May 22, 2007, Introduced by Senator GLEASON and referred to the Committee on Campaign and Election Oversight.




     A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled


"Michigan election law,"


by amending sections 71, 191, 207, 238, 252, 268, 281, 302, 327,


342, 369, and 383 (MCL 168.71, 168.191, 168.207, 168.238, 168.252,


168.268, 168.281, 168.302, 168.327, 168.342, 168.369, and 168.383),


sections 71, 191, 281, and 342 as amended by 1999 PA 218, section


302 as amended by 2005 PA 71, and sections 327 and 383 as amended


by 1982 PA 505.




     Sec. 71. (1) A person shall is not be eligible to the offices


office of secretary of state or attorney general if the person is


not a registered and qualified elector of this state by the date


the person is nominated for the office.


     (2) A person who has been convicted of a violation of section


12a(1) of 1941 PA 370, MCL 38.412a, shall not be eligible to the


offices of secretary of state or attorney general for a period of


20 years after conviction felony under the laws of this state or an


offense under the law of another state or the United States


substantially corresponding to a felony in this state is not


eligible to the office of secretary of state or attorney general.


     Sec. 191. (1) A person shall is not be eligible to the office


of county clerk, county treasurer, register of deeds, prosecuting


attorney, sheriff, drain commissioner, or surveyor , or coroner if


the person is not a registered and qualified elector of the county


in which election is sought by the filing deadline.


     (2) A person who has been convicted of a violation of section


12a(1) of 1941 PA 370, MCL 38.412a, shall not be eligible to any of


the offices enumerated in this section for a period of 20 years


after conviction felony under the laws of this state or an offense


under the law of another state or the United States substantially


corresponding to a felony in this state is not eligible for


election or appointment to an office enumerated in this section.


     Sec. 207. (1) The governor may remove any and all county


officers a county officer named in section 200 of this chapter when


he shall be 191 if the governor is satisfied from sufficient the


evidence submitted to him, as hereinafter provided, that such the


officer has been guilty of official misconduct, or of wilful


willful neglect of duty, or of extortion, or habitual drunkenness ,


or has been convicted of being drunk. , or whenever it shall appear


by a certified copy of the judgment of a court of record of this


state that such officer, after his election or appointment, shall


have been convicted of a felony; but the The governor shall not


take no action upon any such the charges made to him against any


such the officer until the same shall have been exhibited to him


charges are submitted in writing , and verified by the affidavit


sworn statement of the party making them , that he or she believes


the charges to be true. But no such The officer shall not be


removed for such misconduct or neglect until charges thereof shall


have been exhibited of misconduct or neglect are submitted to the


governor as above provided and in this section, a copy of the same


charges is served on such the officer, and an opportunity is given


him the officer of being heard in his or her defense. : Provided,


That the The service of such charges upon the person or persons


officer complained against shall be made by handing to such person


or persons the officer a copy of such the charges, together with


all affidavits or exhibits which may be attached to the original


petition if such person or persons the officer can be found; and if


not, by leaving a copy at the last place of residence of such


person or persons the officer, with some person of suitable age, if


such person can be found; and if not, by posting it in some


conspicuous place upon his the officer's last known place of


residence. No officer who has been removed in accordance with the


provisions of this section shall be eligible to election or


appointment to any office for a period of 3 years from the date of


such removal.


     (2) A county office named in section 191 becomes vacant


immediately upon the officer's conviction of a felony, regardless


of declaration by an officer or any official acceptance.


     Sec. 238. (1) A person is not eligible for election to the


office of county auditor if the person has been convicted of a


felony under the laws of this state or an offense under the law of


another state or the United States substantially corresponding to a


felony in this state.


     (2) The governor may remove any county auditor when he shall


be satisfied from if the governor finds, based on sufficient


evidence, submitted to him, as hereinafter provided, that such the


officer has been guilty of official misconduct, or of wilful


willful neglect of duty, or of extortion, or habitual drunkenness ,


or has been convicted of being drunk. , or whenever it shall appear


by a certified copy of the judgment of a court of record of this


state that such officer, after his election or appointment, shall


have been convicted of a felony; but the


     (3) The governor shall not take no action upon any such


charges made to him a charge against any such an officer until the


same shall have been exhibited to him charge is submitted to the


governor in writing, verified by the affidavit of the party making


them, that he with the sworn statement of the charging party,


stating that he or she believes the charges to be true. But no such


An officer shall not be removed for such misconduct or neglect


until charges thereof shall have been exhibited the charge is


submitted to the governor as above provided, and a copy of the same


charge is served on such the officer, and an opportunity is given


him of being the officer to be heard in his or her defense. :


Provided, That the service of such charges upon the person or


persons complained against shall be made by handing to such person


or persons a copy of such charges, together with all affidavits or


exhibits which may be attached to the original petition if such


person or persons can be found; and if not, by leaving a copy at


the last place of residence of such person or persons, with some


person of suitable age, if such person can be found; and if not, by


posting it in some conspicuous place upon his last known place of


residence. No officer who has been removed in accordance with the


provisions of this section shall be eligible to election or


appointment to any office for a period of 3 years from the date of


such removal. The service required in this subsection shall be made


by personal service on the officer and shall include a copy of the


charge and each sworn statement and exhibit attached to the


original petition. If the officer cannot be found, service may be


made by leaving a copy at the officer's last known place of


residence with a person of suitable age, if a person of suitable


age can be found, and if not, by posting the copy of the charge in


a conspicuous place at the officer's last known place of residence.


     (4) The office of county auditor becomes vacant immediately


upon the county auditor's conviction of a felony, regardless of


declaration by an officer or any official acceptance.


     Sec. 252. (1) No A person shall be is not eligible to the


office of county road commissioner who shall not have been unless


he or she is a citizen of the United States and a qualified and


registered elector of the county in which election is sought for at


least 1 year next preceding before his or her election. , nor shall


A person is not eligible to the office of county road commissioner


if he be or she is a member of the county board of supervisors




     (2) A person is not eligible to the office of county road


commissioner if the person has been convicted of a felony under the


laws of this state or an offense under the law of another state or


the United States substantially corresponding to a felony in this




     Sec. 268. (1) The governor may remove any a county road


commissioner when he shall be if the governor is satisfied from


sufficient the evidence submitted to him, as hereinafter provided,


that such the officer has been guilty of official misconduct, or of


wilful willful neglect of duty, or of extortion, or habitual


drunkenness , or has been convicted of being drunk. , or whenever


it shall appear by a certified copy of the judgment of a court of


record of this state that such officer, after his election or


appointment, shall have been convicted of a felony; but the The


governor shall not take no action upon any such the charges made to


him against any such the officer until the same shall have been


exhibited to him charges are submitted in writing , and verified by


the affidavit sworn statement of the party making them , that he or


she believes the charges to be true. But no such The officer shall


not be removed for such misconduct or neglect until charges thereof


shall have been exhibited of misconduct or neglect are submitted to


the governor as above provided in this section and a copy of the


same charges is served on such the officer, and an opportunity is


given him the officer of being heard in his or her defense. :


Provided, That the The service of such charges upon the person or


persons officer complained against shall be made by handing to such


person or persons the officer a copy of such the charges, together


with all affidavits or exhibits which may be attached to the


original petition, if such person or persons the officer can be


found; and if not, by leaving a copy at the last place of residence


of such person or persons the officer, with some person of suitable


age, if such person can be found; and if not, by posting it in some


conspicuous place upon his the officer's last known place of


residence. No officer who has been removed in accordance with the


provisions of this section shall be eligible to election or


appointment to any office for a period of 3 years from the date of


such removal.


     (2) The office of county road commissioner becomes vacant


immediately upon the county road commissioner's conviction of a


felony, regardless of declaration by an officer or any official




     Sec. 281. (1) A person shall is not be eligible to membership


on the state board of education, the board of regents of the


university of Michigan, the board of trustees of Michigan state


university, or the board of governors of Wayne state university if


the person is not a registered and qualified elector of this state


on the date the person is nominated for the office.


     (2) A person who has been convicted of a violation of section


12a(1) of 1941 PA 370, MCL 38.412a, shall not be eligible to


membership on any of the boards enumerated in this section for a


period of 20 years after conviction felony under the laws of this


state or an offense under the law of another state or the United


States substantially corresponding to a felony in this state is not


eligible for election or appointment to membership on any of the


boards enumerated in this section.


     (3) The office of a member of a board enumerated in this


section becomes vacant immediately upon the board member's


conviction of a felony, regardless of declaration by an officer or


any official acceptance.


     Sec. 302. An individual is eligible for election as a school


board member if the individual is a citizen of the United States,


and is a qualified and registered elector of the school district


the individual seeks to represent by the filing deadline, and has


not been convicted of a felony under the laws of this state or an


offense under the law of another state or the United States


substantially corresponding to a felony in this state. At least 1


school board member for a school district shall be elected at each


of the school district's regular elections held as provided in


section 642 or 642a. Except as otherwise provided in this section


or section 310 or 644g, a school board member's term of office is


prescribed by the applicable provision of section 11a, 617, 701, or


703 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.11a, 380.617,


380.701, and 380.703, or section 34, 34a, 41, 54, or 83 of the


community college act of 1966, 1966 PA 331, MCL 389.34, 389.34a,


389.41, 389.54, and 389.83. Except as provided in section 302a, if


a ballot question changing the number of school board members or


changing the terms of office for school board members pursuant to


section 11a of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.11a,


is proposed and a school district needs a temporary variance from


the terms of office provisions in this act and the revised school


code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852, to phase in or out school


board members' terms of office, the school board shall submit the


proposed ballot question language and a proposed transition plan to


the secretary of state at least 30 days before the school board


submits the ballot question language to the school district


election coordinator pursuant to section 312. The secretary of


state shall approve or reject the proposed transition plan within


10 business days of receipt of the proposed transition plan. The


secretary of state shall approve the proposed transition plan if


the plan provides only temporary relief to the school district from


the terms of office provisions in this act and the revised school


code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852, until such time that the


terms of office for school board members can be made to comply with


this act and the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to


380.1852. The school board shall not submit the proposed ballot


question language to the school district election coordinator


pursuant to section 312 until the proposed transition plan is


approved by the secretary of state. A school board member's term


begins on 1 of the following dates:


     (a) If elected at an election held on a November regular


election date, January 1 immediately following the election.


     (b) If elected at an election held on a May regular election


date, July 1 immediately following the election.


     Sec. 327. (1) A person who has been convicted of a felony


under the laws of this state or an offense under the law of another


state or the United States substantially corresponding to a felony


in this state is not eligible for election or appointment to an


elective city office.


     (2) The governor shall remove all city officers chosen by the


electors the holder of an elective office of a city or any a ward


or voting district of a city , when if the governor is satisfied


from finds, based on sufficient evidence, submitted to the governor


that the officer has been is guilty of official misconduct, wilful


willful neglect of duty, extortion, or habitual drunkenness , or


has been convicted of being drunk. , or whenever it appears by a


certified copy of the judgment of a court of record of this state


that a city officer, after the officer's election or appointment,


has been convicted of a felony.


     (3) The governor shall not take action upon any charges made


to the governor a charge against a city officer until the charges


have been exhibited charge is submitted to the governor in writing,


verified by the affidavit with the sworn statement of the charging


party, making them, stating that he or she believes the charges


charge to be true. But a A city officer shall not be removed for


misconduct or neglect until charges of misconduct or neglect have


been exhibited the charge is submitted to the governor as provided


in this section, and a copy of the charges charge is served on the


officer, and an opportunity is given the officer of being to be


heard in his or her defense. The service of the charges upon the


officer complained against required in this subsection shall be


made by personal service to the officer of and shall include a copy


of the charges, together with all affidavits or exhibits which may


be charge and each sworn statement and exhibit attached to the


original petition. , if the officer can be found; and if not, If


the officer cannot be found, service may be made by leaving a copy


at the officer's last known place of residence of the officer, with


a person of suitable age, if a person of suitable age can be found,


; and if not, by posting the copy of the charges charge in a


conspicuous place at the officer's last known place of residence.


An officer who has been removed from office pursuant to this


section shall not be eligible for election or appointment to any


office for a period of 3 years from the date of the removal. A


person who has been convicted of a violation of section 12a(1) of


Act No. 370 of the Public Acts of 1941, being section 38.412a of


the Michigan Compiled Laws, shall not be eligible for election or


appointment to an elective or appointive city office for a period


of 20 years after conviction.


     (4) An elective office of a city, a ward, or a voting district


of a city becomes vacant immediately upon the officer's conviction


of a felony, regardless of declaration by an officer or any


official acceptance.


     Sec. 342. (1) A person shall is not be eligible to a an


elective township office unless the person is a registered and


qualified elector of the township in which election is sought by


the filing deadline. A person shall is not be eligible for


membership on the board of review unless, in addition to the


qualifications for eligibility to a an elective township office,


the person is a landowner and taxpayer in the township.


     (2) A person who has been convicted of a violation of section


12a(1) of 1941 PA 370, MCL 38.412a, shall not be eligible for


election or appointment to an elective or appointive township


office for a period of 20 years after conviction felony under the


laws of this state or an offense under the law of another state or


the United States substantially corresponding to a felony in this


state is not eligible for election or appointment to an elective


township office.


     Sec. 369. (1) The governor shall remove a township officer


chosen by the electors of any township , when if the governor is


satisfied from the evidence submitted that the officer has been


guilty of official misconduct, wilful willful neglect of duty,


extortion, or habitual drunkenness , or has been convicted of being


drunk. , or when it appears by a certified copy of the judgment of


a court of record of this state that the officer, after the


officer's election or appointment, was convicted of a felony. The


governor shall not take action upon the charges made against the


officer until the charges are exhibited submitted in writing , and


verified by the affidavit sworn statement of the party making the


charges that the party believes the charges to be true. The officer


shall not be removed for misconduct or neglect until charges of the


misconduct or neglect are exhibited submitted to the governor as


provided in this section, a copy of the charges is served on the


officer, and an opportunity is given to the officer of being heard


in his defense. The service of the charges upon the officer shall


be made by handing to the officer a copy of the charges, together


with the affidavits or exhibits which may be attached to the


original petition if the officer can be found. ; if If the officer


cannot be found, a copy shall be left at the last place of


residence of the officer with a person of suitable age, if a person


can be found. If a person of suitable age cannot be found, a copy


shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon the officer's last


known place of residence. An officer who has been removed in


accordance with this section shall not be eligible for election or


appointment to an office for a period of 3 years after the date of


removal from office.


     (2) An elective township office becomes vacant immediately


upon the officer's conviction of a felony, regardless of


declaration by an officer or any official acceptance.


     Sec. 383. (1) A person who has been convicted of a felony


under the laws of this state or an offense under the law of another


state or the United States substantially corresponding to a felony


in this state is not eligible for election or appointment to an


elective village office.


     (2) The governor shall remove all village officers chosen by


the electors of a village when the holder of an elective village


office if the governor is satisfied from finds, based on sufficient


evidence, submitted to the governor that the officer has been is


guilty of official misconduct, wilful willful neglect of duty,


extortion, or habitual drunkenness , or has been convicted of being


drunk. , or whenever it appears by a certified copy of the judgment


of a court of record of this state that a village officer, after


the officer's election or appointment, has been convicted of a




     (3) The governor shall not take action upon any charges made


to the governor a charge against a village officer until the


charges have been exhibited charge is submitted to the governor in


writing, verified by the affidavit with the sworn statement of the


charging party making them, stating that the party believes the


charges charge to be true. A village officer shall not be removed


for misconduct or neglect until charges of misconduct or neglect


have been exhibited the charge is submitted to the governor as


provided in this section, and a copy of the charges charge is


served on the officer, and an opportunity is given the officer of


being to be heard in his or her defense. The service of the charges


upon the person or persons complained against required under this


subsection shall be made by personal service to the officer of and


shall include a copy of the charges, together with all affidavits


or exhibits which may be charge and each sworn statement and


exhibit attached to the original petition. , if the officer can be


found; and if not, If the officer cannot be found, service may be


made by leaving a copy of the charges charge at the officer's last


known place of residence of the officer with a person of suitable


age, if a person of suitable age can be found, ; and if not, by


posting the copy of the charges charge in a conspicuous place at


the officer's last known place of residence. An officer who has


been removed from office pursuant to this section shall not be


eligible for election or appointment to any office for a period of


3 years from the date of the removal from office. A person who has


been convicted of a violation of section 12a(1) of Act No. 370 of


the Public Acts of 1941, being section 38.412a of the Michigan


Compiled Laws, shall not be eligible for election or appointment to


an elective or appointive village office for a period of 20 years


after conviction.


     (4) An elective village office becomes vacant immediately upon


the officer's conviction of a felony, regardless of declaration by


an officer or any official acceptance.