May 7, 2008, Introduced by Reps. Green, Kathleen Law, Miller, Amos, Meisner, Simpson, Leland, Robert Jones, Vagnozzi, Jackson, Young, Byrnes, Rick Jones, Polidori, Gonzales, Garfield, Wenke, Meadows, Alma Smith and Clack and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.


     A bill to amend 1998 PA 386, entitled


"Estates and protected individuals code,"


by amending section 5314 (MCL 700.5314), as amended by 2000 PA 469.




     Sec. 5314. Whenever meaningful communication is possible, a


legally incapacitated individual's guardian shall consult with the


legally incapacitated individual before making a major decision


affecting the legally incapacitated individual. Except as limited


under section 5306, a legally incapacitated individual's guardian


is responsible for the ward's care, custody, and control, but is


not liable to third persons by reason of that responsibility for


the ward's acts. In particular and without qualifying the previous


sentences, a guardian has all of the following powers and duties,


except as modified by court order:


     (a) To the extent that it is consistent with the terms of an


order by a court of competent jurisdiction relating to the ward's


detention or commitment, the guardian is entitled to custody of the


person of the guardian's ward and may establish the ward's place of


residence within or without this state. A ward's guardian shall


visit the ward within 3 months after the guardian's appointment and


not less than once within 3 months after each previous visit. The


guardian must notify the court within 14 days of a change in the


ward's place of residence.


     (b) If entitled to custody of the ward, the guardian must make


provision for the ward's care, comfort, and maintenance and, when


appropriate, arrange for the ward's training and education. The


guardian shall secure services to restore the ward to the best


possible state of mental and physical well-being so that the ward


can return to self-management at the earliest possible time.


Without regard to custodial rights of the ward's person, the


guardian must take reasonable care of the ward's clothing,


furniture, vehicles, and other personal effects and commence a


protective proceeding if the ward's other property needs


protection. If a guardian commences a protective proceeding because


the guardian believes that it is in the ward's best interest to


sell or otherwise dispose of the ward's real property or interest


in real property, the court may appoint the guardian as special


conservator and authorize the special conservator to proceed under


section 5423(3). A guardian shall not otherwise sell the ward's


real property or interest in real property.


     (c) A guardian may give the consent or approval that is


necessary to enable the ward to receive medical or other


professional care, counsel, treatment, or service, including


hospitalization under section 415 of the mental health code, 1974


PA 258, MCL 330.1415, or mental health outpatient care and


treatment recommended by a mental health professional.


     (d) If a conservator for the ward's estate is not appointed, a


guardian may do any of the following:


     (i) Institute a proceeding to compel a person under a duty to


support the ward or to pay money for the ward's welfare to perform


that duty.


     (ii) Receive money and tangible property deliverable to the


ward and apply the money and property for the ward's support, care,


and education. The guardian shall not use money from the ward's


estate for room and board that the guardian or the guardian's


spouse, parent, or child have furnished the ward unless a charge


for the service is approved by court order made upon notice to at


least 1 of the ward's next of kin, if notice is possible. The


guardian shall exercise care to conserve any excess for the ward's




     (e) The guardian shall report the condition of the ward and


the ward's estate that is subject to the guardian's possession or


control, as required by the court, but not less often than


annually. The guardian shall also serve the report required under


this subdivision on the ward and interested persons as specified in


the Michigan court rules. A report under this subdivision must


contain all of the following:


     (i) The ward's current mental, physical, and social condition.


     (ii) Improvement or deterioration in the ward's mental,


physical, and social condition that occurred during the past year.


     (iii) The ward's present living arrangement and changes in his


or her living arrangement that occurred during the past year.


     (iv) Whether the guardian recommends a more suitable living


arrangement for the ward.


     (v) Medical treatment received by the ward.


     (vi) Services received by the ward.


     (vii) A list of the guardian's visits with, and activities on


behalf of, the ward.


     (viii) A recommendation as to the need for continued




     (f) If a conservator is appointed, the guardian shall pay to


the conservator, for management as provided in this act, the amount


of the ward's estate received by the guardian in excess of the


amount the guardian expends for the ward's current support, care,


and education. The guardian shall account to the conservator for


the amount expended.