October 31, 2007, Introduced by Rep. Gillard and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy.


     A bill to amend 2007 PA 36, entitled


"Michigan business tax act,"


by amending sections 201, 203, 235, 263, 417, and 601 (MCL


208.1201, 208.1203, 208.1235, 208.1263, 208.1417, and 208.1601),


section 201 as amended by 2007 PA 90; and to repeal acts and parts


of acts.




     Sec. 201. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act, there


is levied and imposed a business income tax on every taxpayer with


business activity within in this state unless prohibited by 15 USC


381 to 384. The business income tax is imposed on the business


income tax base, after allocation or apportionment to this state,


at the rate of 4.95%.


     (2) The business income tax base means a taxpayer's business


income subject to the following adjustments, before allocation or


apportionment, and the adjustment in subsection (5) after


allocation or apportionment:


     (a) Add interest income and dividends derived from obligations


or securities of states a state other than this state, in the same


amount that was excluded from federal taxable income, less the


related portion of expenses not deducted in computing federal


taxable income because of sections 265 and 291 of the internal


revenue code.


     (b) Add all taxes on or measured by net income and the tax


imposed under this act to the extent the taxes were deducted in


arriving at federal taxable income.


     (c) Add any carryback or carryover of a net operating loss to


the extent deducted in arriving at federal taxable income.


     (d) To the extent included in federal taxable income, deduct


dividends and royalties received from entities or persons other


than United States persons and foreign operating entities,


including, but not limited to, amounts determined under section 78


of the internal revenue code or sections 951 to 964 of the internal


revenue code.


     (e) To the extent included in federal taxable income, add the


loss or subtract the income from the business income tax base that


is attributable to another entity or person whose business


activities are taxable under this section or would be subject to


the tax under this section if the business activities were in this




     (f) Except as otherwise provided under this subdivision, to


the extent deducted in arriving at federal taxable income, add any


royalty, interest, or other expense paid to a an entity or person


related to the taxpayer by ownership or control for the use of an


intangible asset if the person is not included in the taxpayer's


unitary business group. The addition of any royalty, interest, or


other expense described under this subdivision is not required to


be added if the taxpayer can demonstrate that the transaction has a


nontax business purpose other than avoidance of this tax, is


conducted with arm's-length pricing and rates and terms as applied


in accordance with sections 482 and 1274(d) of the internal revenue


code, and satisfies 1 of the following:


     (i) Is a pass through of another transaction between a third


party and the related person with comparable rates and terms.


     (ii) Results in double taxation. For purposes of this


subparagraph, double taxation exists if the transaction is subject


to tax in another jurisdiction.


     (iii) Is unreasonable as determined by the treasurer, and the


taxpayer agrees that the addition would be unreasonable based on


the taxpayer's facts and circumstances.


     (g) To the extent included in federal taxable income, deduct


interest income derived from United States obligations.


     (h) To the extent included in federal taxable income, deduct


any earnings that are net earnings from self-employment as defined


under section 1402 of the internal revenue code of the taxpayer or


a partner or limited liability company member of the taxpayer


except to the extent that those net earnings represent a reasonable


return on capital.


     (i) Subject to the limitation provided under this subdivision,


if the book-tax differences for the first fiscal period ending


after July 12, 2007 result in a deferred liability for a person


subject to tax under this act, deduct the following percentages of


the total book-tax difference for each qualifying asset, for each


of the successive 15 tax years beginning with the 2015 tax year:


     (i) For the 2015 through 2019 tax years, 4%.


     (ii) For the 2020 through 2024 tax years, 6%.


     (iii) For the 2025 through 2029 tax years, 10%.


     (3) The deduction under subsection (2)(i) shall not exceed the


amount necessary to offset the net deferred tax liability of the


taxpayer as computed in accordance with generally accepted


accounting principles which would otherwise result from the


imposition of the business income tax under this section and the


modified gross receipts tax under section 203 if the deduction


provided under this subdivision were not allowed. For purposes of


the calculation of the deduction under subsection (2)(i), a book-


tax difference shall only be used once in the calculation of the


deduction arising from the taxpayer's business income tax base


under this section and once in the calculation of the deduction


arising from the taxpayer's modified gross receipts tax base under


section 203. The adjustment under subsection (2)(i) shall be


calculated without regard to the federal effect of the deduction.


If the adjustment under subsection (2)(i) is greater than the


taxpayer's business income tax base, any adjustment that is unused


may be carried forward and applied as an adjustment to the


taxpayer's business income tax base before apportionment in future


years. In order to claim this deduction, the department may require


the taxpayer to report the amount of this deduction on a form as


prescribed by the department that is to be filed on or after the


date that the first quarterly return and estimated payment are due


under this act. As used in subsection (2)(i) and this subsection:


     (a) "Book-tax difference" means the difference, if any,


between the person's qualifying asset's net book value shown on the


person's books and records for the first fiscal period ending after


July 12, 2007 and the qualifying asset's tax basis on that same




     (b) "Qualifying asset" means any asset shown on the person's


books and records for the first fiscal period ending after July 12,


2007, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.


     (4) For purposes of subsections (2) and (3), the business


income of a unitary business group is the sum of the business


income of each entity or person, other than a foreign operating


entity or a person subject to the tax imposed under chapter 2A or


2B, included in the unitary business group less any items of income


and related deductions arising from transactions including


dividends between persons included in the unitary business group.


     (5) Deduct any available business loss incurred after December


31, 2007. As used in this subsection, "business loss" means a


negative business income taxable amount after allocation or


apportionment. The business loss shall be carried forward to the


year immediately succeeding the loss year as an offset to the


allocated or apportioned business income tax base, then


successively to the next 9 taxable years following the loss year or


until the loss is used up, whichever occurs first, but for not more


than 10 taxable years after the loss year.


     Sec. 203. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act, there


is levied and imposed a modified gross receipts tax on every


taxpayer with nexus as determined under section 200. The modified


gross receipts tax is imposed on the modified gross receipts tax


base, after allocation or apportionment to this state at a rate of




     (2) The tax levied and imposed under this section is upon the


privilege of doing business and not upon income or property.


     (3) The modified gross receipts tax base means a taxpayer's


gross receipts less purchases from other firms before apportionment


under this act. The modified gross receipts of a unitary business


group is the sum of modified gross receipts of each entity or


person, other than a foreign operating entity or a person subject


to the tax imposed under chapter 2A or 2B, included in the unitary


business group less any modified gross receipts arising from


transactions between entities or persons included in the unitary


business group.


     (4) For the 2008 tax year, deduct 65% of any remaining


business loss carryforward calculated under section 23b(h) of


former 1975 PA 228 that was actually incurred in the 2006 or 2007


tax year to the extent not deducted in tax years beginning before


January 1, 2008. A deduction under this subsection shall not


include any business loss carryforward that was incurred before


January 1, 2006. If the taxpayer is a unitary business group, the


business loss carryforward under this subsection may only be


deducted against the modified gross receipts tax base of that


entity or person included in the unitary business group calculated


as if the entity or person was not included in the unitary business




     (5) Nothing in this act shall prohibit a taxpayer who


qualifies for the credit under section 445 or a taxpayer who is a


dealer of new or used personal watercraft from collecting the tax


imposed under this section in addition to the sales price. The


amount remitted to the department for the tax under this section


shall not be less than the stated and collected amount.


     Sec. 235. (1) Each An insurance company shall pay a the tax


determined levied and imposed under this chapter.


     (2) The An insurance company shall pay a tax imposed by this


chapter on each insurance company shall be a tax equal to 1.25% of


gross direct premiums written on property or risk located or


residing in this state. Direct premiums do not include any of the




     (a) Premiums on policies not taken.


     (b) Returned premiums on canceled policies.


     (c) Receipts from the sale of annuities.


     (d) Receipts on reinsurance premiums if the tax has been paid


on the original premiums.


     (e) The first $190,000,000.00 of disability insurance premiums


written in this state, other than credit insurance and disability


income insurance premiums, of each insurance company subject to tax


under this chapter. This exemption shall be reduced by $2.00 for


each $1.00 by which the insurance company's gross direct premiums


from insurance carrier services in this state and outside this


state exceed $280,000,000.00.


     (3) The tax calculated levied and imposed under this chapter


is in lieu of all other privilege or franchise fees or taxes


imposed by this act or any other law of this state, except taxes on


real and personal property, taxes collected under the general sales


tax act, 1933 PA 167, MCL 205.1 to 205.78, and taxes collected


under the use tax act, 1937 PA 94, MCL 205.91 to 205.111, and


except as otherwise provided in the insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA


218, MCL 500.100 to 500.8302.


     Sec. 263. (1) Every financial institution with nexus in this


state as determined under section 200 is subject to a franchise tax


levied and imposed under this act. The franchise tax is imposed


upon the tax base of the financial institution as determined under


section 265 after allocation or apportionment to this state, at the


rate of 0.235%.


     (2) The tax under this chapter is in lieu of the a tax levied


and imposed under chapter 2 of this act.


     Sec. 417. (1) The credit provided in under this section shall


be taken after the credits under sections 403 and 405 and before


any other credit under this act and is available to any taxpayer


with gross receipts that do not exceed $20,000,000.00 and with


adjusted business income minus the loss adjustment that does not


exceed $1,300,000.00 as adjusted annually for inflation using the


Detroit consumer price index and subject to the following:


     (a) An individual, a partnership, a limited partnership, a


limited liability company, or a subchapter S corporation is


disqualified if the individual, any 1 partner of the partnership,


any 1 partner of the limited partnership, any 1 member of the


limited liability company, or any 1 shareholder of the subchapter S


corporation receives more than $180,000.00 as a distributive share


of the adjusted business income minus the loss adjustment of the


individual, the partnership, the limited partnership, the limited


liability company, or the subchapter S corporation.


     (b) A corporation other than a subchapter S corporation is


disqualified if either of the following occur for the respective


tax year:


     (i) Compensation and directors' fees of a shareholder or


officer exceed $180,000.00.


     (ii) The sum of the following amounts exceeds $180,000.00:


     (A) Compensation and directors' fees of a shareholder.


     (B) The product of the percentage of outstanding ownership or


of outstanding stock owned by that shareholder multiplied by the


difference between the sum of business income and, to the extent


deducted in determining federal taxable income, a carryback or a


carryover of a net operating loss or capital loss, minus the loss




     (c) Subject to the reduction percentage determined under


subsection (3), the credit determined under this subsection shall


be reduced by the following percentages in the following




     (i) If an individual, any 1 partner of the partnership, any 1


partner of the limited partnership, any 1 member of the limited


liability company, or any 1 shareholder of the subchapter S


corporation receives as a distributive share of adjusted business


income minus the loss adjustment of the individual, partnership,


limited partnership, limited liability company, or subchapter S


corporation; if compensation and directors' fees of a shareholder


or officer of a corporation other than a subchapter S corporation


are; or if the sum of the amounts in subdivision (b)(ii)(A) and (B)


is more than $160,000.00 but less than $165,000.00, the credit is


reduced by 20%.


     (ii) If an individual, any 1 partner of the partnership, any 1


partner of the limited partnership, any 1 member of the limited


liability company, or any 1 shareholder of the subchapter S


corporation receives as a distributive share of adjusted business


income minus the loss adjustment of the individual, partnership,


limited partnership, limited liability company, or subchapter S


corporation; if compensation and directors' fees of a shareholder


or officer of a corporation other than a subchapter S corporation


are; or if the sum of the amounts in subdivision (b)(ii)(A) and (B)


is $165,000.00 or more but less than $170,000.00, the credit is


reduced by 40%.


     (iii) If an individual, any 1 partner of the partnership, any 1


partner of the limited partnership, any 1 member of the limited


liability company, or any 1 shareholder of the subchapter S


corporation receives as a distributive share of adjusted business


income minus the loss adjustment of the individual, partnership,


limited partnership, limited liability company, or subchapter S


corporation; if compensation and directors' fees of a shareholder


or officer of a corporation other than a subchapter S corporation


are; or if the sum of the amounts in subdivision (b)(ii)(A) and (B)


is $170,000.00 or more but less than $175,000.00, the credit is


reduced by 60%.


     (iv) If an individual, any 1 partner of the partnership, any 1


partner of the limited partnership, any 1 member of the limited


liability company, or any 1 shareholder of the subchapter S


corporation receives as a distributive share of adjusted business


income minus the loss adjustment of the individual, partnership,


limited partnership, limited liability company, or subchapter S


corporation; if compensation and directors' fees of a shareholder


or officer of a corporation other than a subchapter S corporation


are; or if the sum of the amounts in subdivision (b)(ii)(A) and (B)


is $175,000.00 or more but not in excess of $180,000.00, the credit


is reduced by 80%.


     (2) For the purposes of determining disqualification under


subsection (1), an active shareholder's share of business income


shall not be attributed to another active shareholder.


     (3) To determine the reduction percentage under subsection


(1)(c), the following apply:


     (a) The reduction percentage for a partnership, limited


partnership, limited liability company, or subchapter S corporation


is based on the distributive share of adjusted business income


minus loss adjustment of the partner, limited partner, member, or


shareholder with the greatest distributive share of adjusted


business income minus loss adjustment.


     (b) The reduction percentage for a corporation other than a


subchapter S corporation is the greater of the following:


     (i) The reduction percentage based on the compensation and


directors' fees of the shareholder or officer with the greatest


amount of compensation and directors' fees.


     (ii) The reduction percentage based on the sum of the amounts


in subsection (1)(b)(ii)(A) and (B) for the shareholder or officer


with the greatest sum of the amounts in subsection (1)(b)(ii)(A) and




     (4) A taxpayer that qualifies under subsection (1) is allowed


a credit against the tax imposed under this act. The credit under


this subsection is the amount by which the tax imposed under this


act exceeds 1.8% of adjusted business income.


     (5) If gross receipts exceed $19,000,000.00, the credit shall


be reduced by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of


gross receipts over $19,000,000.00 and the denominator of which is


$1,000,000.00. The credit shall not exceed 100% of the tax


liability imposed under this act.


     (6) For a taxpayer that reports for a tax year less than 12


months, the amounts specified in this section for gross receipts,


adjusted business income, and share of business income shall be


multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of


months in the tax year and the denominator of which is 12.


     (7) The department shall permit a taxpayer that elects to


claim the credit allowed under this section based on the amount by


which the tax imposed under this act exceeds the percentage of


adjusted business income for the tax year as determined under


subsection (4), and that is not required to reduce the credit


pursuant to subsection (1) or (5), to file and pay the tax imposed


by this act without computing the a tax imposed under sections 201


and 203.


     (8) Compensation paid by the professional employer


organization to the officers of the client and to employees of the


professional employer organization who are assigned or leased to


and perform services for the client shall be included in


determining eligibility of the client under this section.


     (9) As used in this section:


     (a) "Active shareholder" means a shareholder who receives at


least $10,000.00 in compensation, directors' fees, or dividends


from the business, and who owns at least 5% of the outstanding


stock or other ownership interest.


     (b) "Adjusted business income" means business income as


defined in section 105 with all of the following adjustments:


     (i) Add compensation and directors' fees of active shareholders


of a corporation.


     (ii) Add, to the extent deducted in determining federal taxable


income, a carryback or a carryover of a net operating loss.


     (iii) Add, to the extent deducted in determining federal taxable


income, a capital loss.


     (iv) Add compensation and directors' fees of officers of a




     (c) "Detroit consumer price index" means the most


comprehensive index of consumer prices available for the Detroit


area from the United States department of labor, bureau of labor




     (d) "Loss adjustment" means the amount by which adjusted


business income was less than zero in any of the 5 tax years


immediately preceding the tax year for which eligibility for the


credit under this section is being determined. In determining the


loss adjustment for a tax year, a taxpayer is not required to use


more of the taxpayer's total negative adjusted business income than


the amount needed to qualify the taxpayer for the credit under this


section. A taxpayer shall not be considered to have used any


portion of the taxpayer's negative adjusted business income amount


unless the portion used is necessary to qualify for the credit


under this section. A taxpayer shall not reuse a negative adjusted


business income amount used as a loss adjustment in a previous tax


year or use a negative adjusted business income amount from a year


in which the taxpayer did not receive the credit under this




     Sec. 601. (1) For the 2008 fiscal year, except as otherwise


provided under subsection (4), if total net cash payments from the


tax imposed under this act plus any net cash payments from former


1975 PA 228 less any net cash payments made by insurance companies


under either act this act or former 1975 PA 228 exceed


$2,398,000,000.00, 50% of that excess shall be refunded in the


immediately succeeding fiscal year as provided in subsection (5)


and the remaining 50% shall be deposited into the countercyclical


budget and economic stabilization fund. pursuant to section 353 of


the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1353.


     (2) For the 2009 fiscal year, except as otherwise provided


under subsection (4), if total net cash payments from the tax


imposed under this act, excluding any revenue collected pursuant to


chapter 2A, exceed the fiscal year 2009 base, 50% of that excess


shall be refunded in the immediately succeeding fiscal year as


provided in subsection (5) and the remaining 50% shall be deposited


into the countercyclical budget and economic stabilization fund.


pursuant to section 353 of the management and budget act, 1984 PA


431, MCL 18.1353. To calculate the fiscal year 2009 base, the


department shall multiply $2,398,000,000.00 by 1.01 and then


multiply this product by 2009 fiscal year Michigan personal income


divided by 2008 fiscal year Michigan personal income.


     (3) For the 2010 fiscal year, except as otherwise provided


under subsection (4), if total net cash payments from the tax


imposed under this act, excluding any revenue collected pursuant to


chapter 2A, exceed the fiscal year 2010 base, 50% of that excess


shall be refunded in the immediately succeeding fiscal year as


provided in subsection (5) and the remaining 50% shall be deposited


into the countercyclical budget and economic stabilization fund.


pursuant to section 353 of the management and budget act, 1984 PA


431, MCL 18.1353. To calculate the fiscal year 2010 base, the


department shall multiply $2,398,000,000.00 by 1.0201 and then


multiply this product by 2010 fiscal year Michigan personal income


divided by 2008 fiscal year Michigan personal income.


     (4) If the amount of the total net cash payments collected


from the tax imposed under this act, excluding any revenue


collected pursuant to chapter 2A, exceeds the amount described in


the applicable subsection by less than $5,000,000.00, then all of


that excess shall be deposited into the countercyclical budget and


economic stabilization fund. pursuant to section 353 of the


management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1353.


     (5) The refund available authorized under subsection (1), (2),


or (3) shall be applied pro rata to the taxpayers that made


positive net cash payments during the fiscal year. The taxpayer's


pro rata share shall be the total amount to be refunded under


subsection (1), (2), or (3) multiplied by a fraction the numerator


of which is the positive net payments made by the taxpayer during


the fiscal year and the denominator of which is the sum of the


positive net cash payments made by all taxpayers during the fiscal




     (6) As used in this section:


     (a) "Budget stabilization fund" means the countercyclical


budget and economic stabilization fund created under section 351 of


the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1351.


     (b) (a) "Fiscal year" means the state fiscal year that


commences October 1 and continues through September 30.


     (c) (b) "Fiscal year Michigan personal income" is means the


average of the 4 quarterly values for the fiscal year, as published


by the United States department of commerce, bureau of economic


analysis. Fiscal year personal income for subsection (2) is


calculated using the personal income totals published in December


2009. Fiscal year personal income for subsection (3) is calculated


using the personal income totals published in December 2010.


     (d) (c) "Net cash payments" for the fiscal year are equal to


cash annual and estimated payments made during the fiscal year less


refunds paid during the fiscal year. Refunds paid under this


section are not used to reduce net cash payments for purposes of


calculating refunds paid out under this section.


     Enacting section 1. (1) Section 6a of the use tax act, 1937 PA


94, MCL 205.96a, is repealed effective December 31, 2010.


     (2) Sections 353c, 353e, and 353f of the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1353c, 18.1353e, and 18.1353f, are




     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act takes effect January


1, 2008 and applies to all business activity occurring after


December 31, 2007.