by law to be performed by all boards


of canvassers established by law, other than the board of state


canvassers, boards of city canvassers in cities having more than 5


precincts, boards of canvassers in counties having a population of


1,500,000 or more, and boards of township canvassers in townships


having more than 5 precincts, are granted to and required to be


performed by the board of county canvassers.


     (2) The board of county canvassers shall conduct all recounts


of elections in cities, townships, villages, school districts, or


any other districts and be vested with all of the powers and


required to perform all the duties in connection with any recount.


     (3) If a city, village, school district, or any other


district, other than a school district, lies in more than 1 county,


and a duty is to be performed by the board of county canvassers,


the board of county canvassers in the county in which the greatest


number of registered voters of the city, village, or district


resides at the close of registration for the election involved


shall perform the duty.


     (4) If a school district lies in more than 1 county, the board


of county canvassers for each county in which a portion of the


school district lies shall canvass that portion of a school


district election that is held in that county. Upon completion of


the canvass, the clerk of the board of county canvassers shall


transmit the canvassed results to the county clerk of the county in


which the largest number of registered electors of that school


district reside. Upon receipt of the canvassed results, the county


clerk of the county in which the largest number of registered


electors of that school district reside shall make a statement of


returns and certify the results of the school district election to


the secretary of the school board.


     (5) The cost of canvass of school, city, township, and village


elections shall be borne by the school district, city, township, or


village holding the election, and upon presentation of a bill for


the costs incurred by the board of county canvassers, the school


district, city, township, or village shall reimburse the county




     (6) (2) All boards of canvassers provided for in law including


boards of school canvassers, the duties of which are by this act


required to be performed by boards of county canvassers, are




     (7) (3) Members of the board of county canvassers shall be


appointed for terms of 4 years beginning on November 1 following


their appointment. Of the members first appointed, 1 member of each


of the political parties represented on the canvassing board of


county canvassers shall be appointed for a term of 4 years and 1


for a term of 2 years. Members The county clerk shall notify


members of the board shall be notified of county canvassers of


their appointment within 5 days thereafter by the county clerk of


being appointed.


     (8) (4) This section shall apply applies to all elections, any


charter provision to the contrary notwithstanding.


     Sec. 307. (1) The appropriate board of canvassers as


prescribed in section 24a or 30a shall canvass the votes for


candidates for school board member and votes for and against a


ballot question at a regular or special election in each school


district. That number of candidates equal to the number of


individuals to be elected who receive the greatest number of votes


cast at the election, as set forth in the report of the board of


canvassers canvassing the votes, based upon the returns from the


election precincts or as determined by the board of canvassers as a


result of a recount, are elected to the office of school board


member. Upon Except as otherwise provided in section 24a(4), upon


completion of the canvass, the board of canvassers shall make a


statement of returns and certify the election of school board


members to the secretary of the school board, the county clerk,


and, if other than the county clerk, the school district election




     (2) The votes cast for a candidate for school board member or


on a ballot question submitted to the electors at a school election


are subject to recount as provided in chapter XXXIII. An individual


elected to the office of school board member is subject to recall


as provided in chapter XXXVI and in section 8 of article II of the


state constitution of 1963.